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When he tossed her on the bed the first thing she noticed were the rays of the moon. The curtains were pulled back, allowing the beams to shine through. They seemed to warm her skin, blanketing her in a glow of radiant white. Jackson started removing his clothing, studying her, his eyes luminous in the darkness of the room. When he finally made it to his pants and stripped them away she saw his cock was hard and stiff, reaching toward his bellybutton.

He followed her gaze, bringing his hand to his straining erection. He stroked from the base to the tip, stopping when his fingers surrounded the head.

“You want this, don’t you?”

She shouldn’t have been turned on by his smug grin but she was. “Yes.”

“Don’t worry. I’m going to give it to you.” He let go of his shaft, a devious gleam in his eyes. “Right now I want you to lie back, close your eyes and spread those pretty legs for me.”

Warmth erupted in her cheeks but she plopped back on the freshly changed linens, aware of the clothing covering her body. Her bra felt abrasive, her panties uncomfortable. She squirmed when he tugged off her shoes and socks, biting her lip when he finally got to work on her jeans. He yanked them down her legs, taking her panties along for the ride. Restless, she brought her hands to her sweater and heaved it and her camisole over her head.

“Impatient, are we?” Jackson chuckled. “Ditch the bra, baby. I want to watch you play with your nipples while I go down on you.”

Oh God.

Her fingers trembled as she accomplished the task, pulling the garment away from her torso. Brisk winter air cascaded over her skin, cooling the flush that swept over her.

Jackson climbed onto the mattress, coming closer, and slid his hands under her ass. She made room for him, parting her thighs, shaking in anticipation. He rubbed his cheek along one thigh, then the other. A tremor shot down her spine when his heated breath made contact with the wet folds of her sex. She clawed at the comforter and arched her back, bringing his mouth and her pussy together.

A low growl penetrated her ears but she couldn’t focus on that. All she could think about was the delicious, wet tongue that penetrated her vaginal lips, parting her slit in a firm, decisive lap. The wolf made her presence known then, clamoring for a place in line. Instead of denying the beast she let a portion of it slither beneath her skin. Sensations amplified, the moon becoming far more. The thing was like an entity, its call a hum that buzzed in her head.

“Touch yourself, Chloe.”

Bringing her hands up, she flicked her nipples with her fingers, mewling at how good it felt. The pleasure intensified when he slid two fingers inside her, moving them in and out, finding the sweet spot within her. She jerked when he stroked the sensitive inner tissue, waiting for him to do it again.

“That’s right,” Jackson whispered. “Accept who you are. Embrace it. The two of us were made for each other. See how good it can be?”

Before she could respond his lips surrounded her clit. One well-placed flick of his tongue combined with the hard press of his fingers and she shattered.

Her cry was a combination of a snarl and scream, ripping from her throat, so loud it drowned out the sound of Jackson lapping at her pussy. The tips of her fingers burned, her gums tingling, the wolf howling in her head. Still the glorious grip of climax continued, wave after wave of fire rushing from her clit, cascading through her abdomen and limbs. Jackson’s tongue gentled when the last shudders passed, sliding over her labia in a light caress as he pulled his fingers from her moist depths.

She reached for him as he moved up her body, raking her fingers over his muscular shoulders. He took his time, peppering kisses along her navel, nipples and collarbone. Placing his hands on either side of her body, he lifted his weight from her. She almost argued about birth control, fearful of what would happen if Jackson had lied about his uncanny senses, but decided against it. He’d asked for her trust and she was going to give it to him.

His cock pressed against the mouth of her sex and he entered her, advancing slowly. He peered down, watching as he joined their bodies.

“Perfect,” he murmured and sank to the hilt, lodging his cock within her. Then he raised his head, gazing at her. “This time we’re taking things nice and slow.”

He rewarded her whimper of agreement with a soft kiss, his lips hovering over hers. He retreated and returned, doing as he promised, taking her with care. She gasped into his mouth as he thrust in and out, leaving her only to return once again, lifting her hips. The light from the moon covered his broad shoulders, creating a halo around his body.

She closed her eyes, wanting to create a snapshot in her mind she would always remember. His lips brushed over her closed lids and feathered over her lashes. The sweetness of the act—something so simple yet so profound—took the moment beyond sex.

Drawing him close, she placed her nose to his chest and breathed him in.

He might have said he was all hers but in that moment he owned her.

Mind, body and soul.

Chapter Ten

A soft knock roused Jackson from a deep slumber. He opened his eyes, focusing on the ceiling. Chloe stirred, moaning softly into his chest. She shifted closer to his side. Contentedness swept over him. His female not only met his expectations, she exceeded them. Tonight they’d officially announce their mating. Everyone would know she belonged to him. He’d protect, watch over and love her for the rest of his life.

The soft rapping came again—from the front door.

With a muffled curse he moved away from his mate, taking care to rest her head on the pillows. As he hoped, she didn’t wake. Her chest rose and fell, a quiet sigh passing her lips. He climbed off the bed, retrieved his jeans and jerked them on. He didn’t bother with his shirt, shoes or socks. Only one person knew where he was and had the balls to interrupt him this early in the morning.

Whatever Declan had to say had better be fucking important.

He descended the stairs, moving as quietly as possible, and strode to the door. As he expected, Declan was waiting for him on the other side. What he didn’t anticipate was how haggard the Beta appeared. He hadn’t showered or shaved, wearing the same clothing from the evening before. His hair was mussed and his T-shirt was wrinkled. There was a glimmer in his eyes that Jackson couldn’t put his finger on.

“We need to talk,” Declan said and started to walk inside.

Jackson stopped the man with a hand on his chest. “Outside. Chloe’s resting.”

Instead of bestowing a smart remark or rebuff, Declan pivoted and returned to the porch. Jackson frowned, wondering what had the Beta riled up. Certainly his mating had shaken things up but thus far Declan had taken everything in stride. Something must have happened to make him like this. In fact, Jackson wouldn’t recall a time that his Beta had seemed so stressed.

Shaking off the chilly morning air as he closed the door, Jackson asked, “What crawled up your ass and died?”

“Fucking fate, that’s what,” Declan responded, though he sounded tired not angry. Looking Jackson in the eye, he explained, “Apparently I’m mated to a human—your mate’s fucking best friend.”

His ears had to be deceiving him. Declan did not just say he was mated to Chloe’s childhood friend. The idea alone screamed clusterfuck of epic proportions.