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'Think….there's a way to make it happen…you just got to position them so they accept it…think.'

Slowly, a plan formed in Julie's mind…she went over the details one by one. She'd have to take care of some things but…it just might work!

Elizabeth got home around midnight.

"Jim?" she called as she walked through the living area toward the kitchen. The light was on but the kitchen was empty. She turned off the light and headed to bed, surprised that her brother had apparently turned in already. She'd wanted to take him out for a while to make up for having to work.

She went into the bedroom she shared with Julie to find her roommate waiting up for her. She was lying on the bed writing in a notebook when Elizabeth walked in. Her hair was pinned up and she was wearing her favorite blue silk kimomo. Seeing Elizabeth, she closed the notebook and sat up to place it on the nightstand beside her.

Elizabeth gave her a smile and closed the door.

"Hey, babe," Julie said, "I saw you tonight."

"Really?" Elizabeth said surprised. Julie would usually stop in to watch her dance but she'd always sit down close or see her afterwards.

"Why didn't you come back?" Backstage, she meant. Elizabeth walked around to Julie's side of the bed and gave her a quick kiss.

"I was with someone… a potential client actually." Julie began stroking the back of her leg. Elizabeth could tell from the look in Julie's eyes that she wasn't going to get to bed without some sex play that night.

"Yeah? Anyone I'd know?" Elizabeth dropped her handbag on the chair by the bed and began taking off the conservative outfit she'd worn to the club. She'd assumed her brother would still be up, so she'd worn it home.

"No," said Julie. "But I think I'm going to take his business, I had him checked out. Got lots of money."

"Hey, have you seen Jim?" Elizabeth asked as she tossed her blouse in the chair and reached behind her to unhook her bra. Julie moved her other hand up to stroke her flat stomach as she did so.

"I didn't check his bedroom but he might be in there. I saw him earlier in the evening before I went out and he said you'd gone to work and he was thinking about going out to a movie, maybe."

Elizabeth tossed her bra in the chair. Without being told, Elizabeth began tweaking her nipples, getting them erect. It was part of their nightly routine; Julie liked to see her do it and Elizabeth liked to please Julie.

Satisfied that they were acceptably hard, Elizabeth began shedding her pants, unzipping them in the back and letting them pool around her ankles.

"So how was work tonight?" Julie asked. Elizabeth knew she wanted to hear about her dancing and the people she gave private dances to in particular. Julie loved to hear about how she'd been felt up by club members and their guests and Elizabeth liked to tell her.

"Pretty good. One of the members, Mr. Leonardo, brought his son in. I guess it was a sort of a rite of manship type of thing, you know?"

"And Leonardo asked you to be nice to his son?"

"Mmhmm. Well, I took him back to one of the rooms and the kid was as nervous as a virgin. So I told him, 'no sweat, I'll just dance for you.'

Well, it turned into a lap dance and the kid reeeeaalllllly enjoyed himself, if you get my drift." After a quick laugh, Elizabeth continued, "I wish Vince hadn't called me in…I wanted to show Jim a good time tonight."

"Don't worry about Jim. I'm sure he had a good time. You can do that some other night…listen, about this client…I want you to do him."

Clad in her panties, Elizabeth sat down on the bed beside Julie. "Yeahhhh…well, tell me about him. What's he want?" Elizabeth said as her hand slid into the open slit of Julie's robe and she began rubbing Julie's thigh.

"Well, he's sorta into dominance…likes his girls tied up." Elizabeth tried to act nonchalant but being tied up was her favorite thing. Julie was happy to please her in that way whenever she asked for it. Julie continued, "And, he's got a whole slew of other requirements. He doesn't want you to see his face and he doesn't want any talking or communication from you; he's doesn't want to see you as an normal women. He described it as wanting to fuck a live sex doll, you know, like the kind you blow up."

"Oh, I get it," Elizabeth said, "That's why I can't talk."

"Right. So I think I'll have you wear the red suit and I'll add a little stuffing to exaggerate some of your attributes." As she said that, Julie let her hand play over Elizabeth's pouty breasts.

"Sounds kinky," Elizabeth purred, "but are you sure this guy's OK, I mean, I don't want him trying to 'deflate' me with a knife or something when he's done."

"Not to worry," Julie said as she gave a quick lick to her left nipple. "He also wants me to watch you two go at it. I'll be in the room the whole time."

Elizabeth like the sound of that too. There was something profoundly thrilling about having Julie in the room and having sex with someone else. They'd thrown some parties in the past that had turned into some wild times.

"I've got it all planned out and it should be good for you and him…of course, you'll have to tell Jim you've got something going on tomorrow afternoon, that's when the guy wants it."

Elizabeth wished it could be postponed until Jim left; she didn't want him sitting around the apartment all week while she was out working. But it couldn't be helped, she guessed.

"You know I'm your girl!" Elizabeth said has her hand slid higher. Talking about Julie's customer and a long night of teasing and light fondling by the club clientele had Elizabeth in a very hot mood.

"You're really hot tonight, aren't you, babe?" Julie sighed as she pulled her down and their lips met in a hard passionate kiss. Elizabeth was totally in love with Julie. Their relationship had just happened overnight several years ago; it had been shocking at first but now Elizabeth could not imagine finding another lover that could make her feel the way Julie did; everything about her tall powerful lover seemed to excite her.

She felt Julie's hand slid down her back and into her panties. Julie began squeezing her soft ass cheeks as they Frenched each other. She felt her pussy begin to get excited as she thought of what they would do in bed that night.

The night before had been so good. At first she'd wanted to just go to sleep since her brother was in the next room but that had actually turned Julie on. And later, during their lovemaking, it had even turned Elizabeth on; she'd actually imagined Jim listening at the door while Julie had used her tied down body and her orgasm had been intense.

Julie broke their kiss after a few moments, smoothed away some of her golden bangs from her eyes and then pushed Elizabeth up as she got off the bed.

"Come with me," Julie said as she took her hand and led her toward the bathroom. 'Wonder what she's got in mind?!' Elizabeth thought as her heart beat excitedly in her chest. She knew Julie liked to do it in every room of the apartment; they'd done it in the kitchen, on the dining table, on the couch, out on the patio. And of course, in the bathroom where it was easy to clean up afterward.

Her lover flicked on the bathroom lights and pulled Elizabeth toward the sink area.

"Off with those panties," Julie said as she patted the hard marble top to the left of the sink. "And up on the counter."

Elizabeth turned away from her and slowly peeled off her panties, keeping her legs straight and bending at the waist. She could feel Julie's eyes taking in her damp sex slot between her thighs as she worked her panties off her ankles. It excited Elizabeth to strip for her lover and she kept bent over, stretching out the moment.


Elizabeth straightened quickly and spun around, her hand rubbing the spot where Julie had slapped her bottom. Elizabeth wasn't into pain in a sexual way and Julie had never taken any liberties when she was tied up. The smile on Julie's face told her that it had been in fun.