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"Never mind," he told himself very softly. "Let her lie that way. I'll probably need more of her cunt before morning." He had to remove his prick from her mouth and she struggled in her sleep against this, much in the manner of a baby sucking at its mother's breast. Pete smiled. "I'll be damned," he said softly. "How about that wife of mine."

Mary stirred, so Pete turned off the light and lay back, his hands behind his head and, not feeling sleepy, he began to think about things. Many things, but most of all about having witnessed the scene in which the big dog had fucked Rose.

It was well past midnight when Pete dressed hurriedly but quietly and left the house, making certain the door was locked behind him and that he had his house key. He walked up the street, trying not to scuff his heels and make undue noise. After half a block, he relaxed and grinned at his caution.

"She'll love it," he muttered. "She as much as told me she would." What it was she would love, he would not allow to formulate completely in his mind. "Hell of a nice night," he went on to himself. "Shame to be inside on a night like this."

It was ten minutes later that he found himself standing in the driveway between the Alexanders' and Rose's place. There was no light on in either house and, as Pete looked at first one house and then the other, he wondered what in hell he was doing there. If he wanted to see, say, Rose, why didn't he go to her door? He knew he could also go to Mark and Cindy's door and tell them he was hot and ask if Mark would swap with him for the rest of the night. He was certain Mark and Cindy would be delighted if he did do this. He was also certain that Rose would welcome him into her home.

He stood there, shivering, swearing softly to himself, and finally walked to the front of Rose's house and knocked softly on her door. As he waited for her to open the door, the thought popped into his head – I was going to borrow the Great Dane and take him home to fuck my wife. Pete shivered again and, as he did so, the door swung open.

"Hello, Pete, come in."

He couldn't see her because it was so dark, but he recognized Rose's voice. "Thanks," he said. "I wanted to… see you, Rose."

He stepped inside and heard her close the door. Reaching out he tried to touch her, but she must have moved away. It was so dark he could not see her at all. "I suppose you really want to know why I came?" he asked.

Her voice came across the room to him. "I think I know, Pete. You have this craving to… witness something. Am I correct?"

"Yes," he blurted. "I had this terrific urge to watch you and the… dog."

"I understand," she said softly. "At least I think I do. I like to watch things, also. I've watched you and Cindy several times. It's no more than right that I should allow you to watch me and Man."

"Then you'll go out and get him?"

"Yes. After a time I will."

Pete was taken aback. "Oh, is something wrong? I mean, do I have to wait because of something?"

"Yes, Pete. You have to wait till I get hot enough to want to… do that thing."

"Are you saying there are times when it turns you off?"

"Yes, of course. No one can stay up at fever pitch all the time, Pete."

He nodded and then realizing she could not see him, stopped it. "I see," he said, stumbling over the two words.

"Are you really that worked up, Pete? You sound strange."

"Something's happening to me," he said. "I just came from home. I've had sex tonight with my wife, but I'm strangely driven to seek out something else, something wild and wonderful."

"I'm glad," her voice came back to him, "that you added the word 'wonderful'."

"Turn on a light, will you, Rose?"

"I'm afraid Cindy might see you. She might be angry if she knew you came directly here without seeing her first."

"I'm not Cindy's husband, Rose. Mark and I swap partners, you know, but I… well, I should have said I don't owe Cindy anything other than decent treatment, that sort of thing."

"That's just the point, Pete. She might not consider your coming here to see me as being decent treatment."

"Rose," he said after a moment's silence. "I have the feeling that you're stalling for time. Tell me, is this true?"

"Yes, it's true. I'm hoping something will make me hot enough to do what… you want to witness."

"Could I make you hot, Rose?"

"You could try." Her voice sounded odd to him.

Instantly she was in his arms, pressing her body tightly to his. "Fuck me in the ass, Pete. That's so I can get very hot."

"Getting cornholed makes you very hot?" he asked, astonished.

"Yes. Don't ask me why. Just pull my skirt up and bugger me in the dark."

Pete's cock was hard and throbbing. He yanked her skirt high, pulled down her panties, turned her around and stabbed her in the ass with his hard-on. She bent over, and he had to hold her hips to prevent her falling on her face.

"Oh… that's it!" Rose cried passionately. "That's the way, Pete! Fuck me hard. Squirt me full, honey."

"I will," he promised as he pumped his cock into her ass with all the force he could muster.

"Oh! Wonderful!" she cried, and bent over again, once more necessitating his firmly grasping her hips and trying to hold her upright. However, she had leaned over too far and inevitably she crashed to the floor, dragging him with her. As they struck the floor together, the impact caused his hard-on to bury itself so deeply into her ass that he thought for a while he might not ever get it out of her butt. A few moments in this position and his cock swelled to an enormous size, causing Rose to moan and thrash about, which, in turn, made Pete so hot that his prick exploded into her asshole, and he became weak from the sensation of his jism squirting so freely into her lush body.


Later he stood outside the door of Rose's place and looked at her as she stood in the doorway. He had not seen what he had come to see, but something almost as good had happened. She was naked as she stood there and he could see the outline of her body because of the dim light she had long since turned on. Even though he was spent from having gotten his rocks off with two women, he felt a stirring in his balls as he saw her form outlined in the doorway. No, his mind told him. You have to stop sometime. Let the time be now.

"Good-bye, Rose," he said, speaking softly. "It was great."

"Good-bye, Pete. Yes, it was wonderful. You make me feel like a real woman when you…"

"Thank you, Rose. That's a great compliment. We'll get together again."

She came out onto the porch swiftly and placed her lips at his ear. "If you'd like to stay and watch me with Man, I wouldn't object. I think I'm almost ready now."

He kissed her cheek. What a hot woman she was, probably the hottest one he had ever known, not excluding his wife and Cindy Alexander. The moment he kissed her she grabbed his prick through the cloth of his pants, and tried to pump his tool. It became semihard but he pushed her hand away gently.

"You're going to half kill me if you keep that up, Rose," he told her fiercely.

"What a lovely way to die." She stuck her tongue in his ear and ear-fucked him momentarily.

"Wow," he said. "Don't you ever get enough sex?"

"Sometimes, but not often. I'm getting more and more aroused, Pete. If you'll stay, I promise to put on… the show you wanted to see. Will you stay, please?"

The urge that had brought him there initially began to grow in him. He considered his feelings for a moment. "Will you pull the shades and turn on the lights so I can see Man ramming his cock into you, Rose?" he asked hoarsely, surprised at the passion in his tone when only a minute before he had felt depleted and down.

"Yes," she whispered, and ran her tongue about in his ear again. "Do you want to see Man fuck me, or would you prefer seeing me… suck him off?"