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"Thanks, Butch. You can lock her up now," Julie said as they went past him and down a narrow hallway. Jim wondered what the hell was going on; apparently the place wasn't yet opened for business, yet Julie seemed to have the run of the place. Behind him he heard the front door being locked.

At the end of the hall, Julie opened a door and they entered what looked like another party room. There were several couches, a small bar in one corner. Julie locked the door behind them.

"A lot of doors being locked around here." Jim said.

"The place isn't opened yet but I don't want anyone disturbing us," Julie said as she went past him toward the bar, playing her hand across the front of his jeans suggestively.

"Mmmm. Tell me that you've been pulling my leg and you've decided you want me to fuck you for real this time." Jim said, ready to take some more of Julie if she wanted it.

Julie moved behind the bar and poured herself a small glass of a brownish liquid.

"I might take you on again," Julie said, "but first you're going to have to satisfy my client. She's right behind that door." Julie motioned toward another door beside the bar.

"Really?" Jim said with a little excitement in his voice. All the way in the cab, he'd been thinking about young actresses. TV actresses, movie actresses….Julie said he'd know her. Was it that girl from Married with children? Or maybe Winona Ryder? Shit, it could be anyone!

"Mmmhmm. Now, let me explain what you're going to be doing. My client, for obvious reasons, does not want her face to be seen by you. She's afraid all this might get into the tabloids and ruin her…but she likes it so much she keeps coming back for more."

Jim flopped down on one of the couches as Julie went on.

"So, she's gone to great lengths to disguise her body. You'll see when we get in there."


"Yeeaaaahhh," Julie said as she came around the bar, "I'm going to be in there watching you."

Jim grinned at that. God, this might be good.

"I can see you don't mind. Anyway, my client likes me to talk to her when she's being fucked — just me, not you. You can't talk when you're in there. If you do, I won't get paid and you can forget about anymore sex with me."

"Can I grunt and moan?" Jim said jokingly.

"If you must," Julie smirked as she raised a foot and laid it on his lap. Jim spread his legs a little wider and began to massage her calf as she used her shoe on his groin. The pressure and the talking about what was in the next room began to have an immediate effect.

"I got it, no talking," Jim promised. "What else?"

"In there, you do what I say; I'll be suggesting things. That's about it. I want my client to enjoy herself several times, if you get my drift. I don't think you'll have a problem in that area, she's pretty easy to get off." Julie's foot was making his jeans very uncomfortable by this time. He was rearing to go.

"I think I'm ready to punch the clock," he said as he squirmed under her rubbing foot.

"Good, she's probably wondering where we are. Come on, stand up."

Jim stood up and Julie calmly unbuttoned his jeans and pulled down his tented zipper. She hooked her thumbs in the side of his underwear and pulled down his underpants and jeans down to mid-thigh. His cock got hung up in his underwear, painfully for a second, then it sprang up and out at Julie.

"Hmmm, there's that big beauty," Julie said as her palm pressed it up against his belly. "My client's going to be very pleased."

Jim made a grab for her tits but Julie backed away.

"Save it for the client," she said as she walked toward the door by the bar. "Knock before you come in. And remember…" Julie raised her index finger in front of her lips, those great lips, and then she turned and went through the door, closing it behind her.

Jim began shucking the rest of his clothes like a madman. Shirt, jeans, underwear, socks, shoes — all went flying on the couch. He walked over to the bar and downed the rest of the drink that Julie had left. The liquor burned but it made him feel good.

Ready as he ever would be, he walked to the door, knocked twice and went into the next room.

Chapter 11

Here's the scene that met his eyes. For a second he didn't know what he was looking at, it was so weird and beyond anything he could have even imagined.

The room was about the same size as the one he'd left his clothes in but it looked enormous because the walls were mirrored from about one foot off the floor to about one foot from the ceiling. The far wall of the room looked like it had a couch pit of some sort and another bar. The two walls perpendicular to where he stood had very low beds with wooden frames and slender mattresses; to Jim they looked like docks you'd tie a boat up to on a lake. The edges of the room were dim as the only lighting came from a recessed light in the center of the room.

There, under the recessed ceiling light, was a narrow bed, about the size of a single. It's frame was made of a dull metal and the head and foot boards were the same; a series of vertical pipes that joined the top board pipe about two feet above the mattress.

On the bed, sitting with her legs together and tucked to the side, was Julie's client and Jim was going to have no way to tell who it was. He just stood there for several seconds in amazement.

The mystery girl was wearing a full length, bright red, shiny suit that began with heels which seemed built right into the suit, then continued upward over her legs, hips, her torso which sported an outrageously large outline of a pair of breasts, and finally to a cowl that covered the girl's head.

The only flesh and blood parts of the girl that were exposed were a semi-circular portion of her lower tummy, her mouth which stuck through a hole in her hood, the bottom of her nose through a similar slit, and a large ponytail of jet black hair that stuck out of the back of the hood. It all left Jim speechless but Julie, who had been standing on the far side of the bed watching his reaction, must have thought he was going to speak. Her finger went up to her lips again, then she began walking around the bed toward where Jim stood.

"Your stud is here, Kitten," she said to the red figurette. As if that were her cue, Kitten swayed her upper body and shifted herself onto her knees without the aid of her hands. In fact, Jim noticed that her hands had not come from behind her back since he'd been observing her. What he did see was that the suit was crotchless and the girl must have kept her privates trimmed because he saw no muff down there.

"I've really outdone myself this time," Julie continued as she motioned Jim to approach the bed. "Tall, dark and handsome — that's what this stud is made of. He's going to show you a hot time, my little Kitten."

Jim met Julie about a yard from the bed and she leaned slightly down to whisper into his ear.

"Just follow what I say. She likes things in a certain order." Julie began to turn back to Kitten but Jim stopped her and whispered into her ear, "This is too fucking weird. Are her hands tied?"

Julie leaned back and gave him a look, then turned her head to Kitten. "My stud must really like what he sees. His dick is getting soooo hard," Julie cooed as her hand began stroking him. Actually, up to that point, Jim's dick had been flagging from the near erect state that Julie had gotten him to in the other room. The surprise had unfocused him from his mission but Julie drew him back on course.

Here he was in what had to be a sex room with all the mirrors, the beautiful Julie talking dirty, and a helpless sex-hungry mystery girl waiting for him on the bed. His cock bloomed into a fat erection as he thought how lucky he was.

"Kitten, show your stud that pretty pussy," Julie commanded and the girl slumped down on her left side and she raised her right leg, bending it at the knee.

Jim sucked in his breath at the bare pussy nestled between the mystery girl's sleek thighs. The recessed light above shone down on it, edging every detail in his mind. If he lived to be a hundred, he'd always remember it. The soft outer labial cushions that surrounded her neat, pink pussylips, the way they ran up to meet the fleshy hood that held the girl's clit, the twinkling wetness of her slit.