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"What did you say?" he asked, knowing what she had said but wanting to hear it from her again.

"Fuck," she said, the voice sounding thick and strange.

"What is that supposed to mean, Rose?" he asked, his curiosity aroused. Was the woman losing her mind?

She was silent a moment. "It means fuck. That's all. Fuck."

He could tell from the way she spoke that she was highly passionate. "Listen, Rose," he said quietly, evenly. "Please let me bring my wife to your house. She'd very much like to… talk to you."

There was silence at the other end of the line. Then, "You may bring your wife if she will do something for me," Rose said somberly.

Pete felt the hair on the nape of his neck rising as it had so often when he had previously made contact with this woman either physically or conversationally. "I heard you," he said, his voice shaking slightly. "What is it you want her to do for you, Rose?"

"I want her to let me."

Pete's mouth went suddenly dry. "You want her to do that… just… jump right into… it… cold?"

"Does she have enough of what it takes?" Rose asked slowly.

"I don't know," Pete said. "I'm not sure of what it takes, you see."

"Are you making fun of me, Pete?" Rose asked, her voice rising over the phone.

"Certainly not. You should know better than to say a thing like that to me."

"I'm sorry, Pete. I apologize. I guess I'm a bit upset tonight. I…"

"Is something wrong?"

"Yes!" she said savagely. "A few minutes ago a man got out of the house. Last I saw of him he was chasing some bitch dog down the street." She slammed the phone on the hook so hard it hurt Pete's eardrums. He didn't know whether to curse or chuckle, the situation was so unique.

Replacing the phone, he walked back to Mary, who was lying on the sofa. He picked up his glass and drained it.

"No dice, Mary. Rose has lost her temper, it appears."

Mary giggled as she sat up and looked at the grin on his face. "No kidding. What did the dog do, run off with another woman?"

Now Pete laughed outright. "That's it! That's what she told me. She was very angry about it. Brother, what a broad she is. Whew."

Mary laughed, searching his eyes incredulously. "What a strange gal Rose is. Somehow or other, I find her to be darned interesting. I don't know why, though."

"Apparently," he said evenly, "she thinks you're interesting, too. She asked me if you'd let her make love to you."

Mary sat up and blinked, her green eyes bright. "Oh, is she a lesbian, too? Did I say that wrong? Is she… say… what the hell is she, Pete?"

"She said I could bring you to her house if you'd let her, whatever that means. I took it to mean make love to you."

Mary laughed. "Wow, what a broad is right! She's lost her dog, so now she wants a woman. No thanks. She's too far out for me at the moment."

Mary bit her lips fiercely.

Pete scrutinized his wife's face carefully. "Something bothering you, honey?" he asked.

"No. I'm just a bit high, I think. Quite a bit. Enough so that I was beginning to be worked up over the possibility of watching her screw with her dog."

He spread his hands. "Nope. Nothing doing there. The dog has run away."

"So you said."

He brushed his hands over his eyes. "Sorry, I must be getting a bit high, myself."

"Damn it," Mary said. "Something's happening to me."

He glanced at her sharply. "What do you mean?"

"I seem to want something. Something weird, I guess. I just about had my heart set on seeing that dog bit."

"Would you care to suck me off?" he asked quietly, moving closer to her so that his pants zipper was only a foot or so from her face. "I'd be happy to let you, darling, if you wish."

She glanced up at him, grinned tensely, felt of his rapidly growing cock and let go of it. She shook her head. "Not right now, honey. Maybe later, I will."

"Perhaps," he said, swinging back into their previous mock style of speaking, "madame would care for the complete reaming and greasing job. Eh, what?"

Mary smiled up at him and patted his hard-on. "If you want to screw me, honey, just do it. I'm always glad to have my lover man climb aboard and sink the shaft into my cunt."

Pete laughed. "The hell you are, darling. You don't want me to touch you right now. You've gone way out on me. You want to see that Great Dane fuck Rose, or nothing."

Mary lay down flat and spread her legs, her skirt creeping almost to her hips. "I wish," she said dreamily, "you could get that beast and bring it here right this moment. I think I'd like him to lap my slit."

"Sorry, baby. The beast has gone out on the town. Besides, I'd never be able to get him away from crazy Rosey."

"You mustn't call her that, Pete. That's unkind."

"Okay," he said, taken aback slightly. "Didn't mean to be nasty. Rose just strikes me as being… well, if you want to know the truth, a bit on the crazy side."

"I'm sure she is, but then, aren't we all?"

He glanced at her quickly. "Now what's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that everyone in the world is at least half out of his mind when sexual desires take over."

He nodded. "I agreed with you, honey. When the urge hits you strongly enough, you do go half nuts for a time until you're gratified."

"That's the way I am now-half nuts Pete. Probably it's because of the liquor. What do you think?"

"Partly, I suppose. Isn't there anything I can do for you, darling?"

She sighed and sat up again and felt his hard-on. "I guess I'm being very selfish, honey. If you'll take out your prick I'd be happy to suck you off."

"I'd rather get on top, if you don't mind," he told her, his pulse racing a little. "I've had an awful lot of sucking lately. Fucking appeals to me more at the moment."

She grinned, raised her hips and drew down her panties, revealing her cunt to him. "Help yourself, honey. I'm your wife. This cunt belongs to you and is intended for your private use and entertainment, is not to be used commercially without your express written consent, and…"

Pete grinned tightly and dropped down on top of her, ramming his cock into her cunt savagely. "For a moment there," he said hoarsely, "you sounded like a baseball announcer on television."

She pushed his pants down off his hips, shoved his briefs down as far as she could and raised her hot snatch to meet his battering prick. "Don't talk, baby!" she cried. "Screw me. Screw me good, honey."

Pete rammed his cock into her twat savagely, but moving comparatively slowly, and kept on fucking her like that for several minutes before he felt her stiffening and heard her hoarse moans.

"Oh, honey!" she cried, her voice sounding desperate.

"Go wild on me, honey! Pretend you're a… dog."

This crazy bit of nonsense almost stopped him cold, but then he remembered she was high and probably didn't realize what she was saying. He humped her slightly faster while she wrapped her legs about his and clung to him like glue to wood. He blew off in her cunt when he felt her shudder and knew she was achieving an orgasm. Usually, he kept it going for a long time, but now he had an idea. Wildly exciting. Yanking his still stiff cock from her cunt, he stood up, zipped himself, and pulled her to her feet.

"W-What are you doing, honey?" she gasped. "I wasn't even half ready to stop."

"You and I are going to help Rose find her lover-dog. Come on, baby."

Mary's eyes filled with lust at hearing the words. "Yes," she murmured. "Oh, yes… I want to, honey."

It was ten minutes later that Pete pulled their car into the driveway between the Alexanders' place and Rose's. He shut the car lights off immediately and told Mary to not make any more noise than necessary. He didn't want Rose to know who it was, or even that they were there at all. He led Mary to the front door and they went up onto the porch together. He tapped on the door lightly but Rose didn't come to let him in. He tried to knob and found it would turn.