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Lily opened a carton and pulled out an egg roll, pointing it at him. "You don't give yourself enough credit." She bit into the roll with a grin. After chewing a few seconds, she said, "I believe in miracles, and I believe that some people are special."

Mark waved his hand in front of his face as the scent filled the room. "Yeah, well, that reporter was just looking for a story. The last thing I want is to be someone's story." He leaned over and grabbed a carton, opened it and snagged a chunk of chicken. The rich sauce flowed over his tongue and his stomach growled in response.

Lily chatted while they ate, never seeming to mind that he wasn't much at making small talk. After finishing his fried rice and cashew chicken, he headed to the dark room so she could eat her second smelly egg roll without gagging him.

She called after him, "You don't need my help?"

Mark turned and walking backwards, smiled. "No, but if you want to hang out and see what develops, that's fine." He'd welcome some company tonight and hoped he didn't sound as lonely as he felt. He didn't wait to hear her answer. If she was here when he came out, great. If not, well, he'd be fine.

He swallowed his disappointment when he came out with the photos in hand only to find a note from Lily saying she'd forgotten about her church choir rehearsal. The photos were some of the worst he'd developed after September 11th and the Wrigley Field incident, and he'd hoped to have her insight. Not that he could tell her much until tomorrow anyway.

Tossing the photos on the desk, he flipped the page on the appointment book. Would she be in early? She had a couple coming in for engagement photos at ten, followed by a location shoot at one. He had an actor coming in for new head-shots at one, and later, was holding a go-see for some models for an upcoming job for a national ad for a major retailer.

He picked up his special photos. There were three of them, but all were darker than he would have desired. Most of the people in them were hidden by robes. They had a surreal quality, as if taken on a movie set.

In the center of one was a tall cross, and he thought the photos were of a church, but there were none of the other things, just the cross, the hooded people, and in the last photo, a pale young woman crouched on the floor. She looked tiny, terrified, and nude.

He hoped it was a movie set. That would explain the robes as costumes. There was a studio out in Cicero. He'd been there before, taking stills during filming of some television shows. Peering closely at the photos, he couldn't determine if the background matched the studio. Of course, if it was a new set, he wouldn't be able to tell from the photos anyway.


Mark paced the office. He had rushed down from his loft over an hour ago, only to realize that it was still only eight-thirty a.m. and Lily wouldn't be arriving until a little later. While trying to pass the time, he caught up on some overdue book work but now he was finished, and getting impatient.

The dream last night had left him shaken and he needed advice. Lily was good at interpreting clues in his dreams. She was creative and tended to have a unique perspective.

It was his nature to look at the photos as literally black and white, but she had pointed out that some of the saves he did had repercussions he wouldn't have thought about. Like the time he saved a man from stepping in front of a city bus when the guy hadn't been paying attention, too busy caught up in his cell phone conversation to notice that the walk light had changed. The man was a heart surgeon, and the call had been about a patient. Lily pointed out that by saving him, Mark had potentially saved the dozens of patients that doctor would go on to save in his career. It was mind boggling and he wasn't sure he wanted all that pressure. Other times, he could save someone and down the road, that could cause someone else to die.

Lily called it the ripple effect. Trying to keep all the angles straight made his head spin and it was too complicated to handle alone.

There came a clank and rattle from the front of the building and Mark strode out of the office to the studio area. Lily had her back turned as she re-locked the front door.

"Hey, Lil." He hoped his impatience didn't come through in his tone. She would pick up on that right away. Needing to do something, he began setting up the backdrop she'd mentioned she wanted to use for the first shoot.

"Morning, Mark." She turned towards him, her expression puzzled. "Is something wrong?"

"No, not really." He tightened the handle on the side of the backdrop frame. "I just…I wanted to talk to you about this one." He gave the handle one last turn then motioned towards the office. "I have the photos on the desk, if you want to see."

She went ahead of him, but looked over her shoulder, her brow furrowed. "You sound scared. What was the dream about?"

"Scared doesn't begin to cover it." Mark sprawled in the swivel chair behind his desk, waiting until Lily had taken her seat before sliding the photos he'd developed last evening across to her side.

He recounted the details of the dream, suppressing a shudder at the vision. It was so clear in his mind. He leaned across the desk when he finished sharing the nightmare. "A…a ritual murder, Lily! How can I stop something like this? I didn't even get a good look at where it takes place. Just a quick glimpse of a street sign and the interior of what looked like a warehouse. And a damn cult-can't forget that."

He lowered his head, elbows propped, and ran his hands through his hair. "I don't have enough details! What the hell does it want me to do?" He slapped a hand down on the photos in frustration and leaned back.

"I don't know." Lily's brow furrowed in concern. "Maybe you can call Jessie? She might know something about cults. At the very least, she might know which warehouses on West Ohio are abandoned and give you a location to start."

Mark sighed and said, "Yeah, I guess. Doing that opens a whole new can of worms, but I need information, and she might have it. Thanks." Lily was right. While he hated involving the police and specifically, Jessie, it didn't seem like he had much choice. If he was going to stop this, he needed some help.

Lily reached for his hand, squeezing it lightly. "Promise me, whatever you do, you'll be careful, Mark."


"Come on, Jess, just hear me out," Mark pleaded, his eyes skimming the photo, ever hopeful that some new clue would turn up. He held the phone with his shoulder as he flipped through the three pictures. Over the years he had found that often clues showed up in one photo and not the others. It was like the camera recorded different points of view. Nothing caught his eye this time. Of course he wouldn't get that lucky. He sat forward in his desk chair and held the phone to his ear, drumming his fingers on the desk. "I just need-"

"Listen, Mark. You know I'd help you if I could, but this isn't my investigation. I could get into a lot of trouble for leaking information. Plus, I'm up to my eyeballs in paperwork on another case."

"I…I know you're busy and I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important." He fidgeted with a pencil, then lowered his voice, almost pleading, "Come on…for old time's sake?"

There was a long pause before she sighed and grudgingly gave him the little bit of information she had. He jotted down the details about several empty warehouses that she knew off the top of her head. Her knowledge of the religious sects was a bit sketchier.

"We're investigating one cult that we suspect has been running drugs and a money laundering operation. They don't seem too interested in the religious aspect; they seem to use that as front to recruit members."

Mark shook his head even though she couldn't see him. "What I saw was more than a show. These guys were serious about what they did. Or rather, what they are going to do." The whole time frame perspective always confused him when he spoke about it. None of the events depicted had taken place yet, except in his dreams. "Anyway, thanks for your help. I appreciate it."