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"Monsters!" she spat, as she released her sword and sprang to her feet. "You'll not take my ship!" She reached out and grabbed the smaller kuo-toa's spear and pulled hard. The surprised creature was momentarily thrown off balance and let go of its weapon to keep from falling. Avoiding another spear thrust from the larger creature, Maq twirled her borrowed weapon like a baton until the sharp metal head pointed toward her massive attacker. She took a step back, spread her feet for better balance, and waved the spear in front of her to keep the kuo-toa at bay and to give herself a moment to think.

The big kuo-toa's huge eyes rotated to take in the battle on the deck. Maq risked a glance over her shoulder and cringed as she saw Kof being borne to the timbers by a half-dozen of the kuo-toa. Thundering footsteps heralded the arrival of the Perechon's crew, with Fritzen in the lead, but Maquesta knew her men might be no match for the malicious sea creatures.

A growl drew her attention back to the big kuo-toa. It, too, had its spear extended to keep her at a distance. To her horror, she saw the smaller creature pull daggers from its leather harness. She nimbly stepped to the side, avoiding the first missile, but the second nicked her arm and she nearly dropped the spear. Fire coursed through her limb. "Take care!" she cried to the crew. "I think they're using poison!" Out of the corner of her eye she saw the smaller kuo-toa catch a javelin in its chest and go down.

The large kuo-toa threw back its head and made a cackling-gurgling noise that sounded somewhat like laughter. Then it darted in, faster than Maq would have believed possible, and stabbed her thigh. The spear sank in deep, and Maquesta yelped in surprise and pain. She felt the warm blood flow down her leg as her attacker pulled the spear free, sending another jolt of pain through her. But she gritted her teeth, remained standing, and thrust forward with her spear at the same time. The large kuo-toa brought up its boiled leather shield, and Maq's spear tip lodged in it. The creature made a rumbling sound deep in its throat and tossed its shield-and Maq's spear-to the deck. Its eyes focused forward, and it took a step toward her. Behind her Maq heard the cries of her crewmen-shouts of pain and victory merging.

"See to the minotaur; he's down!" she heard one sailor cry.

"I can't get to him," called another. "We're surrounded!"

"Look out! There's more coming over the aft deck!"


"Where's the sea elf? Wait, she's coming on deck. Do something, Tailonna!"

"Start a fire! See if that'll keep them back!" yelled the helmsman.

"They've got weighted nets! I'm trapped!"

"Maquesta?" It was Fritzen's voice. "No! Maq!"

She felt the creature's webbed hands fold about her waist and lift her as easily as a child would carry a doll. Its claws dug in hard, and she slammed her eyes shut as the big kuo-toa gripped her in a bearhug. She felt the air rush out of her lungs, needles of pain poking her everywhere, and her world started spinning. Then she felt herself thrown backward, and she landed roughly on the deck, her head smacking hard against the wood.

Dazed, she slowly opened her eyes to see the halfogre straddling her, pushing the big kuo-toa away. Fritzen danced forward, keeping the creature off balance, until the pair were clear of her. Then Fritzen leaped up and brought his leg straight out to strike the kuo-toa's chest, knocking it backward onto its rump. The half-ogre pressed the attack and jabbed his heel into the kuo-toa's face. But the sea creature quickly retaliated, grabbing Fritzen's ankle and yanking him down to the deck. As the pair grappled, Maquesta shook off her dizziness and sluggishly pulled herself up. The arm nicked by the dagger tingled all over.

She spotted Ilyatha hugging the shadows and creeping toward the forward mast. He motioned her to be silent, and she watched in fascination as he darted around behind a pair of kuo-toa occupying Lendle. He moved so silently not a board creaked, then he raised twin daggers and plunged them into the backs of the unsuspecting creatures. Lendle yipped his thanks and skidded to the side to avoid the falling bodies.

Beyond the gnome she saw a young sailor struggling with another creature. The man was stuck between the sea creature's shield and the railing, and he flailed about helplessly while the kuo-toa beat him. Maq grabbed the capstan for support. Her wounded leg and arm throbbed horribly, and she had to focus her thoughts to keep from blacking out. She looked about for a weapon, but there were none in easy reach. Dimly, she wondered where her sword was.

Still, she was determined to stay in the battle to its bloody conclusion, which she feared might come all too soon-signaling the end of the Perechon's crew and her father's life. Pushing herself forward, she staggered toward the center of the deck, where she knew javelins and harpoons waited. Behind her she heard slapping sounds: kuo-toan feet moving over the polished wood. At least one of the creatures was after her, she realized as she bit her bottom Hp and tried to move faster.

"Get down, Maquesta!" The voice belonged to Tailonna. Maq fell forward onto the deck. She lifted her head just in time to see a gossamer webnet fly through the air. Getting to her hands and knees, she whirled to spot a trio of kuo-toa caught like insects in a spiderweb. Tailonna slid to Maq's side and helped her up. Then the sea elf pulled a second of the tiny nets from her hair. Flinging it toward another group of kuo-toa, Tailonna gestured with her fingers and mouthed the words of a spell. The tiny net shimmered in the air and grew to the size of a fishing net. It landed on the sea elf's intended victims, trapping them. Another net Tailonna tossed toward the big creature struggling with Fritzen. Again a magical net found its mark, engulfing the massive kuo-toa. The half-ogre's legs were caught in the filmy tendrils, too, but he struggled to get himself free.

"Over there!" Maq pointed. Lendle, armed with a dagger and a wooden spoon, had become the center of attention again-this time with a quartet of kuo-toa circling him.

Tailonna nodded and released another web. This one struck the sea creatures about their heads and torsos, leaving Lendle space to dart free between their legs. "I told him to stay in the infirmary," the sea elf muttered. 'Doesn't he ever listen?"

"HelpKofheisintroubledosomethingplease!" Lendle was pointing.

Maq and Tailonna glanced beyond the forward mast and saw a kuo-toa pushing the prone minotaur toward the rail. Unconscious, he would quickly drown. Again arcane words came to the sea elf's lips, but this time they produced lavender darts of light that flew from her fingers. They struck the kuo-toa in the shoulder and spun it around in time for it to receive another set of magic darts in the chest. Amid cheers from the Perechon's sailors, the sea creature fell backward on top of Kof. The tide of battle had turned, thanks to the elf, and the sailors rushed forward to swarm the remaining kuo-toa.

"That must be their leader!" Fritzen called above the cacophony. He was pointing at the large kuo-toa in the net, the one that had wounded Maq. "I heard it snapping orders at the others, but I've got it." The half-ogre had retrieved Maq's sword and had the tip pointed through the webnet at the creature's throat.

Tailonna and Maquesta slowly moved toward the tall kuo-toa. "What will we do with it?" Maq posed. "We can't just let it go, but we're after a morkoth, not a sea-devil." She gritted her teeth and shook her injured arm; it was numb now, all but useless.