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I’ve seen Lui at the office. He’s totally in control, and people literally cower when he yells. He can reduce a secretary or a cameraman to tears or inarticulate rage and then turn on his heel like nothing has happened. Yet his wife Liliha rules their home. To a great degree, Haoa’s wife Tatiana is the same way. It made me wonder, as I dodged and darted through downtown traffic, if I would break the pattern. Would I end up with a man like my mother, who would control my life? Or would I choose a man like my father, who would be content to sit back and hand me the reins?

Or, and here was a revolutionary suggestion, maybe I could find a partner. Somebody who’d share the duties of the drive through life with me. Unfortunately, I didn’t think it was really a matter of conscious choice. We don’t have much control over who attracts us. The rules of attraction, it seems, are stacked against individual choice. So I could be attracted to Tim, to Gunter and to Wayne Gallagher at the same time, for different reasons, and though I could fight against those attractions I couldn’t, fundamentally, do anything to change them.

I made it. Lui and I approached the coffee shop from different directions at just the same time. From a slight distance, I could watch him as he came up to me. He’s the shortest of the three of us, the one with the most pronounced Asian features. For this, I think, he was always our maternal grandfather’s favorite.

Our mother’s father lived out beyond Pearl City in an old shack, and refused to move even when my father could have built him a new house. He was crotchety and strong-willed, and Haoa and I were always a little frightened of him. Lui, as the first grandson, had a different relationship. They would get together and talk in low tones, and in his mutual rejection of us was the only unity I knew with Haoa as a child.

Lui was also an impeccable dresser. Very Brooks Brothers, always perfectly pressed. I didn’t think I’d seen him wear an aloha shirt since his teens. He even wore ties on the weekends, because, as he said, you never know who you might meet and the impression you might need to make.

I knew the impression I would make. I was wearing cargo shorts with big pockets and a purple polo shirt, with black and brown deck shoes and no socks. Usually Lui stopped a few feet away from me and shook his head in disdain at my appearance. Today, though, he surprised me by coming right up to me and hugging me.

I hugged him back. It was strange. He and Haoa were so different from each other, and from me, and yet they were my brothers, and I loved them deeply and fiercely, with a love I only recognized in surprise.

We ordered bentos, Japanese-style box lunches, and chatted about his family, then sat down to eat. “So what can I do for you?” Lui asked. “You need money?”

I shook my head. “A lawyer, then? Somebody to represent you?”

“I don’t need a lawyer, and I don’t need any money. I do need something, though.”

I told him what I thought had happened to Evan Gonsalves. “I need a confession out of this. I’m going to try and get one out of Wayne Gallagher tomorrow night. But I need a wire, and I can’t go to the police because I’m suspended, and I’m supposed to stay out of this case, and besides, Lieutenant Yumuri would never believe me.”

“We might have some of the equipment at the station.”

“Here’s the list Harry gave me,” I said. “He can put it all together.”

Lui looked at the list. I expected he’d have to pass it on to one of his technicians, but he said, “We have this, and this, and this, three of these, I can get you the wire, okay. We have all of this. But where are you going to put it? You’ll need some kind of panel truck.” Before I could speak he said, “I can’t lend you one of the station’s trucks. They’re too visible.” He thought for a minute. “You can use one of Haoa’s trucks. I’ll call him and work it out.”

“Haoa may not want to get into this. He doesn’t exactly approve of what’s going on with me at the moment.”

“Haoa will do what I tell him to do,” Lui said. I looked at him. “He’s your brother, too, Kimo. He’ll want to help you.”

“If you say so.”

“Give me Harry’s phone number. I’ll call him when I have everything together.”

I gave him Harry’s phone and cell numbers and then said, “I appreciate this, Lui. I don’t quite know how it happened, but all of a sudden I’m dragging more and more people into my problems.”

“We’re your family,” he said. “That’s what we’re here for.”


When I walked up the alley behind the Rod and Reel Club, I saw Wayne’s black Jeep Cherokee parked in front of the door. Arleen was sitting at her desk, talking to her mother. In Japanese, she said, “The policeman is back, the cute one.”

In Japanese, I said, “Tell your mother I said hello,” and she turned red.

“You never said you could speak Japanese!” she said, in English.

“You never asked.”

“Mom, I gotta go. I’ll call you later,” she said into the phone. She looked up again. “So how can I help you, detective?”

“I’m here to see Derek. But first I wanted to ask you a couple of questions, really just follow-up.”


“You may know, we’ve got a handle on the man we think killed Mr. Pang,” I said. “Last Thursday, he killed himself.”

“I heard. My mother called in the afternoon to say she saw it on


“I’ll bet Derek was happy we found the guy.”

“He wasn’t even here. He was in Thursday morning, and then your partner came by, and, like, right after he left Derek left, too, and he didn’t come back all day.” She made a sour face. “He and Wayne are just like Mr. Pang. They come and go and they never tell me if they’re coming back or not. I’m accustomed to it, but I guess I thought things were going to change.”

Wayne came out of the manager’s office then. “I thought I heard your voice. What brings you to our lovely office?”

“I’m here to see Derek.”

Arleen stood up. “I’m just running out to get Brandon,” she said. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” She grabbed her pocketbook and walked out, leaving me alone with Wayne in the reception area. The door to Tommy’s office was closed; I assumed Derek was in there.

Wayne stepped up behind me. He put his hand on my ass and I jumped. “You like that?” he whispered wetly into my ear.

I didn’t say anything, but I did push back a little against his hand. Then the door to Tommy’s office opened, and Wayne faded away behind me.

“Come in,” Derek said. I walked into his office and took the seat he motioned to. “Is this about my father?”

“In a way. Did your father ever tell you how it was he came to Hawai‘i?”

“I fail to see how this is related to his murder.”

“It’s not,” I said. “This is personal. About him and about you.”

He looked confused but decided to go along. “I was born in Hong Kong, but we moved here when I was about three. Later on, when I asked my father, he said someone he knew in China had arranged it all for us.”

“Did you ever meet that person, the one who arranged things for you?”

“Once. An old man, Mr. Chin. I think I told you, he’s the only one of my father’s business associates I ever met.”

“Actually he was more than your father’s business associate,” I said. “He’s your grandfather.”

“My what? My father was an orphan, raised by distant cousins. He had no close relatives.”

“I can only tell you what I’ve been told,” I said. “Chin Suk is an old friend of my family. He approached me because he knew I had met you, through investigating your father’s death.” I paused, to let that part sink in. “According to Uncle Chin-at least, that’s what I call him-your father was born to a woman he’d had an affair with. He left the town before your father was born, and made his way to Hawai‘i. He was a young man and the fact that he’d left a child behind didn’t much matter to him. As he got older, though, his attitude changed. He had a son here who died, and that’s when he tracked your father down and brought him and your family here.”