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He was still thinking of Julie as a she, even now, that's how good looking she was. Her face with those cheekbones, those lips, those legs — those legs could not be a man's. Yet she was over 6 feet in height and she had a dick. He really didn't know what to think about Julie. He did want to think about Elizabeth.

His sister had wanted to fuck him!

Ever since the first night he'd peeped at them from the skylight, he'd had some more than sisterly thoughts about Elizabeth. Then to find out she stripped and to see her flashing her pussy on the stage, well, that had only added fuel to the fire.

But, despite his fantasies, he never would have made love to her. Or if he had, it would have been so awkward that he probably wouldn't have even enjoyed it. The added pressure to perform and do I have to ask her if I can touch her pussy? and how do you ask your sister to suck your dick? He'd have been a basketcase!

'Maybe Elizabeth would have been the same way — that's why she and Julie planned the thing this way!'

That was the only explanation — she and Julie had planned the whole scene back at the Whipping Post. Her shaving herself, the lie about going to the doctor, getting there and getting in the suit before he arrived.

Being taken by Julie to Beth's strip club must have something to do with what they were up to. Maybe they wanted him to see Beth with her natural bush so when they shaved her, he'd not think of Elizabeth. But why even let him know Beth stripped at all? He couldn't get a handle on that aspect, there was something there but the piece didn't fit.

'I don't fucking believe this!' Jim said as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes. The sight, sounds and tastes of his incestuous sex washed back over him. He'd sucked his sister pussy and she'd sucked his cock. God, he'd come in her!

He wondered if Beth had been in on their plan since he'd arrived. Did she take a look at him that evening and decided she wanted him? Or did Julie tell her about their sex session and Elizabeth just had to try him, too?

Whatever had happened, what he had to think about now was what should he do.

Should he keep quiet about knowing or should he tell them?

Telling his sister might embarrass Beth but then again, if he told her and said he loved it, maybe she'd go for a little more. That would make the rest of his trip very interesting.

The more he thought about it, as the cab rolled on, the more he thought that might be what he'd do. He really had nothing to lose.

Chapter 15

Jim paced around the apartment, wound up with excitement and nervousness, for almost a half hour after getting back to the apartment. Finally, he put on some trunks and went to lie down on a sunchair on the patio. The sun was well past its zenith but felt good.

He went through the scene in his mind over and over, how he was going to lay everything on the line and see what happened. He wanted to sound confident and in control when he revealed what he knew. And in his mind, he'd played back his sister's possible reactions. Maybe she'd apologize and fight off his advances for the rest of the trip…maybe she'd tell him she was glad he knew, that she and Julie were going to tell him anyway, that she wanted to fuck him again… whatever her reaction, Jim knew he had nothing to lose. She'd tricked him into sex so their brother and sister relationship had been irrevocably changed at that point.

It was almost 4:30 before his sister got back to the apartment. He heard her call out when she entered but he stayed where he was. She'd be able to see him through the open glass door.

'All right, time to act like a man… show her you're ready for what she obviously wants,' he thought as he saw her come through the patio doors.

"Hey! Whatcha been up to today?" Elizabeth said as she came out into the sun. She seemed relaxed enough, smiling and moving nonchalantly.

'Man, is she cool! Spent the day sucking and fucking her brother in a red sex suit and now she looks like she's back from church,' he thought. "Oh, I had a really good day," he answered as he flexed his arms and chest muscles, showing off his body to his sister. She hadn't seen it with her hood on but now he saw her eyes taking it all in.

"Yeah? What did ya do? Just lay around here in the sun!" she teased as she raised her foot and poked his side.

"No…I had myself a real good workout today….worked up a good sweat," Jim said, not lying as he ogled her legs…the legs that had wrapped around him earlier. "I wouldn't mind working out like that every day while I'm here."

His answer had been loaded with double entendre and he watched her face for some flicker of excitement or fear that maybe he knew. But she appeared to just take it at face value.

"What did you do go for a run or something? I hope you didn't go to Central Park without me?" she said as she tilted her face to the sun.

"Uh, no…I just did some exercising..um..indoors." Jim said. "How did your doctor's visit go?"

"Oh, it was fine…OK," Elizabeth said as she drew her hair back over one ear in what Jim thought was a nervous gesture. Had he not known it had been her, he never would have even noticed the gesture.

"Well, don't stay out her too long…you'll burn." Giving him a smile, she went back into the apartment, leaving Jim to ponder his next move.

'OK….she's not going to confess apparently..unless she's waiting for Julie and the two of them will do it together…I'll see how things go when Julie gets back…Damn! I wish she'd make this easier for me.

Well, I'm not going to go back home without getting her to open up.' Jim vowed as he closed his eyes.

After another fifteen minutes, Jim got up and went inside to take a much needed shower. His sister was sitting on the couch, going through some mail and she told him that Julie should be back soon and they were going to go out to dinner.

He went in his room, stripped down and got in the shower. Finished, he dried off, blow dried his hair and put on some jeans and a polo shirt. He went back out into the living room to find Julie had arrived back and was sitting on the couch with his sister, both facing each other. Their conversation tailed off as he came out of his bedroom and he wondered if he was the topic of conversation.

"Why, hello Jim," Julie said dramatically, "Lizzie and I were just discussing how we've got to do a better job entertaining you." Julie, her face turned away from his sister, gave him a wink.

'Don't wink at me, you man in sheep's clothing,' he thought as Julie continued.

"You've been here almost 48 hours and we haven't even taken you to one of our New York's famous restaurants. How does some Mexican food sound?"

"Uh…great," he said, "Is what I'm wearing OK?"

"That's fine," Elizabeth said, getting up and heading for her bedroom, "I'm gonna put on a better blouse."

That left Julie and he alone in the living room. She patted the couch next to her, obviously wanting him to sit beside her but he moved past and sat down in the chair. She scooted down nearer him.

"Why did you take off like that?" she asked, pitching her voice lower than normal conversation. "I might have shared a cab with you."

"I wanted to be alone…I had some thinking to do."

"Oh, OK, no big deal…you really made my client quite happy." Julie's hand moved onto his knee and Jim shot up out of the chair. To say he was skitterish would have been an understatement. Knowing Julie was as much of a man as he was had him upset.

"I…better get my shoes," he mumbled and headed for his bedroom, leaving the puzzled Julie alone.

'That was good, Jim,' he berated himself as he got his shoes, ' Way to be calm and collected.'