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Performance Tips

• Try holding your breath as you press the kettlebell (Caution: Make sure to clear this with your doctor if you have high blood pressure or any heart problems).

• Look straight ahead (not up or down) as you press and lower the kettlebell.

• Flex your lat as hard as possible before pressing the weight for added stability and power.

• As you lower the kettlebell back to the starting position, actively pull it with your lat as if you are doing a lat pull-down or chin up.

• Contract your abs and glutes as hard as possible as you press the kettlebell for added stability and power.

• Crush the kettlebell handle as hard as possible for increased strength.

Seated One-arm Kettlebell Military Press

Exercise Description

Sit on the floor and spread your legs out comfortably. Place a kettlebell in one arm in the clean position. Press the kettlebell up and out until it is locked out overhead.

Performance Tips

• Try holding your breath as you press the weight (Caution: Make sure to clear this with your doctor if you have high blood pressure or any heart problems).

• Look straight ahead (not up or down) as you press and lower the kettlebell.

• Flex your glutes and abs before you press the kettlebell

• Contract your lat for added stability

• Crush grip the kettlebell handle

One Arm Kettlebell Sots Press

Exercise Description

Clean a kettlebell and go into a full squat. From the bottom position of the squat, press the kettlebell up and out until it is locked out overhead.

Performance Tips

• Try holding your breath as you press the weight (Caution: Make sure to clear this with your doctor if you have high blood pressure or any heart problems).

• Look straight ahead (not up or down) as you press and lower the kettlebell.

• Flex your glutes and abs for added stability.

• Contract your lat for added stability

• Crush grip the kettlebell handle

• Make sure that you glutes are resting on your calves for maximum stability

• Do not do this exercise if you cannot do a full squat

Two-arm Kettlebell Military Press

Exercise Description

Clean two kettlebells to your shoulders. Press the kettlebells up and out. As the kettlebells pass your head, lean into the weights so that the kettlebells are racked behind your head.

Performance Tips

• Try holding your breath as you press the kettlebells (Caution: Make sure to clear this with your doctor if you have high blood pressure or any heart problems).

• Look straight ahead (not up or down) as you press and lower the kettlebells.

• Flex your lats as hard as possible before pressing the kettlebells for added stability and power.

• As you lower the kettlebells back to the starting position, actively pull them down with your lats as if you are doing a lat pull-down or chin up.

• Contract your abs and glutes as hard as possible as you press the kettlebells for added stability and power

• Crush the kettlebell handles as hard as possible for increased strength

• Pull your shoulders down before each repetition

Alternating Kettlebell Military Press

Exercise Description

Clean two kettlebells to your shoulders. Holding both kettlebells in the top position, press one while holding the other kettlebell stationary. Lower the pressed kettlebell and immediately press with the kettlebell with your other arm.

Performance Tips

• Get into a rhythm and press the kettlebells as rapidly as possible with solid form

• As you press one kettlebell, pull the other kettlebell down.

• Try holding your breath as you press one kettlebell (Caution: Make sure to clear this with your doctor if you have high blood pressure or any heart problems).

• Look straight ahead (not up or down) as you press and lower the kettlebells.

• Flex your lat as hard as possible before pressing each kettlebell for added stability and power.

• Contract your abs and glutes as hard as possible as you press the kettlebells for added stability and power

• Crush the kettlebell handles as hard as possible for increased strength

• Pull your shoulders down before each repetition

Kettlebell See Saw Press

Exercise Description

Clean two kettlebells to your shoulders. Holding both kettlebells at the top position, lean to the opposite side and press one kettlebell. Lower the pressed kettlebell, lean to the opposite side, and press the kettlebell with your other arm.

Performance Tips

• Get into a rhythm and press the kettlebells as rapidly as possible with solid form

• Try holding your breath as you press one kettlebell (Caution: Make sure to clear this with your doctor if you have high blood pressure or any heart problems).

• Look straight ahead (not up or down) as you press and lower the kettlebells.

• Flex your lat as hard as possible before pressing each kettlebell for added stability and power.

Alternating Hang Kettlebell Clean and Press

Exercise Description

Place two kettlebell on the outside of your feet and deadlift both as if you are picking up two suitcases. Standing upright, swing one kettlebell back and clean it to your shoulder, while holding on to the other kettlebell. Press the cleaned kettlebell overhead. Lower the pressed kettlebell back to your shoulder and take it back to the hang position. Immediately hang clean and press the other kettlebell.

Performance Tips

• Hold your breath as you press one kettlebell (Caution: Make sure to clear this with your doctor if you have high blood pressure or any heart problems).

• Look straight ahead (not up or down) as you press and lower the kettlebells.

• Flex your lat as hard as possible before pressing each kettlebell for added stability and power.

• Make sure that you get a pre-swing before cleaning each kettlebell.

One-arm Kettlebell Floor Press