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Challenge, newspaper of Progressive Labor Party, New York.

Clarte, organ of Communist Party of Belgium (Marxist-Leninist), Brussels.

Daily Worker, paper of Communist Party of United States, New York.

Desafio, Spanish-language version of Challenge, organ of Progressive Labor Party, New York.

L’Express, news magazine, Paris.

For a Lasting Peace, For a People’s Democracy, periodical of Information Bureau of Communist and Workers Parties (Cominform).

Foreign Report, published by The Economist, London.

Intercontinental Press, organ of Socialist Workers Party, New York.

International Socialist Review, magazine of Socialist Workers Party, New York.

Journal of Commonwealth Political Studies, Leicester University, Leicester, Great Britan.

Kommunistisk Tidsskrift, theoretical journal of Communist Workers Party of Denmark, Copenhagen.

Labor Action, organ of Workers Party and then of Independent Socialist League (Shachmanites), New York.

Labor History, Taniment Library, New York University, New York.

Liberated Guardian, pro-Maoist paper, New York.

The Manchester Guardian Weekly, Manchester, England.

Marxism Today, magazine of Communist Party of Great Britain, London.

Marxist-Leninist Quarterly, theoretical organ of Progressive Labor Movement, Brooklyn, New York.

Mass Resistance, organ of Marxist-Leninist League, New York.

Militant, weekly newspaper of Socialist Workers Party, New York.

Monthly Review, generally Left magazine, New York.

Le Monde, daily newspaper, Paris.

Moving On, magazine of New American Movement, Chicago.

New America, newspaper of Socialist Party-Social Democratic Federation, New York.

New Leader, Social Democratic and then Left magazine, New York.

New Times, magazine dealing with international affairs, Moscow.

New York Times, daily newspaper.

New York Times Magazine, weekly feature of New York Times.

Obrero Revolucionario, Spanish-language version of Revolutionary Worker, organ of Revolutionary Communist Party of United States, Chicago.

El Pais, daily newspaper, Madrid, Spain.

Peking Review, news magazine in English, Peking.

People’s Tribune, organ of Communist Labor Party of America.

Political Affairs, theoretical organ of Communist Party of the United States, New York.

Progressive Labor Magazine, organ of Progressive Labor Party, New York.

Progressive Worker, periodical of Progressive Labor Party, New York.

Revolution, newspaper of Revolutionary Union and subsequently of Revolutionary Communist Party, Chicago.

Revolutionary Worker, organ of the Revolutionary Communist Party, New York.

Rinascita, weekly periodical of Italian Communist Party.

Studies in Comparative Communism, University of Southern California, Los Angeles.

Sunday Telegraph, London newspaper.

The Economist, London weekly.

The Workers Advocate, organ of Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists, and subsequently of Marxist-Leninist Party of the United States.

Unity, organ of League of Revolutionary Struggle (M-L), New York.

Unity and Struggle, organ of Revolutionary Communist League (Marxist-Leninist-Mao Tse-tung Thought), New York.

Washington Post, daily newspaper, Washington, DC.

Workers Vanguard, newspaper of Spartacist League, New York.

Workers Viewpoint, organ of Communist Workers Party, New York,

Workers World, organ of Workers World Party, New York.

World Marxist Review, monthly magazine of pro-Moscow Communist parties, Prague, Czechoslovakia.

World Outlook, publication of Socialist Workers Party, New York.

Young Spartacus, organ of Sparticist League, New York.


Joe Berry, official of Communist Party of Britain, in London, July 11, 1991. Santiago Carrillo, secretary general, Communist Party of Spain, in New

York, April 28, 1986. Carl Dix, National Spokesperson of Revolutionary Communist Party of the United States, in New York, December 15, 1992. Angelo Luchi, Provincial Vice Secretary of Partito Socialista Democratico

Italiano in Florence, September 10, 1964. Uderico Moscatelli, local leader of Unione dei Comunisti (Marxist-Leninisti), in Venice, July 21, 1970.

Franco Procopi, member of Regional Committee, Partito Socialista Democratico Italiano, in Florence, September 10, 1964. Gianfranco Rastrelli, member of Secretariat of CGIL labor federation of Florence, Communist Party member, in Florence, September 11, published in 1964.


Declaration of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement, London, March 1984, published in 1987. Embassy of People’s Republic of China Press Release, Washington, DC, April 1980.

Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS), Washington, DC. Letter to the author from Communist Workers Party, November 28, 1979.

Letter to the author from Eric S. Einhorn, Professor of Political Science, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, August 12, 1992.

Letter to the author from William Gallegos of League of Revolutionary Struggle, July 5, 1980.

Letter to the author from Key Martin of Workers World Party, January 5, 1976.

Letter to the author from Mads Bruun Pedersen, Danish Trotskyist leader, and historian, September 18, 1992.

Kenneth Ledlard Ward. “Postwar Splits in the Japanese Communist Party” (manuscript), May 1979.

Harry Williams. “Dare to Struggle, Dare to Win, Born to Lose: Maoism in the U.S.” (manuscript), 1986.

World Strength of the Communist Party Organizations, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, State Department, Washington, DC, annual publication.

Yearbook on International Communist Affairs, Hoover Institution, Stanford, Calif.

About the Author

ROBERT J. ALEXANDER is Professor Emeritus of Economics at Rutgers University. A distinguished scholar with 37 earlier books to his credit, Professor Alexander is best known for his many studies of Latin American politics and development and his work on aspects of Marxism. In 1999 he published the companion volume to this survey, International Maoism in the Developing World (Praeger, 1999).