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She shifts her weight and reaches in her back pocket. Before she can protest I yank it out of her hand, pull her close, and start snapping selfies of us.

"Anyone bothers you, or makes you feel like you’re not the most beautiful girl in the room, I want you to look at these pictures. Then you can ask yourself why I'd bother with you if you weren't amazing. And I mean everything about you."

Again her eyes drop down, she won't look at me. Okay. I have one last trick up my sleeve.

I look to the girl that up until five minutes ago I hoped to impress. She's standing beside us, still holding my book for me.

"May I?" I ask taking the book from her hands.

I flip open the front cover to show Laura the autograph. "I don't know if you like to read or not, but this is a romance signed by the author. It was mine, but I'd like you to have it."

Her eyes open wide in wonder, and her mouth drops. "It's the first in the Jaxson Stone series. That's so cool. Why do you have it?"

"Take a good look at the cover."

"Oh. My. God!" She squeals right in my ear. Great that's what I get for being a nice guy. "It's you! I can't believe you're him!" she says looking back and forth between the cover and me, excitement replaces every other emotion in her face.

I hear a gasp from the other girl. The one whose name is still a fucking mystery to me.

"Would you mind if I take a look?" she asks Laura.


"This is my new friend Laura." I say starting the introductions. "Laura, this is . . ." I'm not opposed to using this "good deed" to my advantage. If after seeing the giant S on my chest she still doesn't want to give me a chance, I'm done, I'm moving on. That must be the reason Laura has been thrown in my path. To remind me how short life is, and not to waste too much of it in any one place, on any one person.

"Selene." She says to Laura, then turns her beautiful blue eyes on me. "My name is Selene Davis."

Ding, ding, ding, one point for me. Now I need to capitalize on it.

"Okay, pretty lady. It's time to say goodbye." I say as I get to my feet with Laura still in my arms. "I hope I brightened your day." I take her hand, and kiss it just above the knuckles after getting her settled back down in her chair.

I throw a glance at Laura's mother. She's standing beside us silently staring at me, a death glare radiating from her eyes. I toss her a bone. Shit, the way she's foaming at the mouth, I'm thankful there aren't any knives on the tables. I'm certain if there were, one would be straight through my heart right about now. Maybe if her ego is fed a bit, she'll lay off her daughter.

"I know right now you feel as though you think your mother doesn't understand. You need to remember how supportive she's been through all this. Not everyone has someone in their corner dedicated to nothing but cheering them on. You said yourself, she's what keeps you strong."

Laura's eyes shift from me to her mother as she nods. I can't help myself. I reach out and pull my thumb across the skin beneath her eye. "One more thing. No tattoos. Not on your face. Ever. Promise?"

"Promise." She's smiling again, and it warms something inside of me. I take one last look at her, forgetting for the moment it's Laura I'm looking at and not Luna.

I don't know how Selene feels about any of this. I haven't really looked her way for more than a few seconds here and there since Laura entered the shop. I did my good deed, hopefully scored a point on Karma's tally board, now it's back to business. Before I head back to my table, I reach for Selene's hand and lead the way. She doesn't pull away or protest. She comes along, staring at me open mouthed like I just fought off an alien army. Shit. That's the last thing I wanted. Now she has expectations. Expectations are never exceeded. They always fall short.

"What just happened? Were you really her therapist?"

Sitting down I snicker. "No. She just needed a little pick me up. I happened to be in the right place at the right time."

"You didn't know her at all?"

I shake my head. "Never saw her before she rolled through that door."

"Then how did you know? I mean it's like you knew exactly what to say and what to do."

I shrug. "I paid attention." I need her to drop this. I need to shove both Luna and Laura out of my mind. I know the perfect way to do that, focus on getting my fill of Selene's body. Seeing how I only just tricked her into divulging her name, I doubt she'll agree to a quick romp in the bathroom or out back. Besides, I've waited this long to see her, this long for that little tidbit of information, and while it was like a slow torture, there's something about it I like. I like it so much, I don't want a quick fuck with her. I want it to be worth the wait.

"Was the book for me?"

"I brought it on the off chance you like to read."

"Or on the off chance I'd be so impressed that you're on the cover I'd automatically go out with you."

"I told you before, I have no problem saying goodbye and never coming back." I get to my feet.

Her hand reaches for me. "Wait," she says pulling me back; back to this crappy table in this ratty, little coffee shop and away from the thought of diving head first, either head, into her pussy.

"So you're a model?"

I shrug leaning back in my chair. "How about this, I don't answer any more of your questions until you agree to go out with me tonight."

"Can we go to your place?"

Holy fuck, I feel the effect of her words in my pants. I knew patience would win out.

"I'd love to, but I don't entertain at my place."

She frowns. "That's what I was afraid of."

She looks pissed. What the fuck? Good feeling's gone.

"What did I do now? I asked to take you out, and because I don't want to bring you back home afterwards you're throwing a hissy fit?"

"I should've known better than to try and have a conversation with you."

"With me? Me? Like I'm the fucking problem?" I lean forward, "You're so fucking frustrating. Do you know that? Do you have any idea?"

She stands shaking her head and pushes her chair back. The look of adoration gone from her eyes. Now she's back to looking at me like I'm a piece of shit. Maybe it's for the best.

"Goodbye, Cooper."

Chapter 5

June twists her hair around her pointer finger, her teeth skim her lush, pouty bottom lip while she leans into me, pressing her soft, round tits against my arm. I feel her arousal through her thin, gauzy shirt in the form of her hardened nipples. Nipples I can't wait to get my mouth on.

Janice is stroking the side of my face, running the nail of her pointer finger over my lips. I touch the tip of her finger with my tongue, and circle around it, wondering if her nipples are just as hard and ready for action as her sister's. Her hooded eyes assure me I'm on the shortcut to getting inside her panties. If she's even wearing panties. If she is, I hope they're the crotchless ones.

June's mouth is on my neck. Her tongue swirling around my skin. I'm not sure if they're competing against each other and they want me to pick a winner, or if they're looking to do this together. Either way after the shitty day I had, I'm down for it. I haven't fucked twins before. This is a check box on my bucket list. Best of all they're blow-the-roof-off-this-mother-fucking-place hot!

"So, when you cum, does she scream?" I ask Janice, nodding my head toward June.

June pulls back and giggles, while Janice takes her turn pressing her lips against my neck and whispers into my ear. "Why don't you try it and find out. We've never done that together before. But since we saw you at the same time, and you can't seem to make up your mind . . ." she pulls back to look at me. "Neither one of us is willing to pass you up."