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The nasty gear groaned as it rolled by again.

The teeth of the two gears meshed on each pass, crushing anything caught between them. Not the way she wanted to go.

Crazy Lady appeared to be gone. Brianna forced herself up on her knees, finally letting go of the wound, another whimper escaping her as she stared at the blood all over her hands.

But she was alive. And if she was alive, she could get the hell out of here before her killer returned. She didn’t dare call for help. Solange might have left her thinking she was dead. She might just be planning to let her rot up here.

No one ever comes up here.

But what about Gabby? Maybe she’d come back. Had she sent the e-mail to Lizzie, telling her all was fine?

Lizzie. A whole different kind of pain gripped her. This would be Lizzie’s worst nightmare: Brianna being impulsive and adventurous and getting herself killed.

Just like Dad.

No. She wasn’t going to die like this! The thought was all she needed to ignore the pain and push herself higher, her knees sliding on blood.

The wheel moved by again, like a beast reminding her that he was right there to bite her. Carefully, she pushed herself up higher. The knife of pain cut through her shoulder again, making lights burst behind her eyes.

With a grunt, she slowly pushed up, her legs wobbling, her one sneaker slipping on the blood, the toe right at the edge of the ledge. She flailed, fighting for balance, the movement firing pain in her arm.

That sent her right back to her knees, cracking them on the stone.

“Son of a bitch!” she hissed, tears soaking her face.

She’d never make it to the damn door and down all those stairs. Despair clutched her, and she squeezed her eyes shut to push it away. She couldn’t think never. She had to get out of this place.

Outside, the giant sweeps made a higher pitched whine that turned to a shriek when the wind gusted. Could she climb down the side of the windmill? The stones were irregular and jutted out here and there, and it wasn’t that high. Not more than a three-story building.

She had no choice. That way, there was less chance of running into Solange and her gun.

Once more, she dipped into the last bits of her strength to force herself up. This time she made it, straightening her legs and finally getting control. It was just pain, she told herself. Just pain, not death. She could do this. She took one step, then another, reaching the door. She closed her fingers over the handle, turning it, bracing for the wind. A strong gust would send her right back into the gears.

She managed to open it, the wind whipping her hair and face, an eerie coldness shooting through the hole in her upper chest. She leaned out to look down, the angle too awkward to really see how steep a drop it was.

The other door flew open, creating an instant wind tunnel, pushing her like an invisible force straight back to the ledge. She tried to grab the doorjamb but just missed getting a grip, the wind ramming her backward, folding her almost in half. Two steps, three… her sneakers were at the edge.

She threw herself flat on the ground to keep from falling back into the gears, just as another deafening crack echoed. She looked to the entry door, but it had slammed shut before anyone had entered, leaving her completely alone again.

For a second the wind died down, and the door to the sweeps started to close without the force of the breeze. Then it squalled again, more forceful than before, slapping the door wide open and gusting over her like a freight train.

Her whole body slid over the edge. With nothing but the blood-slickened stone floor to grab, she went sliding into the pit of the gears, her foot jamming into a wooden wheel as it turned.

She opened her mouth to scream, bracing for the pain, the sound of her bones breaking, the blackness of inevitable death.

But the groaning machine stuttered… then whined. She was lodged just enough to hold the gear back. But the beast was fighting her, and something told her that one killer gust of wind would finish her off.

“Help!” she screamed, her word drowned out by the cry of the machinery. “Someone help me, please!”

But no one could possibly hear her over the endless, deadly wind.

“That was a gunshot,” Con said sharply.

Lizzie’s heart clenched. Would that woman hurt Bree. Why? “I didn’t hear anything.”

“I did.” Con squeezed even more speed out of the bike, powering up the turnoff to the Bettencourt farm. At the windmill, he vaulted off the scooter and instantly pulled her off. “You need cover. Inside, now.”


“I heard a gunshot. You’ll be hidden and safe here, and I’ll find out what I just heard.”

As much as she wanted to believe he was wrong, she’d been with the man long enough to know not to question his hearing.

They darted over the gravel to the door, only to find it locked.

Con swore under his breath, reaching for his gun. He pushed her behind him with one hand and fired twice at the lock, the shot so loud she had to cover her ears. The door popped open and he pushed her in, then froze.


“Shhh!” He held a hand up to her mouth to silence her, closing his eyes.

All Lizzie could hear was the infernal growl of the wheel, the moan that sounded like a woman-

Calling for help!

Con launched toward the stairway, disappearing into the darkness as he took the stone steps three at a time. Lizzie followed, the sound even clearer as she entered the echo chamber of the stairwell.

She rounded the curve, blinking in the dark, but seeing Con bent over a body.

“Bree!” She threw herself to the ground just as Con turned the woman over and two lifeless eyes stared up at them, blood oozing from a hole in Solange’s chest.

“Help me!”

For a split second they stared at each other in shock, then simultaneously jumped up and ran up the last of the stairs.

“That’s Brianna!” Lizzie cried, her foot slipping as she tried to take the stairs three at a time like he did.

Con beat her to the door, lifting a leg and slamming the wood with a solid kick. Lizzie practically pushed him out of her way, but he held her back. The area was nothing but an open pit, the stairs turning into a three-foot-wide ledge with no railing or inside wall.

“Bree!” She took a step toward the center, but Con yanked her back, diving to the edge himself.

Lizzie followed, falling to her knees, a scream welling up inside when she saw Bree four feet below, trapped between two massive cogs, her legs extended to hold back the turning wheels. Blood oozed from her shoulder.

“Oh my God!”

Con thrust her back. “Find the brake, Lizzie! There’s a brake outside, under the sweeps! A lever, a rope, something turns this off. Find it while I go down there to get her.” He flipped himself over the ledge so fast she barely saw him disappear, stunned as he dropped through the air and landed right on the cog of one of the wheels, his weight taking over the job of holding off the machine from squeezing Brianna any more.

“Find the brake!” he yelled.

She shot downstairs.

“Go below!” Con yelled after her. “You have to look below the sweeps!”

Leaping over Solange’s dead body, she stumbled once on a loose step, bracing against the wall to save herself. Spinning around the wall as it ended, she tore outside.

Below the sweeps. Below them?

Flat against the stone building, she made her way around toward the front, the giant blade whooshing by her head at what seemed like fifty miles an hour, the wind pressing at her.

Peering up, she saw a rope, frayed and shortened with age, fifteen feet above her head.

The only way up there was to scale the stones. If she fell backward, she’d be sliced in half by one of the sweeps. She glanced down the cliff, which was equally dangerous.

There was no way Con could get her sister out of that machine if they didn’t stop it.