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“She must pledge herself to Ainz-sama as well. There can be no other answer.”

“Although in the past, I put my objective of travelling as a priority… it seems I’ve gotten myself entangled with this city. Will it be alright if I don’t kneel?”

Ainz once more whispered into the ear of the beauty.

“That is permissible, and so it is decided. Momon, work hard for Ainz-sama.”

“…I understand. But remember that if you harm the people of the city for no reason, this sword will be aimed at you and your master.”

“…In that case, when the people of this city rise up in revolt against Ainz-sama, I hope that sword will also be pointed at those who rebel. It doesn’t matter if they are children or not. I look forward to the time when this city will rise up against us, and to your agonized face as you execute its people.

Then, we shall be going ahead first. Do join up with us afterwards.”

Ainz Ooal Gown’s entourage continued steadily forward. After the long procession had finally faded out of sight, the people streamed out of their homes. It was amazing how so many people managed to keep themselves so well hidden.

Everyone was praising Momon.

Just as Momon started using his hands to wave away the tide of adoration, a sound rang out clearly over the crowd. It was the sound of the mother slapping her son.

“Why did you do that?!”

Again and again, she slapped her son.

Both mother and child were crying, but even so, she didn’t stop hitting him.

Momon grasped the mother’s hand.

“Could you let him be for now? There’s something I’d like to ask him.”

“This boy has caused so much trouble for you, Momon-sama! We sincerely apologize from the bottoms of our hearts!”

“No, please, pay it no heed. There’s no need to apologize, Ah, there’s no need to cry either. I have some questions for you.”

As Momon tried to hush the boy‘s crying, he asked the boy why he had done it.

Everyone thought the boy must have wanted to avenge his father, but the boy said that after a strange man lectured him, he felt that he had to throw the rock.

“I see… dear mother, there’s no need to punish your child. This might be the result of magical control. It’s a plot by the Theocracy, trying to force me into a confrontation with Ainz Ooal Gown.”

“…No, the Theocracy wouldn’t do that. Isn’t it Ainz Ooal Gown’s plot to make Momon-sama into his vassal?”

Momon nodded deeply to the shopkeeper who spoke. He had opened his shop here just a couple of years ago.

“That is certainly a possibility. But on the other hand, it is also a good opportunity. Since I have an excuse to be by his side, I can monitor his movements. If he plans to harm you, I will take his head.

But in exchange, I hope you will not revolt against Ainz Ooal Gown.”

“Why shouldn’t we?! As long as we have Momon-sama—”

“—Please do not continue that line of conversation. They are waiting for someone to speak those words. If the idea of rebellion comes up, he will order me to kill you. Perhaps that’s what they’ve been hoping for.”

Momon spread his arms, and continued speaking to everyone openly.

“I cannot be the one who breaks the agreement made just now. Because of that, I hope everyone will be able to bear with anything unreasonable they say. However, if anyone feels they are being treated poorly, please inform me.”

As they realized that Momon was saying he was a hostage, the faces of the people took on pained looks.

To those people, Momon smiled gently.

“However, I hope you will not worry too much. To begin, that fellow might end up being a good dictator. Let’s wait and see. Also, if the Theocracy makes a move, they might try to incite you to revolt. I hope you will all keep your eyes open.”

Nobody could accept this from the bottom of their hearts.

But at the same time, nobody could voice their opposition to him.

Ainz Ooal Gown was undead. Nobody could trust a dangerous being like that which bore a hatred for the living. And, of course, everybody trusted Momon. In fact, Momon had even given up on his goals for the sake of the city folk. It was only natural that they would give their allegiance to Momon in turn.

Everyone present agreed with Momon’s proposal, and after promising to spread these words to the people around them, they dispersed.

As a result, E-Rantel became a place the neighboring countries scarcely believed could exist, a peaceful city without bloodshed, existing under the rule of Ainz Ooal Gown.

Volume 9 Afterword

Thanks to everybody who read Volume 9. For some reason, it became another big and heavy volume for some reason.

When I first started writing, I asked the editor “Since there’s not much to write for this volume, It should be around 200 pages, right?”. But when I received the printed volume, I wondered “Why is it so thick?”

It’s very strange.

It’s really strange. Where did the all pages beyond page 200 come from?

But I do want to try finishing a volume that’s around 300 pages long and not 300 pages each for just Part 1 and Part 2.

Either way, I don’t know what happened, but the developments in the next volume will be completely different from the web novel, so please look forward to it. I’m going to say that Volume 10 will be 300 pages long.

Speaking of which, last week, the “Overlord” manga drawn by Fukayama Fugin-sensei went on sale. This week, Volume 9 of the light novel came out, and next week will be the start of the Overlord animation broadcast. These 3 weeks will be full of Overlord.

We produced a great work thanks to the help of everyone working on it. (Especially so-bin sama…

He has so much work to do, it makes me tear up everytime I think about it. It’s like… well it’s not like I don’t feel like choking myself on several occasion either.) I hope you all can enjoy the manga, the novel and the anime.

And now for, the usual acknowledgements.

I thank so-bin sama for his amazing illustrations and working on the animation and manga with all his soul.

The designer, Chord Design Studio not only worked on the light novel, but on the Overlord animation’s logo as well. The anime logos are cool and amazing. Murata-sama, who worked hard for drawing out the map. Oosaku-sama and Itou-sama checked and edited, so thank you as well. I thank everybody who worked hard to help me make a thick volume, but to F-da-sama who doesn’t think Overlord is very thick compared to other books he’s in charge of, thank you as well. And to Jun Hani who, as a father, said “children are amazing” at the scene with Marquis Raeven, thank you very much, as always.

Although I can’t fit everyone in here, I thank everyone who took part in not just the novel, but in manga and Overlord animation as well!