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“Surrender control?” She stiffened against him. “I thought mating was like a marriage. That a man and wife are considered equal.”

He laughed against her hair, unable to prevent his response to the ballsy little armful who had just been through hell but met him head-on. “I thought human females vowed to honor and obey their husbands.”

“You must be old.” He was grateful she didn’t sound as shaky, as though she was finally accepting the finality of her situation. “Women stopped promising that a long time ago.”

“To hell with other women. The only female I’m concerned about is right here in my arms.” As much as he loved her nestled against him, what he wanted to say was best done looking her in the eye. He pulled away, gazing at her flushed face. “What do you want, Chloe girl?”

“You,” she answered without pause, blonde ringlets cascading around her shoulders. “So much it hurts.”

Possessiveness and pride slithered through him. “We can’t have that.”

He rose in a fluid motion, bringing her with him, keeping her against his chest with an arm beneath her back and thighs. Lowering his head, he breathed into the delicate shell of her ear.

“And you have me. Whether you want to or not. I’m all yours.”

I’m all yours.

Those three tiny words meant so much.

When she’d fought the raging animal inside her she’d been terrified she wouldn’t come out on top. The thing was harsh, driven by instinct. It thought in bursts, seeing things only as they pertained to the moment, living and breathing for each second. Now she understood why she’d attacked Simone. The wolf had simply reacted, taking control because it had been allowed to.

That wouldn’t happen again.

She’d confronted the voracious entity, forced it down and took charge. The thought of hurting anyone in the grips of a wolf’s rage terrified her. Remembering how angry the wolf had been when Gramps had threatened Jackson—how ready she was to go for his throat—put things into perspective. What had happened wasn’t something she asked for but it was up to her to deal with it. As frightening as the prospect might be, she had to admit it was also exciting. If she was going to start a new life she had to hit the ground running and face things on her terms.

Beginning now.

Sliding her fingers into the hair at Jackson’s neck, she tugged him down, lifting herself so their mouths met. He groaned into her lips, taking her next breath as his, their tongues touching as need, want and desire took hold. The heat that had rushed through her body returned, thundering through her system, making it hard to breathe.

“I’m sore where you spanked me.” She gently raked her nails along his neck, smiling when he shuddered. “You should kiss it and make it better.”

“Would you like that?”

“Mmm hmm.”

He growled, digging his fingers into the padded area above her hip, holding her in place. “Then I’m going to kiss you all over. I want to watch you melt.”

If a person were capable of melting, she was certain she would have. The way he spoke to her—the way he looked at her—made her insides quiver and her heart skip a beat. There were so many things she could have said or done in that moment but one need drove her. Fire poured through her veins, the potent call of the moon whispering in her ear. A shiver shot down her spine, the memories of the night before rushing back, blinding in their intensity.

Driven by an escalating impulse, she released his neck and pushed away, sliding down his body. When her feet hit the ground she shrugged her shoulders, allowing her coat to fall to the ground as she slowly sank to her knees. She didn’t look away, meeting Jackson’s gaze as she peppered kisses down his chest. Lust hit her like a blowtorch to the stomach. She’d do anything and be anything he wanted if he continued staring at her exactly like that.

“You’re so fucking hot,” he rasped, twining his fingers in her hair. “You have no idea what you do to me.”

Actually, she did. If his expression hadn’t given him away, his harsh inhalations and the tremor that shot through his body were all the evidence she needed. Bold and eager, she nipped at his abdomen, holding back a grin when she felt his muscles flex through his shirt. A surge of power flowed over her.

She did this to him. In this position he was at her mercy.

His grip on her hair intensified, pulling the strands taut. The sharp sting along her scalp sent a spasm through her pussy, drenching her panties.

“That’s right. Show me what you like. Get me ready. I love the way you smell when you’re turned-on. It gets me so hard I want to flip you over and fuck you senseless.”

She worked his jeans open and his hard, swollen cock sprang free. He growled when she wound her fingers around the base, squeezed, and a bead of pre-cum escaped. Leaning forward, she flicked her tongue over the tip, collecting the crystalline drop. His taste burst on her tongue, salty and bitter. His groan drove her onward. She rotated her tongue along the crown, lapping at the heated flesh that pulsed against her palm.

“Take it,” he snarled, thrusting his hips, trying to breach her lips. “Take it all.”

He was too thick and long to take completely, the tip lodging in the back of her throat despite the hand at the root. She relaxed the muscles in her throat, breathing through her nose. Recalling his earlier instruction, she swallowed when her gag reflex kicked in.

“Shit,” Jackson grated through clenched teeth. He brought a hand down and pulled her fingers from the base of his erection. Then he wrapped both of his hands in her hair. “Stay just like that. I want to take those pretty lips for a ride.”

Then he moved, making shallow passes. She hollowed her cheeks and sucked, keeping her tongue flush against the base, enhancing his pleasure. Their eyes met, gazes locking. The eroticism of the act made her tremble, the walls of her pussy clasping with each pass.

“More,” he demanded, thrusting harder. “I want you to swallow me down, baby. Then it’s your turn. I’m going to lick you up like candy, Chloe.”

Talk about the ultimate incentive.

She doubled her efforts, sucking until her jaws ached. More of his semen coated her tongue, giving her another taste of the man she couldn’t get enough of. She wanted to give him this because she wanted it too. The desire to feel him come, to watch the ecstasy on his face she was responsible for. She moaned when he shifted his legs and his thigh caressed her breast, making the nipple pucker.

Her scalp burned as his hands formed into fists in her hair. “Oh fuck,” he groaned, pistoning his hips. “That’s it, baby. Don’t stop. Fuck. Don’t stop.”

Moaning harder, she took the hard thrusts to her face, aware he was nearing climax. She watched as his jaw tensed and his brows came together. He looked harsh and wild, his hair loose at his shoulders, a few random pieces caught in the stubble along his chin. His irises were fully gold now, his dark, dilated pupils prominent.

God he was beautiful. And more importantly, he was hers. His words returned to her as a hot flow of semen flowed into her mouth.

I’m all yours.

He threw his head back with a muffled “fuck” and thrust the head of his cock into her throat. She swallowed each jet of the hot, salty fluid, drinking him down, entranced by the way his body shook and his muscles rippled.

Once the last spasm had passed his fingers loosened in her hair and he lowered his head. “I’m the luckiest fucking bastard in the world,” he breathed, chest heaving. “It’s my turn.”

She yelped when he yanked her up and tossed her over his shoulder. His hand drifted up her thigh, hovered between her legs for a moment and stopped on the curve of her ass. Her hair swept over her face, making it difficult to see. She made out random patches of the floor as he carried her up the stairs to the loft.