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“So what do we do now, brah?” Harry asked, as we lounged on the leather sofas in the living room at Cane Landing.

“Damned if I know. But I’m sure a beer would help me think.” I’d stocked up on Konas in anticipation of Harry’s visit, and we each had one and sipped in silence. We ended up grilling some gourmet burgers-a mix of ground beef, pork and lamb, topped with prosciutto and brie-on the major-league barbecue in the yard, and if we hadn’t been worried that the shooter might somehow find his way into Cane Landing, it would have been a near-perfect evening.

Sunday morning my cell phone rang as I was scrambling eggs with the leftover ham and cheese and we were debating whether to risk surfing again. It was Sampson. “I got your email,” he said. “I want to see you at nine tomorrow morning in my office. Let’s go over what you’ve got and regroup. I want to know everything about this surf shop owner. And bring those casings you found-you can run them downstairs to ballistics while you’re here.”

I agreed and hung up the phone, then repeated the gist of the conversation to Harry. “He didn’t tell you not to go surfing, did he?” Harry asked.

I shook my head.

“So you want to?”

I thought about it for almost a minute. “I do. But not Pipeline. And I don’t want to go anywhere near Bishop Clark’s place and risk Rich Sarkissian taking pot shots at us there. How about Sunset?”

Sunset was another great break, one I hadn’t patronized much because so much of the case seemed to revolve around Pipeline. Harry agreed that was a good compromise; it was unlikely that the killer would be driving up and down the North Shore with a pair of binoculars. Just to be on the safe side, we left my truck at Cane Landing and drove in Harry’s BMW, our two boards strapped to the roof. It was almost like being in high school again, only with a much better car.

We surfed until mid-afternoon. We were sitting on our boards beyond the breakers, looking for waves, when Harry said, “This is my last wave, brah. Then I have to start packing up for the trip back to Honolulu. Arleen’s mom is babysitting Brandon so she and I can have dinner on our own.” He smiled. “That’s a big event in my life. I like Brandon a lot, he’s a great kid, but sometimes I want Arleen all to myself.”

“Hey, I won’t stand in your way.” I saw a wave coming and grabbed it, leaving Harry behind. I got a couple of turns out of it, and then started dragging my board up the beach. Then I saw Al Kawamoto sitting in the blue Taurus up on Ke Nui Road. My first instinct was to turn around and get back in the water, even though I was exhausted and every muscle in my body ached. I was just tired of dealing with him; he was a homophobic asshole, and I just didn’t have the energy for his bullshit.

“Gotta talk to you,” he said, rolling down his window as I approached.

I didn’t want to tell him about someone shooting at me. Frankly, I didn’t think he’d believe me, even with the shell casings as evidence. “I’m exhausted, Al. Can’t it wait until tomorrow?” I kept moving past him.

“It can’t.”

There was something in his tone of voice, a note of resignation, even despair, that I had never heard from him. I turned around. “What’s up?”

“I don’t want to talk about it here. Come on, get in.”

“Al, I’m full of salt and sweat. You don’t want me in your car.” I looked at my watch. “Meet me at the Surfrider in half an hour. There are some tables beyond the tiki huts in the back. Nobody will see us there.”

He rolled up his window and drove off. “Nice talking to you, too,” I said.

Harry came out of the water then, and I waited at his car for him. “Who were you talking to?”

“Homophobic asshole. I have to meet him for a drink in half an hour.”

“Then we’d better hustle,” Harry said.

My Dinner With Al

Harry had to load up his car himself, because though I didn’t want to, I had to jump in the shower, then throw on an aloha shirt and khaki shorts. We told each other to take care, and I promised to call him the next day after my meeting with Sampson. “You think you’ll stay in town, or come back up here?”

“I should see my parents. I’ll probably stay at my place tomorrow night.” We gave each other shakas and hit the road.

It was probably forty-five minutes before I made it to the Surfrider, and Al Kawamoto was just starting his third beer.

I sat down across from him. “So what’s so important?”

“I didn’t know who else to go to,” he said.

I’d been getting attitude from Kawamoto for days, and I was in the mood to give him some back. “Al. Don’t tell me you’re really gay and you’ve been in the closet all this time.”

He gave me the dirtiest of dirty looks. “All right. I’m here. I’m listening. Talk.”

“Me and Kevin, we’ve been partners for six years. He’s a stand-up guy. Jesus, I hate this.”

My sensors started to go off. “Hate what, Al?”

“Maybe I’m just crazy. But I don’t want to jam Kevin up if I’m wrong.”

Al Kawamoto looked genuinely anguished. I had to figure he wasn’t happy about having to come to me-from day one, he hadn’t been my biggest fan. So what he had to say had to be that much more important, for him to overcome his dislike of me.

“You’re a cop, Al. You know you can’t make accusations without evidence. So lay the evidence out for me.”

He took a long sip of his beer-Dutch courage, my father called it. “We caught that first murder, the guy, Pratt. One of his buddies told me he thought Pratt had gotten mixed up in some kind of drug deal. I brought it to Kevin, he pooh-poohed it. ‘The guy’s a straight arrow,’ he said.” He looked up at me. “No offense.”

“None taken,” I said. “Your partner was right. Pratt was a good guy. Everybody liked him. Didn’t fit the profile of a guy mixed up in drugs.”


I took a sip of my beer and considered. “Except for the fact that surfing’s an expensive hobby. If you don’t win tournaments you don’t get sponsors and you’ve got to come up with all the cash yourself for equipment, entry fees, travel, all that stuff. Pratt taught surfing on the side, but you’ve got to give a lot of lessons to make any real money.”

“That was what I thought, but Kevin, he wouldn’t listen. Finally I gave up.”

“Okay. What else?”

“Same thing with the girl. We started hearing rumors she was a dealer. Even connected her to that surf shop where she used to work, The Next Wave.”

“I heard those same rumors, you know.”

He nodded. “We couldn’t connect Pratt to the girl except through ballistics. Some reason, Kevin didn’t want to explore the drug angle. And I have to say I didn’t push as hard as I could have.”

“Hey, I’ve had partners. It’s a give and take.”

He finished his beer. “You ready for another round?”

“I’m still working on this one. And why don’t you get a burger or something, Al? You don’t want to let the beer get too far ahead of you.”

He called a waiter over and we both ordered burgers. He ordered another beer, too, but I noticed he started taking that one more slowly.

“So far, Al, you haven’t got much to worry about. Kevin didn’t want to follow a couple of leads, well, maybe he thought they were a waste of time. Can’t argue with a judgment call.” I looked at him. “Do you think he’s using something himself?”

He looked up at the thatched roof above us. We were in a glorified tiki hut, a couple of big poles holding up the sloping roof, only a few other high-topped tables around us. A pretty private area, even when the rest of the place was busy. That night, only about half the tables were filled.

It was clear he didn’t want to answer that question, but I waited. Finally he said, “I think so.” That admission seemed to take something out of him, and his whole body sagged.