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“What are you doing?”

He didn’t answer, shifting on his knees and moving to the head of the bed. She didn’t know what he was doing but she’d had enough.

If he didn’t fuck her soon she would kill him.

He reclined so his back rested against the headboard. “Come here.”

She didn’t wait for instruction, straddling his lap. If he wanted her he was going to get her. It wasn’t until she tried to line his cock up with her sex that he wrapped his hands around her hips and held her still.

“Not there.” He slid his hand between them and gripped the base of his shaft. His cock was slippery with lubricant he’d obviously applied, the crown ruddy and swollen. He placed the tip against her anus. “Here.”

He’d lost his mind. “It won’t work.”

“It’ll work. Just go slow. Take as much or as little of me as you can. You set the pace. If you want to stop, we will. Just try, baby. Give this to me.”

From the way he sounded he was fighting for control. She looked into his face, stunned at what she found. Sweat beaded his temples. He wanted this something fierce.

Strike that, she was certain he needed this something fierce.

Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she bore down and lowered herself onto him. She bit her lip and braced herself, exhaling through her nose. The pressure was so intense she shook with it. When the tip of his cock pushed through and claimed her that first little bit she rested her head on Jackson’s shoulder.

“As much or as little as you want,” he whispered and released his cock, bringing his fingers to her clit. “It’s up to you.”

He wasn’t gentle as he manipulated the tender pearl, swirling his thumb over it in hard circles. She was so slippery it was almost embarrassing. Her juices combined with the lube made it easy for him rub his thumb over the bundle of nerves.

She rocked her ass, careful as she moved up and down. Each time she returned she took more of him. The burn returned but it was bearable. Heat flared in her belly, winding down to her pussy. Her legs shook, muscles flexing as she rode his cock. She wasn’t sure when pain became pleasure but it did. Her body slowly accepted him, parting and making way for his invasion. Settling into a rhythm, she shifted forward so each time she moved her nipples skimmed his chest.

Jackson rested a hand on her hip. “There you go. That’s it.”

Her orgasm built, stronger and more powerful than any other she’d ever experienced. She’d taken over half of her lover’s shaft, the stretch ebbing to a minor burn. She didn’t stop, driven by impulse. Her wolf appeared, taking control of her senses. Rotating her head, she licked Jackson’s salty skin, focusing on the juncture between his throat and shoulder.

Her fangs dropped and she pulled her lips back. The instant fire rushed through her body, she sank her teeth into his flesh. He snarled and she could have sworn she felt his cock swell in response. Her entire body shook with the force of her climax, her thighs struggling to function as she slid up and down her mate’s hard, thick length.

Then the presence of Jackson’s wolf washed over her.

Jackson abandoned her clit and gripped her hips, lifting up as she came down. He sank all the way in, sending her orgasm into a second wave of pleasure. It was too much but she couldn’t resist, hovering above the world, shattering into a million pieces. He growled something she didn’t understand, his hold on her unbreakable.

She cried out when he fisted her hair, revealed her shoulder and buried his teeth in her skin. Heat exploded from his bite, as though he’d used a brand instead of fangs. A hot wash exploded inside her, spurt after spurt of his seed filling her ass.

The adoration and need she felt for Jackson intensified to a level that should have frightened her. She knew what love was. Her grandparents had surrounded her with it. But this was completely different. Both parts of her—the wolf and the woman—knew that life without him would be impossible. The world was spinning on its axis but he made time stand still so confusion became clarity.

Balance. Unity. Devotion.

Being his mate took on an entirely new meaning.

He removed his teeth from her shoulder, reminding her that she needed to do the same. After she released him he lifted her from his cock. His still-hard length slipped from her body, slapping against her thigh. She sagged against him, their sweat-slicked chests sliding against each other’s. Her body was sore all over. She’d feel what they’d done for days.

And she didn’t want it any other way.

“Chloe?” he panted, catching his breath.

It was difficult to talk but she did her best. “Hmm?”

“There’s something I need to tell you. I have something important to ask.”

Pulling away from him took more energy than she’d expected but she wanted to look him in the eye. He wrapped a hand in her hair, golden irises shining.

“Our mating is official within the packs but I’d like to keep my word to your grandfather and make it legal too.” His lips curved, expression turning sweet. “Will you marry me?”

It took all her willpower not to close the distance and kiss him. Her heart was brimming, all her worries fading away.

“Gramps would like that but I don’t know. It’s a big decision.” Perhaps it was dangerous to tease him but she was willing to take her chances. “What’s in it for me?”

His smile turned into a panty-dropping grin. “How about a man who wants to give you the world?” He lowered his voice, the hand at her neck drawing her closer. “You own me. You have since the moment you entered my dreams. I’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy.”

The man certainly had a way with words. “Is that so?”


With an answer like that, how could she refuse? “Then yes, I’ll marry you.”

Their lips met, brushed and parted. She clutched his shoulders, sighing as tingles erupted in her stomach. The rays of the moon bled through the window, covering their bodies. The impulse to shift and run through the forest remained but it wasn’t strong enough to tear her away from Jackson.

The man destined to be her mate.

The one person she couldn’t exist without.

“Shower first,” he cradled her against his chest as he rose from the bed, “then food.”

“And after?”

He nuzzled her nose, his breath warm against her mouth. “We can talk, watch a movie, go outside and play. We’ll do anything you want.”



All kinds of naughty thoughts drifted through her head. “I can live with that.”

He entered the shower and turned the faucets, rotating so his back protected her while the cold water heated. When the heavy streams were hot he bent at the waist and set her on her feet. She kept her arms around his neck, going onto her tiptoe.

“You know I feel the same way, don’t you?” she asked, staring at up him.

He caressed her cheek, his touch feathersoft. “Tell me.”

“My life started when I met you. I never knew it could be like this.”

“Now that you know, how do you feel?”

“Amazing. Safe.” She hesitated and said softly, “Loved.”

Bowing his head, he whispered, “I love you with everything I am.”

“That’s a relief.”

“That’s all you have to say?” He winced, acting wounded. “Are you going to make me shake the words out of you, woman? What does a man have to do for three little words?”

Reaching up, she rested her fingers on his jaw. He was joking but she was serious. Skimming her nails along the dark bristles that had grown, she peered into his eyes, wanting him to know what she had to say went deeper than words.

“I love you.”

A broad, heart-stopping smile spread across his face. She yelped when his arms went around her waist and hiked her into the air. He whipped her around, pressing her against the chilly shower tiles.