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Because of all the turmoil in Gaul, Caesar abandoned his usual custom of leaving the area and going back to the Province or elsewhere, deciding it was best if he kept an eye on things. There was also the matter of punishing the tribes involved in the massacre of the 13th and 14th Legions, which had given the Gauls the first sign that we were not invincible. I believe it was this knowledge more than anything else that set in motion the events that were to transpire, and even we rankers knew that this winter was going to be unlike any we had ever spent since we had been in the army. Remaining at our spot, Labienus ordered us to spend more time than was usual in erecting proper fortifications to protect us, an order we cheerfully obeyed despite the extra work. Meanwhile, Caesar decided to winter at Samarobriva, summoning all of the Gallic chiefs, many of whom were involved to one degree or another in all the plotting, to come to Caesar to explain themselves. Most complied; some did not, Ambiorix being the most notable, although I cannot say that I blamed him. Neither did Indutiomarus, for the same reasons. The chiefs who did show up were thoroughly cowed, as Caesar gave them detailed accounts that showed them the extent of his knowledge of all of their intrigues with each other. They were allowed to leave, but only after renewing their oaths of loyalty and providing even more hostages as surety of their word. While Caesar was working on strengthening the bonds of the tribes of Gaul to Rome, Indutiomarus was working to solidify his own power within the Treveri. He was co-ruling at that time with his son-in-law Cingetorix, but Cingetorix was too friendly with Rome for his tastes and family or not, Indutiomarus decided that Cingetorix had to be replaced. He also was working on strengthening ties with the other tribes who had not answered Caesar’s summons, particularly the Sennones, who sentenced to death the chief that Caesar had appointed to lead them. Unfortunately for Indutiomarus, Rome had plans of her own concerning him and his future, plans that he would not like very much.

Indutiomarus was rebuffed by the Germans when he sent for aid at the beginning of the uprising, reminding him of the fate of Ariovistus, and I would like to believe that the identity of the Legion he was facing was part of that warning. However, Gauls and reason do not go in the same sentence together comfortably, if at all, and perhaps it was in fact our identity that spurred him to his next move. When Caesar relieved Cicero, at the same time he ordered the Treveri to disperse, yet now Indutiomarus summoned them again, so that late one morning the bucina sounded the alarm that an armed force was in sight of the camp. Dropping what we were doing, we rushed to our tents to gather up our gear and were in formation on the forum very quickly. Meanwhile, the sentries reported that it was Indutiomarus again, except instead of being content to watch us like the last time, he moved his army across the river to surround our camp. Before the Gauls managed to encircle us, however, Labienus sent couriers riding to the neighboring tribes who had submitted to Rome, demanding that a force of cavalry ride to our camp. Labienus also gave us strict orders not to retaliate or respond in any way to the insults that were being hurled at us by warriors who would gallop near the wall to perform their usual ritual. By this time, both sides had learned enough of the others’ language that we could at least tell when we were being insulted and what was said. As an aside, I find it amusing and somewhat interesting that whenever a soldier enters new lands, the first words of the other people’s language he picks up are invariably either curse words or words that one needs when negotiating for a whore. In our case, we simply guarded our area around the wall, watching impassively as each of the Treveri tried to outdo the man before in the inventiveness of his invective. Far from making us angry, some of their barbs brought much amusement, yet our orders had been interpreted that we were to betray no emotion, no matter what it was. The day was spent in this manner, us watching them as they gradually got bored with hurling insults at us, finally understanding that we would not be answering back.

Labienus was very specific in his instructions to the cavalry that would be coming to the camp, and in giving them, demonstrated a knowledge of the Gallic mind that only comes from fighting them for almost five years. He understood that unless you were very specific in your orders, the Gauls would give them only the loosest interpretation, so he told them that they had to arrive at our camp one third of a watch after midnight. If they arrived any sooner, or later for that matter, he would not let them in the camp, meaning they would be on their own to face Indutiomarus. This would never have worked with a Roman Legion outside the camp, since the penalty for letting an enemy slip by undetected while on watch is death, so no matter how tedious or boring, Roman sentries stay alert. Not so with the Gauls; they would watch us and be alert for a while, then those assigned to guard duty would hear their comrades by the fire, drinking and boasting of their various exploits. Unable to resist the lure, they would slowly edge closer until they could usually be found sitting amongst their friends, laughing and talking. If any chief had bothered to execute one or two of the miscreants, they would not suffer surprises like the one Labienus planned to spring on them. For once, the Gallic cavalry proved to be prompt, riding quietly through the Treveri sentries to appear at our front gate precisely at the appointed time. They were let in, whereupon Labienus immediately had them dismount, keeping their horses as quiet as possible, ordering both men and beasts stabled in the same quarters. Additionally, they were given express instructions that none of them were to leave the buildings they were housed in until Labienus himself gave them permission to do so. They were not even allowed out to answer calls of nature, so thankfully the period of time they were to stay hidden was brief. Dawn came to find that, to the eyes of the Treveri, things were exactly the same as the day before, with a fifty percent alert on guard through the night. My Century was one of them, standing on the wall, bleary-eyed and quietly cursing the lack of sleep. To our eyes, things also appeared the same; the force of Indutiomarus had not increased appreciably in size, but it was still large enough that it was a sobering sight to greet the day.