She quickly did so.
“Oh, shit!” she exclaimed as she realized why
Car-Vex burst through the hologram’s immaterial form. Red-faced and panting, she drove her fist through the back of Lois’s seat, just to the right of the reporter’s head, missing her skull by only millimeters.
The soldier yanked her fist back, leaving a gaping hole in the seat. Lois gulped.
Strapped in her seat, she was a sitting duck with nowhere to run. She hastily raised the stolen pistol and took aim, but the Kryptonian female snatched it from Lois’s grasp. With practiced skill, Car-Vex flipped the gun in her hand and pointed its skeletal muzzle.
She fired point-blank.
At the last instant the pod’s exterior hatch crashed down, deflecting the shot. Car-Vex ducked as sparks sprayed from the pod’s damaged plating. She swore in Kryptonian.
Lois gasped in relief. That had been way too close.
Before the frustrated soldier could fire again, a sudden burst of acceleration slammed Lois into what was left of her seat. She shrieked, clutching onto it with white knuckles, as the pod zoomed down the launch tube like a rocket sled, leaving Car-Vex behind. Spinning madly, it shot out of the Black Zero and into open space.
Then it tumbled toward Earth, hundreds of miles below.
Klaxons blared inside the Kryptonian science ward. Regaining his full strength, Superman tore loose his remaining shackles and jumped off the examination table. It felt good to back on his feet again.
Jor-El appeared before him.
“Father!” Superman exclaimed. “Is it true? What Zod said about the Codex?”
The hologram nodded.
Superman tried to understand.
“Why didn’t you tell me this before?”
Heavy footsteps beat a military tattoo outside. He heard a couple of Kryptonian soldiers running toward the lab. Charged plasma rifles were locked and loaded. The soldiers fired through the doorway as he ducked for cover. He hadn’t forgotten how that plasma whip had stung him back on Ellesmere.
White-hot bursts scalded the walls and table, and ricocheted wildly around the lab. Superman raised his cape to shield himself from the flying energy.
“We’re out of time,” Jor-El said. “Strike the panel to your left.”
Superman had many more questions, but his father was right—now was not the time for a lengthy discussion. Trusting Jor-El, he punched the indicated panel. A fist of steel tore through a solid bulkhead, puncturing the outer hull of the Black Zero.
Hurricane winds roared as the science ward’s atmosphere was sucked out into the vacuum of space. The breach expanded, and loose apparatus vanished through it, caught up by the explosive decompression. It reminded Superman of the tornado that had carried away Jonathan Kent, so many years ago. Pushing the painful memory aside, he dug his fingers into a sturdy bulkhead, anchoring himself against the voracious pull.
Screeching emergency sirens competed with the wail of the cyclone.
Have to hold on, he thought. Just a few more seconds.
A metal plate slammed into place, cutting the compromised science ward off from the rest of the ship, while locking out the soldiers on the other side of the airtight barrier. With any luck, that would slow them down long enough for him to escape the Black Zero— and for Jor-El to provide some answers.
“We wanted you to learn what it meant to be human first,” the hologram said, “so that one day, when the time was right, you could build a bridge between the two races.”
That provided the reassurance Superman had needed. He’d known that Zod had to be wrong, that Jor-El had never intended for him to recreate Krypton on Earth, or to betray humanity. Moved by his birth father’s faith in him, he reached out without thinking, but his fingers passed through the holographic figure.
Jor-El wasn’t really there.
Only his ghost.
“From the moment I first laid eyes on you,” the image said, “I knew you were meant for greatness.”
And Jonathan Kent once told me I would change the world, Superman recalled. He vowed to live up to their expectations—both of them.
Then a motion distracted him, visible through the rent in the hull. He realized that it was an escape pod, falling toward Earth’s atmosphere, heating up as it entered the atmosphere. A fiery glow enveloped its outer plating— it was accelerating out of control, as though its braking systems were malfunctioning.
Even across the void of space, he could see who was inside the pod. She looked scared to death.
“You can save her, Kal,” his father said. “You can save all of them.”
Superman prayed he was right. He took a deep breath of the escaping air, filling his lungs, and dived though the breach into space. Momentum carried him away from the Black Zero and he let Earth’s gravity pull him down toward the planet below. His telescopic vision locked onto the glowing escape pod as he pivoted and shifted direction, taking off in a controlled dive.
His fists thrust out before him, he plunged into the turbulent atmosphere.
Hold on, Lois, he thought. I’m coming!
The ride was bumpier than Lois had expected. Maybe too bumpy.
The escape pod shook violently, rattling her despite the straps that held her fast to her seat. She clenched her jaw to keep her teeth from chattering, and struggled to keep her lunch down. Vertigo assailed her as the pod spun like a carnival ride. It was all she could to do to keep from screaming.
It was getting hotter and hotter inside the confined space, and dangerously so. It felt like a sauna, heading toward a furnace. She was soaked with perspiration. Alarms squealed in her ears. Warning lights blinked frantically all over the control panels.
Car-Vex had fired a blast of plasma at the pod before it ejected. Had the deflected shot done some serious damage?
Something’s wrong, Lois realized. This thing should be slowing down by now…
The malfunctioning pod was heading in for a crash landing. Its heat shields were barely holding on—the outer plates were melting into slag and peeling away. Gravity tightened its grip, accelerating it to terminal velocity. Even if the heat shields held a few minutes longer, there was no way Lois could survive the impact if and when the pod hit the Earth. Her fragile human body would be crushed to a pulp.
That’s not going to happen, Superman resolved.
Racing against time and gravity, he dived after the falling object, increasing his speed, desperate to catch up with it before time ran out. The wind whipped against his face as he plummeted toward the Great Plains. The sun shone down, fueling his flight. His red cape streamed behind him like the tail of a meteor, and his blue-and-red uniform withstood the heat of reentry.
Gaining on the pod, he almost came within reach of it. His arm stretched and his fingers grazed its molten husk, only for it to spin out of his grasp, continuing its deadly freefall. Despite the roar of the wind, he could hear Lois gasping inside the pod. Her heart was pounding frantically. She had to know she was only moments away from crashing.
No! Superman thought. I can still save her. I can’t let her die!
The Earth seemed to rocket up to meet them. There would be just one more chance, so he dug deep to fly faster than he ever had before. With one last burst of speed, he managed to get a solid grip, sinking his bare fingers into the molten metal. The entry hatch was fused shut, but grunting with effort, he tore it off and hurled it away.