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Julie continued, "I want your help this afternoon…with some business that I'm involved in."

"What's that?" Jim said, a little disappointed.

"I want you to fuck someone for me."

"Wha?! Fuck someone?" Jim stammered. "And this is business?"

"What can I say? I enjoy my work more than most people," Julie said with a smile. "I don't know what Liz told you about what I do but part of it is helping people live out their sexual fantasies….today, it's a woman. And I think you'd be perfect."

"Christ, Julie! I mean…" Jim trailed off as he pondered what she'd asked of him.

"I know it's a biiiggggggg favor I'm asking," Julie said as she got up and walked to the end of the bed. "I mean, asking you to fuck a gorgeous… young…well-known…actress. Maybe we ought to forget it."

"Hey, wait a minute…" Jim said, sitting up, now intrigued. "I didn't say I wouldn't do it." He saw Julie get a look on his face that translated to 'the fish is hooked' but he didn't care. "An actress? Who is it?"

"It'll be a surprise…but I guarantee you know her. Be at this address at 2 PM." Julie said and pulled a piece of paper from her blouse pocket. She threw it on the bed and headed for the door.

"Hey, wait! Is this the address of a home. Who the hell do I ask for?" Jim said in exasperation. He could just see himself knocking on a door and saying 'Hi, we haven't met but I might be here to have sex with some woman at this address.'

"I'll be there, baby," Julie said as she reached the door, "and I'll make the introductions, as we say. Believe me, you're going to love it…great sex with no strings attached."

Jim was game but still not convinced that Julie had it all worked out. "What about Elizabeth? How do I explain being away? She's gonna want to do something together today."

"Not to worry," Julie said from the door. "Your sister has an appointment that she made long ago and can't get out of. You'll have time to get to where we are, have a wild time and be back before your sister returns. See? Julie's thought of everything. You just be there and you'll have something to tell all your friends back home."

She slipped out, leaving Jim wide awake but wanting to pinch himself to be sure.

Jim got up, showered, dressed in some jeans and a T-shirt and went out to scrounge up some breakfast. He made some scrambled eggs and toast and was just getting ready to take them to the dining table when Elizabeth came around the corner into the kitchen, wearing a long nightshirt.

"Hey, Beth…here's the breakfast I made for you." Jim handed her the dish of eggs with the toast before she could say a word.

"Jim, you made this for yourself…" she began to complain. "You'll never be able to prove it," Jim said and steered her to the dining table. "You eat up and I'll whip up some more for myself. It's the least I can do…you sent me an airline ticket, for Christssake."

Soon he joined her at the table with eggs of his own.

"So, how as work last night?" he asked, not being able to resist. It was legitimate small talk but he was curious to hear her lie to him.

"The usual," she said, not volunteering anything more.

"Was it busy? Are Friday nights busier?" He couldn't let it lie.

"Oh….a little busier but I'm off tonight and Julie said she would like to go out with us later."

Jim perked up at that.

"Really…that would be great. Got anyplace in mind?"

"No, we'll just go clubbing. Julie knows a lot of the bouncers around here so we should get in without waiting in line, if there is one." Beth finished her eggs and walked the dishes back to the sink. "Oh, I almost forgot, I've got to go out later."

Jim tried to sound surprised.

"Now what? I thought we'd got out today…I wanted to see Central Park."

"Ah, I'm sorry, Jim…we'll do that tomorrow, though, I promise. I made a doctor's appointment and I can't miss it."

"Doctor? You don't look sick." Jim said as he turned to her.

"Well, I'm not." Elizabeth said and laughed. "It's just a yearly check-up…it's with my gynecologist, if you must know."

"Hey, you're telling me more than I wanted to know!" Jim joked and Elizabeth threw a dish towel at him. "Is it a male doctor?"

"Jim! If you must know, it's a woman."

"I thought so," Jim said as he took his dishes to the sink. As he walked toward her, he jabbed a little more at her. "It would probably be pretty embarrassing to have some guy examine you."

Jim saw her face tense up as he brought up what was part of her actual job; he wondered if it was because she wanted to keep it secret or if she thought maybe he knew somehow.

'Let it go, Jim,' he thought.

But she went on with the conversation, "Yeah, I don't think I'd feel as comfortable if it were a man..although I know a lot of women that go to male gynoes."

"Hey, how about renting a movie or something before you go?" Jim asked to change the subject.

"Yeah, we can do that. What do you want to see?"

"Hell, there's so many I haven't seen…the folks haven't even bought a VCR yet, you know."

"Oh, you poor thing," Elizabeth said in jest as she hugged him. "Let me get dressed and we'll go to the movie store."

Jim swore he could feel her nipples through her nightshirt, even asleep, they were prominent. He remembered the way she'd pulled on them when she'd been up on that stage the night before and he felt himself getting a little excited.

Then, she turned and shassayed out of the kitchen.

"Man, you're a sicko…" Jim muttered to himself but didn't really mean it. His sister had chosen a lifestyle that emphasized her sexuality, so who could blame him?

They ended up renting "Basic Instinct" as Jim's choice. He'd heard a lot about it, especially that Sharon Stone flashed her beaver in one scene. The plot of the story had so many holes in it, it was laughable. But Stone and her girlfriend, Roxy, looked really hot.

Jim couldn't help noticing that Elizabeth went to the kitchen for a Coke just as Roxy and Stone did a lesbian kiss. Coincidence?

After the film, went in to shower and re-emerged later wearing a pair of nice shorts and a tanktop-type shirt. She said she'd be back later in the afternoon. Jim told her he might go out to look around the city more but he'd probably be back before her if he did.

She left and Jim went into the kitchen, took out the bottle of Vodka from the freezer and had himself couple of shots, laughing when he thought how great it would be if he showed up and Julie introduced him to Sharon Stone.

"Wouldn't that be a kicker?" he said aloud as he went back in to watch that first scene with her riding that guy before she stuck him with that ice pick.

Jim was feeling slightly buzzed when he stepped from the cab later. He paid the cabbie, a smelly something-or-other that had been playing some kind of music that sounded like a cat being stepped on for twenty minutes…the same song for twenty minutes. God only, knew if he'd taken the shortest route.

The cab pulled away and Jim looked around. The street number Julie had given him was displayed over a pizzeria, so he went in there. No sign of Julie. He was a few minutes early, so he ordered a Pepsi and sat in the window booth.

Ten minutes later, Julie came walking down the sidewalk, turning the head of many men in her wake. She saw him and waved him to come out.

"There's my favorite stud," Julie said and gave him a nice kiss. "Come on, we're just going around the corner." She took his hand and they walked around the corner and down the next street.

Halfway down the block, Julie steered him into what looked like a bar. A small sign above the door read "The Whipping Post". It was fairly dark on the inside after the door swung closed but Jim had time to take in the bar on one side of the room and a rather small area of tables and booths on the other.

A big guy sat at one of the tables, reading a paper.