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“The rings, please,” the officiant said.

Pinto stepped forward. The hedgehog faerie’s face was aglow with pride as she held up two rings. Made of vines, the rings were simple but stronger than metal. They, like the moors from where they had come, would last forever. With a satisfied nod, Maleficent stepped aside and took her place next to Diaval.

Aurora turned her attention to the officiant, but not before she heard Diaval say, “I like the new look. And I was thinking—”

“Nasty habit,” Maleficent said in her cool, even voice. “You should stop.”

Diaval ignored the Dark Fey’s snarky retort and pushed on. “I was thinking that we do the bear thing from now on. I think we would look good together, prowling the Moors—”

“I don’t prowl,” Maleficent said, stopping Diaval mid-sentence.

Then she waved her hand in the direction of Arabella, Ingrith’s horrid cat, and the creature transformed into a beautiful young woman. Diaval gasped as Arabella’s eyes locked on his. “This is good, too,” he said.

Focusing on the officiant, Aurora listened as he spoke of love and honor. He asked them to promise to cherish the good and be patient through the bad. Aurora and Phillip had indeed lived through enough bad for a lifetime. It was time to get to the happily ever after.

“Do you, Phillip, take Aurora to be—”

Phillip didn’t let the officiant finish before answering, “I do.”

“I do, too!” Aurora said, just as eagerly.

The officiant laughed. “Okay, you may kiss—”

But again the couple didn’t let him finish. Their lips met, and they melted into each other in a kiss that was completely magical. It was a kiss that symbolized their love and marriage but also defined their future — and the future of their kingdoms. For all those who were gathered, it was clear the future would be wonderful.


SO THE DAYS PASSED AND THE SEASONS CHANGED — AS DID CASTLE ULSTEAD. WITH QUEEN INGRITH GONE, THE PALACE BECAME BRIGHTER. THE HALLWAYS FILLED WITH LAUGHTER. The coldness ebbed, and warmth entered. Bright flowers bloomed in the gardens and within the castle walls. It was a stark contrast to Ingrith’s reign and her harsh, taxidermic decor. Despite its massive size, Castle Ulstead became a home.

At the heart of this new home were Aurora and Phillip. Their marriage had brought the peace they had promised and finally united the citizens of both kingdoms. Human children of Ulstead and faerie children of the Moors played alongside one another, their laughter a joyful reminder of how far things had come. In uniting their kingdoms, Aurora and Phillip had created a better one, a place where all were welcome.

Standing on a balcony, Aurora looked out over her kingdom. A gentle spring breeze carried the smell of impending summer, and on the grounds far below, she could see flowers blooming. Beyond the river, the Moors looked lush and rich as leaves and flowers flourished. Hearing footsteps, she smiled as Phillip joined her on the balcony.

“What is it, love?” he asked, taking her hand.

Aurora grinned. “It’s a new day,” she said simply.

“I suppose it is,” Phillip answered.

As they watched, Maleficent appeared and hovered over the balcony.

In the days since their wedding, the Dark Fey had grown more comfortable around Phillip and even King John. She spent equal time between Castle Ulstead and the Moors to show all that the peace between the kingdoms was true and lasting.

But the time had come for Maleficent to return to the Moors more permanently. The faeries needed her — especially the Dark Fey who now called the Moors home. While they flourished in the openness the Nest had never offered, they lacked guidance without Conall. Maleficent had become their de facto leader — and mother. While Aurora would miss the undivided attention, she knew soon enough there would be reason for Maleficent to visit Ulstead.

“Maleficent,” Phillip said in greeting, unaware of his wife’s thoughts.

“Could you stay awhile?” Aurora couldn’t help asking, her voice a bit shaky. She knew she sounded every bit the young girl she had once been, but she didn’t care. She was going to miss her mother, even if she was only across the river.

Maleficent smiled at Aurora. Taking her hand, she squeezed it gently. “I have work to do,” she said.

Aurora nodded. Maleficent was right. In the days following the wedding, Maleficent had told her all about the Nest and Conall. Aurora had wept when she had learned Maleficent had lost such a wonderful friend. But she also heard the happiness in her voice and saw the joy that lit up Maleficent’s face as she talked about the young fey. She knew her mother had found peace playing with them in the Moors.

She also knew that Maleficent would always be there. Together, they had made that possible. The division between the kingdoms was gone, once and for all. Both the Moors and Ulstead were flourishing. And as her mother moved to fly away, Aurora knew there was another reason for them to remain forever connected.

Maleficent turned and looked at Aurora and Phillip over her shoulder. “I’ll see you at the christening,” she said, smiling.

With a flap of her wings, Maleficent soared into the sky. Behind her, Aurora laughed as Phillip turned to her in surprise — her secret revealed. As he pulled her into a hug, Aurora watched Maleficent fly toward the Moors, her wings spread wide. As she dove, a group of young fey flew up to meet her. Even from where she stood, Aurora could hear their laughter as they called to Maleficent, asking her to play.

Aurora smiled. Her family was growing. And so, it seemed, was Maleficent’s. Individually, they had found happiness they didn’t know was possible. But together, they had made dreams come true. Together, they’d created a world where there would be love — forever and always.