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Trompenaars Hampden-Turner Culture for Business


Trompenaars Hampden-Turner provides consulting, training, coaching, and (un)learning services to help leaders and professionals manage and solve their business and culture dilemmas. Our clients are primarily Global Fortune 500 companies. We are based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Boston, USA. In addition, we have a network of associates throughout the world.

We particularly focus on cross-cultural consulting services around:

mergers and acquisitions integration


corporate vision and values.

We take pride in using the client's own language and discourse, although we make subtle changes to its underlying structure to render it more coherent. Topics may include diversity, communication, learning, training, teamwork, culture, coaching, knowledge management, leadership development, integrity, and balanced scorecards. For us these are all parts of a system. We also aim to introduce our clients to a paradoxical logic of human and organizational development. We aim for minimalist interventions yielding maximum results.

Introduction to our Offerings

We work with all business implications of culture. These may be part of an organization's globalization process, external growth and integration strategies, corporate identity and corporate communications, international change management, or the worldwide "rollout" of building cross-cultural competencies.

We work with organizations through a highly customized and integrated approach including:

Consulting on Culture-for-Business Management

Conduct cross-cultural due diligence

Facilitate your vision and value to strengthen your corporate identity

Surface cultural challenges and dilemmas which may be creating obstacles

Systematically reconcile cultural differences in order to maximize the business value of cultural diversity

Assist in creating a business climate of mutual respect and trust in order to link people from different cultures in productive and positive ways.

Global Leadership Development

Create top-of-mind recognition of and respect for cross-cultural issues

Develop culture-for-business competencies into competitive advantage

Help leaders solve critical culture-for-business dilemmas

Ascertain awareness of and respect for cross-cultural diversity

Develop the ability to leverage global diversity.

Executive Coaching

Cross-cultural executive coaching helps leaders and managers with wider perspectives, cultural sensitivity, and the ability to work with diversity in a productive and innovative way to achieve organizational goals.

Cross-cultural coaching helps the individual or team assess its own strengths and challenges. It assists with positive changes in behavior and perception. It also helps individual integration without sacrificing diversity and integrity within the organization.

Employee Training and (Un)learning

Raise awareness of how culture-for-business competencies can help improve the bottom line

Build awareness and respect for cross-culture and diversity issues

Provide support in "unlearning" negative cultural attitudes and stereotypes

Develop the ability to value and work with diversity.

Amsterdam Office:

A.J. Ernststraat 595D

1082 LD Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Teclass="underline" +31 20 301 6666

Fax: +31 20 301 6555

Emaiclass="underline" info@thtconsulting.com

USA Office:

14 Arrow Street, Suite 10

Cambridge, MA 02138-5106


Teclass="underline" +1 617 876 5025

Fax: +1 617 876 5026



Acer Computers 60

achievement-ascription 50

celebrity endorsements 99–103

cook like a professional chef 104–5

corporate image 104

definitions 97–8

measurable results 103

reconciling 105–7

senior-junior relationships 103–4

use of experts 98–9

advertising 5, 59

appealing to general public 78

categories of Caucasians 101

comparative 65

diffuse customers 78


examples 307

repetition 306–7

verbal vs visual 305–6

ethnic 219–20

family-oriented 63–4

fantasy 76–7

franchises 183

high-context 77

humorous 86–7, 91

implicit/indirect 75–6

in-your-face 75

Internet/ online 239

offensive 90

silly 86

television 64–5, 73–4

use of experts 98–9

affective see neutral-affective

agency theory 195–6

Albert Hejn 56

Amazon 247–8, 267–71

American Airlines 309–11

Ampex 115

AOL (America Online) 243

Apple Computer 167–8

Armani 201

ascription see achievement-ascription

Asia Manufacturing Online 80

Askegaard, S. 163, 164

AT&T 141–2

Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) 81--3



BAA (British Airports Authority) 184

balance-of-payments 28

Bamossy, G. 163, 164

Bang & Olufsen (B&O) 286–9, 294–7

beauty products 58, 77, 101, 220

Benetton 90

Berry, 217

Bezos, Jeff 267, 269

BMW 116

Boddewyn, J.J. 21

BOL 247

Bourguignon, Philippe 93, 94

Boyatzis, Richard 9

brands 163

archetypes 176–9

categorization of products 175

challenges 166–71

control/independent image 194–8

creating/ communicating 175–6

creative translations 172–4

cultures as product endorsers 163–4

directing/ structuring 175, 176

exclusivity /broad diffusion 198–204

global/local image 187–94

managing/organizing 175, 176

market beliefs 171–9

cognitive consistency 172

fixed/shared 171–2

meaning 164–6

names 172–3

positioning 165–71, 170–1

British Airways (BA) 309–11

Brooke, P. 227