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"First of all, I left the house. I got dressed and left the house. I intended to go to the Alexanders' and steal their dog and bring him here and wake you up and see what might happen, darling."

Mary's green eyes were very wide. "You wanted to see the dog fuck me, honey?" She shook her head violently. "Whew… are you feeling all right, honey? That's the nuttiest thing I ever heard."

He nodded. "You're absolutely right. It is a nutty thing, when you hear me speaking of it right now. Actually, however, it's not quite as nutty as it sounds. It can be done. You see…" He hesitated, bit his lips nervously. "I went to Rose's place, fucked her and then watched her let the animal screw her as she lay on her back… on the bed," he added.

Mary ran her tongue nervously over her lips. "Did you actually see the dog's cock go into her, honey?"

"Yes. I stayed until he went off in her and then I had to get the hell out of there fast. I ran almost all the way home. I undressed, climbed into bed with you, darling, and got the most tremendous hard-on – well, not the most tremendous, but one of them – in my life. I was so hot that… that's when I went off on your stomach, darling."

"And Rose. Did she just lay there and take the dog's whang?"

"Yes. She was just about out of her mind from the excitement of it. I could tell."

"And you wanted to… bring the dog… here and find out if I… would?"

"That was my crazy idea, at first, but I got over it."

Mary's eyes were glazed. "Wow, what a hot thing to think about. It's enough to drive a person buggy." She gave her pretty head a hard shake. "Wonder what it's like to have a thing like… his… rammed up your…"

Pete waited for her to say the last word, but she didn't. "Up your what, darling?" he asked, wanting to hear her say it all.

Mary grinned at him suddenly. "Darn you, you hot son of a gun! You've got me all caught up in this dog thing now. Just thinking about it gives me goose pimples."

"Is that all it gives you?" he asked, grinning, and looking at the tight expression on her face.

"No," she replied. "It gives me, as I used to say when I was a kid, the hots."

"Have you got the hots now, darling?" he asked.

"If I don't get this animal lust thing out of my mind, honey, I'm going to do something very wild and crazy pretty soon."

Pete laughed good-naturedly. "Okay. Let's talk about something else."

Mary apparently did not hear him or, if she did, had already decided she didn't want to get off the subject of sex in any way. Bending her head downward, she kissed his bare belly and ran her tongue about in his navel till it became very wet.

"That's what you did to mine a while ago, honey, only you did it with something more potent than spit."

"You keep that up and I'll fly at you again, darling."

"Oh, I hope so. I never seem to get enough of anything these days. Do you suppose there's something wrong with me, Pete?" Her green eyes studied his searchingly.

He laughed. "Not a chance. Nothing wrong with Mary. She's beautiful. I love her," he said, and gave her a pat on the butt.

She straightened up. "I wonder what I'd have done if you'd brought that big dog here, Pete."

"Are you back on that?" he asked, grinning. "I'm beginning to think you're disappointed that I didn't bring him back with me."

"I'm just curious about it. Gee, I wish I could have seen Rose screwing him. I'll bet it really drove you crazy."

He nodded and rubbed his nose at the same time. Knocking his black hair out of his eyes with his other hand, he looked at his wife, and suddenly leaned over and kissed her tit. "It did drive me crazy, darling, just as I hope that kiss on your tit drove you crazy."

"Not really," she said, smiling at him, "but I like having you kiss my tits. Want to kiss the other one, too, honey?"

"How about my chewing one of your tits off just for the hell of it?" he asked mischievously.

"Oh, honey, don't talk that way. You scare me, although I admit having you chew on my tits sounds awfully exciting."

She screwed up her face and pouted. "You may suck anything I have, sir."

He grinned. "And what do you have, pretty maiden?" he asked, going along with it.

"I have two tits, one cunt, one hot asshole and two feet."

Pete laughed loudly. "One hot asshole. Wow, what a gas! How'd you think that one up?"

"My clever, nimble brain gave it to me, sir."

"The thought of the hot asshole?" Pete asked chokingly.

"Both, kind sir. Now then, are you going to suck and chew on my tits or not? I needs must know, sir."

Pete was getting red in the face from laughing. "You… needs must know. I haven't heard that kind of talk since English class in the sixth grade."

"That reminds me," Mary said, sitting up straighter, "of the man teacher I had in the seventh grade – or was it the eighth? Anyway, this poor guy had a terrible time with the girls in his class. He was a substitute teacher and the moment we saw him walk into the room we knew, all the girls, I mean, that he was scared to death of females." Mary began to laugh loudly, wiping her eyes as she spoke. "Boy, did we ever fix that poor guy up. We'd pull our dresses up and let him look at our thighs, and the moment he saw a pair of legs above the knees, he'd get red in the face and begin to stammer and fall apart. We girls would wear low-cut dresses and go up to his desk after class or even after school and lean over to let him see our titties. Boy, would he ever get embarrassed! You never saw a man suffer like that poor guy did in that class. All of those girls, including me, honey, were bitches of the worst sort. If we could raise hell with some male teacher, we'd do it every time. This particular guy, I can't recall his name, but anyway… he quit after two weeks. The principal came into the room one morning and told us Mr. Whatever-his-name-was wouldn't be in class, that he had taken ill. Some of the girls had seen him boarding a bus the night before and he had several suitcases, so we knew we had literally driven the poor guy out of town."

"Why are females so confounded mean, Mary? What makes them that way?"

She looked at him quickly, then smiled and spread her hands. "It's our nature. Maybe it's one of the weapons we have to fight you men with."

He just looked at her eyes.

"Men," she went on, "are kind, despite what lots of people have to say about them. This is my opinion, of course. They are much kinder than women, only they don't like to show it if they can help it. Sometimes, usually in fact, it just pops out of them, I've noticed. Women, on the other hand, feel deeply that they are second-class people, that men have made them this, which isn't altogether true, so they have, over the centuries, developed meanness as a weapon to fight with. A woman will often test a man with meanness to see how far she can go with him, to discover how much of the junk she can get away with. If the man accepts her meanness, then she lays it on a bit thicker. If he still goes along with it and manages to hold back his anger, she goes even farther. And so on. That's the way women are built, I think. I'm no authority about females, but I believe most of what I said is true, although there are few females anywhere, I suspect, who would agree with me."

He kissed her. "You're a very nice gal, do you know that, darling?"

She grinned. "I do now. You just told me so."

"You know something? For a few moments there, you and I were thinking about something other than sex."

Mary laughed nicely. "Yes, and what a drag, honey."

"I gather you'd prefer doing something sexual to indulging in chatter."

"What a way to put it. I'd rather fuck you than talk if that's what you mean."

He pursed his lips and pretended he was considering the matter. "I see. Am I to consider this as a proposition?"

She took his prick in her hand and jacked it a little. "You may consider it a proposition, either for the fuck or the suck."