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Figure 7-9: The underside of the screwshield, after soldering. The dashed lines indicate wires running on the top of the shield.

4. Bend the bottom lead of R1 over so that it crosses the top lead of D1 (D). Solder these leads together and cut off the excess wire.

5. Use another short length of solid-core wire (or if they are long enough, one of the leads you trimmed off R1) to connect the solder pad labeled X to the bottom GND power line on the screwshield (E).

When this is done, the underside of the board should look like Figure 7-9. The dotted lines represent the wires on the other side of the board.

Next, flip the board over and add a wire to link pin D3 (just marked 3 on the screwshield) of the Arduino to the junction of the capacitor, diode, and resistor. Solder that wire in place. When this is done, the top of the screwshield should look like Figure 7-10.

Now that the board is complete, reassemble the electronics by fitting the display shield back on top of the screw shield and the screw shield onto the Arduino.

Figure 7-10: The finished screwshield


Finally, strip the buzzer wires if you haven’t done so already, and solder longer leads to them. To make the soldered connections stronger, you could use heatshrink as described in “Using Heatshrink” on page 235. Connect the smoke detector to pins W and X on the screwshield. The wire connecting the smoke detector to the Arduino can be any double-core cable, such as bell wire, but if you plan to use this alarm in your base, just use wires long enough to reach the mounting position. I found that the project worked just fine with 30 feet (10 m) of telephone extension cable.


If you want to make this project without any of the other Arduino-based projects in this book, then load the sketch Project_11_Smoke_Alarm from this book’s source files onto the Arduino now. If on the other hand, you’ve built one or more of this book’s earlier Arduino projects, then use the sketch All_Sensors and change the constants at the top to select the projects that you’ve made. See the comments section in that sketch for instructions on the correct changes to make.


You’ll find a link to the source code for this book at http://nostarch.com/zombies/. See Appendix C in this book for instructions on loading the programs.

This code builds on the code from Project 4, so for more information on how the program as a whole works, please refer to “Software” on page 57. Here I will just describe the code specific to the fire alarm.

First, we define a new constant for pin D3 on the Arduino:

const int smokePin = 3;

This pin will act as an input for the signal from the smoke detector. After adding the smokePin constant, we add a new line of code to the setup function to initialize this pin as an input:

pinMode(smokePin, INPUT);

Next, we add a call to a new function called checkSmoke to the loop function. The checkSmoke function is defined as follows:

void checkSmoke()


  if (digitalRead(smokePin))





The checkSmoke function contains the rest of the code for checking for a signal from the smoke detector and displaying the message and/or turning on the buzzer. To change the display and control the buzzer, call the alarm function, which you first met in “Project 6: PIR Zombie Detector” on page 72:

void alarm(char message[])


  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

  lcd.print("           ");


  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);


  if (!mute)


    tone(buzzerPin, 1000);




Unless you press a button to mute (a holdover from Project 4), this function prints your message ("FIRE!!") to the LCD in lieu of that loud, zombie-attracting buzzer.


Testing the smoke detector is simple: just hold down the contacts of the test button with a screwdriver (see Figure 7-6). This will cause the buzzer to sound and a message to appear on the LCD screen.

When you know the alarm works, place the sensor somewhere close enough to a potential fire that you’ll receive enough advance warning to put out the flames, or at least flee in an orderly manner. Creating a quiet smoke alarm won’t be worth much if you exit in a noisy panic and attract all the zombies on the block!


Since your compound is zombie-proofed, you (hopefully) won’t have to change lodgings often, and over time, you’re sure to acquire some valuable climate-sensitive items. Depending on what you have cached away, you might want to make sure that a generator isn’t getting too hot or that your wine cellar isn’t too cold. To protect these assets that ensure your survival and are good to trade with other survivors, you need a temperature alarm that can notify you of extremes of heat or cold.

This is the final project that uses your now heavily laden Arduino, and Figure 7-11 shows the LCD screen reporting a high temperature in Celsius.

Figure 7-11: A fully laden Arduino, complete with temperature sensor (circled), movement detector, smoke alarm, and battery monitor

A three-pin temperature sensor is on the left of Figure 7-11, over the remains of the smoke alarm from Project 11. That sensor will send the Arduino temperature data, which the Arduino will then display as human-readable text.


To make this project, you’ll need the Arduino and screwshield that you used in “Project 4: Battery Monitor” on page 53 and the following parts:





Temperature sensor

Adafruit (165)

Three-core wire

To connect the sensor chip to the Arduino screwshield

Scavenged telephone cable or other three-core wire.


3 lengths of about an inch (25 mm)

Auto parts store

You could use electrical tape instead of heatshrink for this project, but I recommend heatshrink because it’s a lot tougher and not prone to unraveling.


Figure 7-12 shows the wiring diagram for the project. The LCD should be attached from an earlier project, so the only new part you’ll add is the TMP36 temperature sensor.

Figure 7-12: The wiring diagram for the temperature alarm


The TMP36 is a handy little temperature sensor chip. It has three pins, and in this project, they’re connected to 5V, GND, and A2 on the Arduino. Figure 7-13 shows the pinout of this chip. These chips are only accurate to about 2 degrees Celsius. If you want greater accuracy, then you could consider changing this project’s design and software to use a digital temperature sensor like the DS18B20.