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Exercise Description

Place a kettlebell in front of your front foot and clean and press a kettlebell overhead with your opposite arm. Keeping the kettlebell locked out at all times, push your butt out in the direction of the locked out kettlebell. Turn your feet out at a forty-five degree angle from the arm with the locked out kettlebell. Lower yourself until you can pick up the kettlebell next to your front foot. Pause for a second and reverse the motion back to the starting position.

Performance Tips

• Look at the kettlebell during the entire duration of the windmill

• Focus on pushing your butt out to the side as if you are trying to sit down

• Breathe in as you lower yourself to the floor and out slowly as you return to the starting position

• Crush grip the kettlebell next to your foot and slowly stand up

• Keep the rep range between one and three. Double Windmills require a great deal of concentration.

Kettlebell Bent Press

Exercise Description

Clean a kettlebell with one arm. Push your hip out in the direction of the cleaned kettlebell. Turn your feet out at a forty-five degree angle from the arm with the kettlebell. While you are sitting back and lowering yourself, contract your lat as hard as possible and move your body away from the kettlebell. Continue to bend to the side until the kettlebell is locked out.

Performance Tips

• Look at the kettlebell during the entire duration of the bent press

• Focus on pushing your butt out to the side as if you are trying to sit down.

• Breathe in as you lower yourself to the floor and out slowly as you return to the starting position.

• Limit yourself to singles until you are confident with your form.

• Remember that you are not pressing the kettlebell. You are contracting your lat as hard as possible to hold it in a fixed position and moving your body away from the kettlebell.

• Think of the bent press as an extension rather than a press

Kettlebell Side Press

Exercise Description

Clean a kettlebell with one arm. Push your hip out in the direction of the cleaned kettlebell. Turn your feet out at a forty-five degree angle from the arm with the kettlebell. While you are sitting back and lowering yourself, press the kettlebell at the same time. Continue to bend to the side until the kettlebell is locked out.

Performance Tips

• Look at the kettlebell during the entire duration of the side press

• Focus on pushing your butt out to the side as if you are trying to sit down.

• Breathe in as you lower yourself to the floor and out slowly as you return to the starting position.

• Keep the repetition range between one and three.

• Make sure to contract your lat as you press the kettlebell for added stability.

Kettlebell Turkish Get-up (Lunge style)

Exercise Description

Lie on your back and floor press a kettlebell to the top position. Keeping the kettlebell locked out at all times, pivot to the opposite side and use your non-working arm to assist you in driving forward to the lunge position. While looking up at the kettlebell, slowly stand up. Reverse the motion back to the starting position and repeat.

Performance Tips

• Focus on keeping the kettlebell locked out at all times

• Flex your stomach and glutes to drive off of the floor into the lunge position.

• Look at the kettlebell at all times.

• Breathe in as you stand up and breathe out as you lower yourself back to the starting position.

Kettlebell Turkish Get-up (Squat style)

Exercise Description

Lie on your back and floor press a kettlebell to the top position. Keeping the kettlebell locked out at all times, pivot to the opposite side and use your non-working arm to assist you in driving forward to the bottom position of an overhead squat. Looking up at the kettlebell slowly stand up. Reverse the motion back to the starting position and repeat.

Performance Tips

• Focus on keeping the kettlebell locked out at all times.

• Flex your stomach and glutes to drive off of the floor into an overhead squat position.

• Look at the kettlebell at all times.

• Breathe in as you stand up and breathe out as you lower yourself back to the starting position.

Kettlebell Pass Between The Legs

Exercise Description

Place one kettlebell between your legs and take a comfortable stance. Bend over by pushing your butt out and keeping your back flat. Pick up a kettlebell and pass it to your other hand between your legs. Go back and forth for several repetitions.

Performance Tips

• Contract your abs and butt at each kettlebell pass

• Turn in the direction that you are passing the kettlebell to

• Set a stopwatch for a certain time period such as 30 seconds to a minute and do as many passes as possible.

One-arm Kettlebell Push Press

Exercise Description

Clean a kettlebell to your shoulder. Squat down a few inches and reverse the motion rapidly. Use the momentum from the legs to drive the kettlebell overhead. Once the kettlebell is locked out, lower the weight to your shoulder and repeat.

Performance Tips

• Push the kettlebell off of your upper body.

• Do not squat down too far.

• Breathe in as your lower the kettlebell and breathe out as you push press the kettlebell overhead.

• Look straight ahead at all times.

• Flex your stomach and butt as you lower the kettlebell to brace for the kettlebell.

Double Kettlebell Push Press

Exercise Description

Clean two kettlebells to your shoulders. Squat down a few inches and reverse the motion rapidly. Use the momentum from the legs to drive the kettlebells overhead. Once the kettlebells are locked out, lower the kettlebells to your shoulders and repeat.