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"All right," the waitress said, "Don't let that stud get away before I get back." She turned and walked to the bar and Jim ogled her lovely ass as it ground away.

"You like her?" Julie whispered in his ear.

"What's not to like?" Jim pulled her close and kissed her again as he ran his right hand down her back and rubbed the top of her ass. "Would you like to sleep with her?" Jim asked as he squeezed her ass.

"Sheryl?…Sure, she's strictly hetero…but I'm working on her." Jim couldn't tell if Julie was being serious or not. He hoped at least that she was being faithful to his sister…but maybe that was too much to ask for a knockdead bi-sexual in New York.

"Ah, there he is." Julie said as she stood up. Jim followed her eyes and saw that a man had appeared behind the bar and was talking to the blonde bartendress. "Excuse me for a minute, I've got to talk to this guy."

Julie stood up and walked over to the bar. Jim saw a lot of eyes following the tall brunette in her clinging dress. Sheryl passed her, heading back to their table with their drinks. Jim dug out his billfold in preparation of paying the tab.

"Here ya go, Sugar." Sheryl was all charm as she leaned close to him to put Julie's drink in front of her chair. Jim fished a twenty out of his billfold and held it out to the waitress as she straightened up. "How much are the drinks?" he asked her, wondering how much of a bite the drinks were going to take out of the twenty.

"Sugar, the drinks are always free here," the redhead explained as took the bill from his hand. With a smile, she set her tray down on the table and tucked the bill in the string of her apron. "But twenty will get you this."

With that, she swung her leg over his lap and lowered herself on his lap as her hands went around his neck. Jim found his face close to Sheryl's magnificent tits as she began to grind herself against him.

"Wow!" Jim gasp as Sheryl's crotch began to awaken his manhood.

"Big boy, if Julie weren't here, I'd take you downstairs and we'd have ourselves a good ole time." Sheryl said it like she meant it but Jim knew that most strippers were interested in one thing — money. She might take him downstairs but it wouldn't be for a twenty.

"Aaaahh, Sheryl, that feels great…" he said looking over to the bar as his hands lightly played up the outside of Sheryl's flexing thighs. He saw Julie talking to the guy behind the bar. The man said something to Julie and she looked at her watch…."mmmm…oh, man!"

"Oh yeah, stud, I can feel something nice and hard down here," Sheryl said as she gave her hips a hard thrust. Jim looked up at her face; it simmered with $20 of desire. Sheryl brought her lips close to his, teasing him, promising untold delights. Then she went to her sales pitch. "Baby, I want to get you off…$100…we'll go downstairs, whattaya say?" "No sale, Sheryl." Jim said and the girl ended her grinding. "I'm saving myself for my date."

"I bet you could satisfy us both but…" Sheryl predicted as she dismounted from his lap "…remember the offer."

Julie returned then, smirking knowingly as she stood by Sheryl. "Looks like Sheryl was being very nice to you," she said as she used her right hand to slowly pull Sheryl's hair back over her shoulder. Sheryl looked sideways at Julie as her hand continued down her back, slowly, then moved onto the waitress' bottom. With a chuckle, Sheryl spun away.

"Aren't you ever going to give it up?" Sheryl said cutely as she picked up her tray.

"Sheryl, one of these days I'll catch you in a weak moment, " Julie predicted as she sat back down, "and then I'll ruin you for men forever." Sheryl blew her a kiss and headed off toward another table.

"You weren't kidding about Sheryl; you'd like to get her into bed wouldn't you?" Jim said.

"Mmmmm, yeah!..and then after I was through with her…and she was really juicy…I'd let you fuck her while I watched!" Julie's eyes flashed at him and he knew she wasn't kidding. She looked again at her watch. "Grab your drink. It's time to head downstairs."

Downstairs turned out to be another large dim lit room that looked like any other strip club. More booths and tables filled with wealthy looking clientele, plenty of topless waitresses and a small stage with runways and a couple of brass poles. A small Asian women was dancing on the stage in a spotlight when they came down.

Julie asked the floor seater for a booth in the back of the room; Jim would have liked to sit closer to the stage but he soon found out why Julie wanted a booth. After they sat down, Julie flipped a switch on the wall behind them and the light over their booth went out, leaving them with some privacy.

"You having a good time yet?" she asked facetiously. "Fuck, yes…Here feel for yourself," he said as he moved her hand to the bulge in his pants. He liked the throaty chuckle of surprise she gave as her palm stroked him through his jeans.

"Whoa, it feels like Lizzie's little brother is hung." Julie teased.

"We're only going to stay for about another fifteen minutes…I want to get you home. You and I are going to have a wild time before your sister gets back."

"Why wait? Let's go now." Jim again suggested. He been teased enough tonight. He wanted to get Julie back to the apartment, rip her dress off and do whatever she'd let him do. Maybe he could get her tied down…then he'd fuck her pussy whether she wanted it or not.

"Wait just a few more minutes…there's a really hot dancer coming out in a few minutes..after she's through, we'll split." Julie took her hand away from his crotch and drank her drink as she watched the Asian girl simulate making love to one of the poles on the stage.

Jim did the same, thinking about what a wild trip it was turning into. His sister could have had a dour, frumpy roommate but instead she was living with a bi-sexual bombshell that was going to do the wild thing with him, maybe for the rest of his stay.

If Julie like cock…he knew he could get her into bed all week. He knew he had been doled out a little more dick than most guys got from the Big Man upstairs. He came in at just over 8 inches — a hefty, full 8 inches. He was thinking about Julie's full lips wrapping around his wanger as the Asian girl slip behind the curtains and a fresh song started up.

A deep baritone voice then announced over the club soundsystem, "And now for your enjoyment, the delectable Pepper!"

Jim jerked his head back to the stage as his sister, dressed in a skimpy orange thong bikini, slid from behind the curtain onto the stage and did a slow twirl around one of the poles.

Chapter 6

"Beth?!" he softly said in surprise. He felt Julie slide closer to him.

"I think you'll like this, Jim. She really knows how to work a crowd." Jim pulled his eyes from his sister as she waved her gorgeous butt in the face of a front table occupant. Julie's face was very close to his and her eyes were searching his face.

"Why did you bring me here?' he asked and licked his lips.

Julie smiled. "You knew about us. Why not?…She can't see us back here…look at her. She's beautiful, isn't she?"

Jim looked again at his sister. She was pulling down the straps of her bikini top, shrugging her shoulders seductively as she leaned against a pole. He'd always thought his sister was cute but up there on the stage she was down right hot.

Thoughts of the previous night when he'd imagined himself fucking Elizabeth stirred in his mind again. He, like every other male in the room, was imagining what it would be like to hold that sexy dancer, to squeeze her soft slender ass as you worked your dick into her….

"Lizzie's one of the favorites here," Julie said close to his ear, bringing him out of his fantasy, "she can make $700-$800 a night easy." Jim remembered Sheryl's pitch..$100…we'll go downstairs, whattaya say?