I slept on it and woke up feeling that I had enough to ring my client and make an appointment to talk to his wife.
The Guyatts lived in Greenwich, which isn’t a part of Sydney I know well. I drove there in fine weather in the mid-morning and missed the street because a tree from a front garden was drooping over it. The place seemed to have more trees per square metre than anywhere else east of the Blue Mountains. I found the street and parked outside the long, low, timber house. Some distance off a car backfired and birds flew up from the trees. The noise they made was deafening.
Mrs Guyatt was a large, heavy-featured woman who had given her looks to her son. She seemed commanding and firm of purpose but she was just the opposite. As soon as I mentioned Julian’s name her eyes moistened.
‘I’ll show you his room,’ she said.
‘I don’t think that’s necessary.’
She didn’t listen. She led me down a passage towards the rear of the house and showed me into a large bedroom that had too much built-in furniture, too much carpet and too much window. It was an ugly room that someone had tried too hard to make comfortable. I stood uncomfortably while Mrs Guyatt showed me Julian’s sports trophies- NSW Under-17 100-metres champion, 1984-tennis racquets and skis. There were no books. A poster on the back of the door showed a helicopter gunship in attack, a scene from Apocalypse Now.
Down in the over-elaborate sitting room we drank coffee while Mrs Guyatt told me what a good boy her son was.
‘Did he have any friends?’ I asked.
‘Certainly. Chris Petersen, Phil Cash, I’m sure there were others.’
‘These are army friends?’
‘Did you try to contact them?’
She looked distressed. ‘No. I didn’t know how…’
‘Do you know where they come from, Petersen and Cash, or anyone else he was friendly with?’
‘I don’t think… I believe Phil Cash was from Gundagai. I think Julian said that. Otherwise, no. What has happened?’
‘I’m trying to find out. You say you have your son’s passport?’
‘Yes. Julian left it here after his last trip to New Caledonia. Would you like to see it?’
I said I would. She left the room and came hurrying back, more flustered and distressed than ever. ‘It’s gone!’
‘You’re sure. You didn’t misplace it?’
‘No! I’ve never misplaced anything of Julian’s. How could I? Someone has been in here and taken it.’
I tried to calm her down but didn’t do a very good job. In the end I had to phone Guyatt at his office. He said he’d come home but he wasn’t pleased at being taken away from his work.
I became aware of the car following me when I was a few miles from the Guyatts’. A grey Corolla. The driver wasn’t bad at it but it’s almost impossible to follow someone who spots you and doesn’t want you there. I lost him in Hunter’s Hill between the Lane Cove and Gladesville bridges. I turned off Waterloo Road towards the city and outlaid some of Guyatt’s money in a parking station as close as I could get to the GPO:
The country phone directories were a brand new set. In a few weeks they’d have pages missing and entries obliterated, but for now they were the private detective’s friend. There were only three numbers listed for Cash in Gundagai. The woman who answered at the first number had only been in the town a few weeks and gave a squawk of laughter when I asked her if she had a son. ‘I’m a lesbian feminist separatist,’ she said. ‘If I had a son it wouldn’t live twenty-four hours.’
The second number was the right one. Mrs Enid Cash confirmed that her son Phillip was in the regular army. ‘There hasn’t been an accident?’ she said anxiously.
‘No, nothing like that. I’m Captain Renshaw, Army Statistics. I’m afraid our records haven’t been as well kept as they might have been. I’m trying to confirm the rural backgrounds of personnel. They’re going to be in line for special benefits.’
‘Quite right too. Well, our Phillip grew up on the farm here. He’s a country boy.’
‘Excellent. Let me see, he’s stationed at…
‘Waterloo Barracks.’
‘Right. He comes home on leave of course?’
‘Thank you, Mrs Cash. You don’t happen to know anything about a Sergeant Petersen do you?’
‘Danny Petersen, do you mean? How exciting! He must’ve been promoted. Phil will be pleased.’
‘Yes. Is he a Gundagai man too?’
‘Goodness me, no. He’s a Victorian, from Benalla. Phil was always ribbing him about it. But he’s from the country too so he’ll be eligible, won’t he?’
It took me four calls to locate the right Petersen in Benalla, but the story was much the same. Danny was a soldier who always came home on leave. One more call laid it out for me-the duty officer at Waterloo Barracks confirmed that Cash and Petersen were on leave. That would be surprising news to the old folks back home on the farm.
I puzzled about it as I walked through Martin Place back to the car park. I could understand three young men doing something else with their leave than what their mums expected, but the posting of Julian Guyatt as a deserter and Renshaw’s manner needed explanation.
I’d parked five or six levels up close to the fire stairs. I had my key in the door lock when the stair door opened and two men came out. I unlocked the door expecting them to go to their car but they suddenly swerved and jumped at me. They were big and quick; one hit me hard and low while the other grabbed my throat with his big, hard hand. He squeezed and I felt the darkness wrapping around me. He eased up and I fought for breath. He squeezed again; the puncher pulled me down so that we were squatting by the car. My knee hit the concrete. The darkness came and went again.
‘Let it go, Hardy,’ the squeezer said. ‘Do yourself a favour and let it go. Understand?’
I shook my head. He put his palm on my forehead and slammed the back of my head against the car door. I felt the metal give.
‘Forget about Guyatt or everyone’ll forget about you.’ He squeezed again and this time the darkness was thick and heavy and it didn’t lift.
‘The oldest trick in the book,’ I said.
‘What’s that?’ A man was brushing me down and helping me to struggle to my feet. I recognised my car; I didn’t recognise him.
‘You were really out to it,’ he said. ‘What are you, a diabetic or an epileptic or something? My aunt…’
I pulled myself up. ‘No. I’m all right. Thanks a lot. I just had a sort of turn. Not enough sleep lately. Working too hard.’
‘Better take it easy.’ He moved away, happy to have helped, happy not to have to help any more.
‘Thanks again.’ I leaned against the car, massaged my bruised stomach and felt my stiff, aching neck. It must have been the two car trick; let the subject see one car following him, drop that one off and keep him in sight from another. It’s not something I’ve had much practice at, seeing that I work alone and can’t drive two cars at once. But I should have thought of it.
I sat in the car for a while until I was sure my head and vision were clear. My attackers had cost Ambrose Guyatt some money by delaying me in the car park.
I reviewed the attack-very fast, very professional. If the fist that had hit my belly had held a knife and the hand that gripped my neck had gripped harder and longer, it would have been a classical jungle-fighting kill.
I drove home to Glebe watching for tails and not spotting any. The cat was outside the house which wasn’t unusual. But when I opened the door it didn’t march straight in ahead of me. That was unusual. I waited in the passage and listened to the erratic hum of my refrigerator, the dripping tap in the bathroom upstairs, the creaking from the loose piece of roofing iron. All normal. I went in and looked around. The place had been quickly but systematically searched.