Sockets with trailing leads
Hardware store
Terminal block
2-way terminal block
Home Depot, Lowe’s, Menards
9V Arduino battery lead
DC power jack with flying leads or 12V cigarette lighter adapter
DC power supply
Bell cable (or other cable)
It is best to use a fresh Arduino and screwshield for this project, both because it will be situated away from your main setup and because your screwshield from previous projects is probably pretty full by now. This project will be powered by its own solar power supply and battery (refer to “Project 1: Solar Recharging” on page 26).
I used three LED lights, but if you want more lamps, just add more in parallel. The transistor used to switch the lights is capable of switching up to 20W of lighting but only with a heatsink, so your combined wattage should be kept below 10W. If you made “Project 3: LED Lighting” on page 49, I would just use the same LEDs.
The layout for the screwshield and wiring schematic are shown in Figure 10-12.
Figure 10-12: Screwshield layout and wiring schematic for the Morse code beacon
Assemble the screwshield following the instructions in “Assembling a Screwshield” on page 259.
You only need to solder two components for this project: a resistor and metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET). MOSFETs are great for switching fairly high-power loads quickly.
Solder the resistor and transistor in place according to the circuit schematic. When soldering the transistor, make sure you place it so that the metal tab faces to the right (Figure 10-12). When the components are soldered into place, the assembly should like Figure 10-13.
Figure 10-13: The top of the screwshield
Once the components are secured in place, use their excess leads to make the connections on the underside (Figure 10-14). Before soldering the resistor lead that connects to pin 13 on the Arduino, add some insulation to avoid causing short circuits with the 5V and GND tracks it crosses over.
Figure 10-14: The underside of the screwshield
If you want to keep this simple, you can just use a single LED lamp. For a wider range of visibility, however, connect a few LED lamps and point them in different directions (Figure 10-15).
Figure 10-15: The lamp assembly
In Figure 10-15, I’ve fixed three lamp sockets to a bit of wood and connected all three 12V LED lamps to the terminal block. Lamps of this type usually include a circuit that allows the wires to be connected any way around, but if your modules have a polarity marked on them with a + and –, you need to make sure all the + connections are connected to one terminal of the terminal block and the – connections go to the other. The lamp holders will have holes allowing them to be attached to the wood with screws.
Use some bell cable or other wire to connect the lamp assembly to the X and Vin terminals on the screwshield. Stranded wire is best, as it’s less liable to break. Make this wire as long as you need it (but above 50 ft, or 15 m, there might be some reduction in brightness): you may want to site the lamp assembly high up outside, to make it easier for people to see your message, while leaving the Arduino in the safety of your bunker. Remember to waterproof the lamp assembly—sealing it in a transparent plastic bag will do the trick.
To connect power to the Arduino, use either a cigarette lighter adapter or a custom lead using alligator clips and a barrel jack plug with flying leads to connect the Arduino to a 12V solar power supply or battery. Note that this project requires 12V for the lamps, so you cannot use a 5V USB lead to power the Arduino.
All the source code for this book is available via See Appendix C for instructions on installing the Arduino sketch. The Arduino sketch for this project is called Project_19_Morse_Beacon.
The sketch uses the Ardiuno’s built-in EEPROM library. The Morse code message is stored in EEPROM memory every time a change is made, meaning that the beacon can remember the message even if power to the Arduino is interrupted. The sketch also makes use of a library from the Arduino community called EEPROMAnything, which makes saving to and reading from EEPROM easier. The code for EEPROMAnything is included in the download for this project, so there is nothing to download separately.
First, we load both the official Arduino EEPROM library and EEPROMAnything:
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include "EEPROMAnything.h"
A number of constants are used to control the project:
const int ledPin = 13;
const int dotDelay = 100; // milliseconds
const int gapBetweenRepeats = 10; // seconds
const int maxMessageLen = 255;
The pin that controls the LEDs is specified in ledPin. The constant dotDelay defines in milliseconds the duration of a dot flash. Dashes are always three times the duration of a dot.
The constant gapBetweenRepeats specifies in seconds the time that will elapse between each repetition of the message, and maxMessageLen specifies the maximum length, in letters rather than dots and dashes, of the message. A maximum size is specified because in Arduino code, you have to declare the size of arrays.
Two global variables are used:
char message[maxMessageLen];
long lastFlashTime = 0;
The message variable will contain the text of the message to be flashed, and lastFlashTime keeps track of when the message was last flashed, to allow a break between the repeats.
Two global char arrays are used to contain the dot and dash sequences for Morse code. The program will only flash characters that it knows how to send, that is letters, digits, or a space character. All other characters in the message are ignored.
char* letters[] = {
".-", "-...", "-.-.", "-..", ".", "..-.", "--.", "....", "..", // A-I
".---", "-.-", ".-..", "--", "-.", "---", ".--.", "--.-", ".-.", // J-R
"...", "-", "..-", "...-", ".--", "-..-", "-.--", "--.." // S-Z
char* numbers[] = {"-----", ".----", "..---", "...--", "....-", ".....",
"-....", "--...", "---..", "----."};
The setup function sets the ledPin as an output and then starts serial communication at Serial.begin:
void setup()
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
EEPROM_readAnything(0, message);
if (! isalnum(message[0]))
strcpy(message, "SOS");