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"Honey," she said, her eyes pleading. "Maybe you'd better take me home. I have a feeling I'm going to… do something… awful." She pressed her sides.

"Do you feel sick? I mean, sick to your stomach?" he asked.

"No, not really. I feel strange. I want to go home. Won't take a minute to put on my clothing."

"I'll tell Mark and Cindy," he said, and went to their bedroom door. The door was standing slightly ajar, however, and he heard them fucking on the bed. He turned about and walked quietly across the room to the front door and waited for Mary, who came to the front of the room a few minutes later fully clothed.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Did you tell Mark and Cindy we were going home?"

He shook his head. "They were busy. I thought it wise not to interrupt them."

"You mean they were fucking?" Mary's eyes were big like a twelve-year-old's might be upon uttering such a word.

Pete grinned. "Yes, baby. Mark and Cindy were fucking. He was on top fucking her and she was on the bottom."

Mary laughed gaily. "Stop it, you nut! You're making fun of me now. Take me home and get on top of me and then poke fun at me, honey."

They arrived home ten minutes later and entered the house to discover they had gone away and left most of the lights on.

"Hey," Pete said, "hearing from Mark and Cindy must have made us forgetful."

"I guess we both wanted to get laid by our swap partners pretty bad, honey."

Pete rubbed his nose. "I forgot. Did we?"

Mary laughed and went to the bathroom. Before she closed the door she looked back at him and said, "That's the funny part. I don't think we did. Not in the usual way, that is."

"Hurry," he told her. "Don't stay in there all night."

"I'm just going to brush my teeth, honey," she told him.

He grinned. "Maybe I'd better brush mine, too, after lapping Cindy's cunt."

"Gee, honey, when you talk hot like that, it just about drives me crazy!" she cried.

"I've changed my mind," he said, teasing her a little. "I think I'll keep her taste in my mouth and then when you kiss me later, you can imagine that both a man and a woman are in bed with you. How'll that be?"

She closed the door, but before she did, she said the words smilingly, "You nut."

Pete removed his jacket and shirt, got his slippers from a closet, brought a bottle of whiskey from the liquor cabinet to the coffee table that stood in front of the sofa and set it down. He then had to go back and get two glasses.

He waited for Mary to return, but when she didn't immediately, he had a drink by himself. It burned all the way to his stomach, but he liked the feeling.

He glanced down at himself and smiled. For no apparent reason he had gotten a hard-on.

Five minutes later she came into the room, dressed in different clothing than she had worn to the Alexanders'. She wore a low-cut blouse that revealed her titties every time she bent over a little, a very short skirt and regular stockings, which made her appear very sexy-looking. Pantyhose were not generally sexy-looking and Pete, as with many men, disliked them ordinarily. She sank down beside him and, seeing his hard-on reached over and touched it through the cloth of his pants.

"Your screwdriver is in tiptop condition, m'lord," she remarked flippantly.

"Ah, yes," he said, doing a not very good imitation of W.C. Fields, "so it is, my lovely one, so it is."

Mary giggled. "You sound funny when you do that, honey."

"So does everyone else," he told her.

"I'm still hot, honey. What'll we do for kicks?"

"I'm open for suggestions, my dear," he intoned.

She was silent for a time. Then, "I do have a suggestion, honey, but I'm afraid to tell you what it is."

He poured her a drink and another for himself. "What does that mean, Mary?" he asked, although the hammering of his heart told him he might have guessed it.

"Oh, never mind, honey. It's too wild, too crazy."

He handed her glass to her. "Drink this," he said. "You need a drink."

"All right, Pete." She drank a portion of the straight whiskey and blinked a couple of times, but otherwise handled it very well. "Wow," she said, and that was all she said.

"Good," he said approvingly. "You should learn to drink without ice and pop and junk in your liquor. What I mean to say is, I'm glad you've learned to do it."

"Not really. I was just lucky that time. Next time I try it, I'll probably choke to death."

"No, you won't Mary. Not if you're careful. Whiskey is much more enjoyable when you drink it without all the crap, the mix and ice and…"

She giggled. "You said that once, honey."

"Did I? I must be getting high in a hurry."

They were silent for a time. Then she spoke, "Aren't you even curious about what my suggestion was going to be, honey?"

"Sure. I figure you'll tell me about it when you're ready."

She finished off her drink, took a deep breath and placed her hand on his hard-on. "Do you suppose you could borrow that Great Dane and bring him here, honey?"

"I could steal him for a time, I suppose."

"Would you mind if I let the dog fuck me, honey?" she asked, her eyes strange.

"No," he replied unsteadily. "At least, I don't think so."

Again she was silent for a time. Finally, she touched his hard-on again and said, "Would you… rather we just… did something to each other, honey?"

"Whatever you want to do, Mary. I'd like whatever you want."

"You're an awful nice guy, do you know that?"

"It's easy to be a nice guy when you're married to a beautiful, sweet gal."

She unzipped him, ran her fingers up and down lovingly on his stiffened cock, and sighed. "Then I guess you'd better, honey."

He stiffened ever so little. "Guess I'd better what, Mary?"

She moistened her lips and averted her eyes. "Guess you'd better go and get him… I'm about to burn up I'm so hot."

He gently pulled his erection out of her hand, zipped himself up and got to his feet, kissing her on the cheek as he did so. "I'll be back as soon as I can, baby," he told her.

"Maybe… it would be better if you asked permission, honey. What do you think?"

Pete considered this momentarily, then shook his head slowly. "Think I'll turn thief for one night, Mary. I don't seem up to asking them for the use of the dog."

Mary lay down flat on the sofa and closed her eyes tightly. "Honey," she cried, her tone sounding desperate, "can you… hurry… please?"

"I'll be right back with the Great Dane," he promised, his pulse racing.

"Oh… honey," she moaned. "I'm… so… hot… so Goddamned… HOT!"


The first thing he did was to reach between her legs, pull them farther apart and dip his fingers into her cunt. When he was certain the odor of cunt was on all of his fingers, he told her to remain where she was, that he would drive to the Alexanders', allow the Great Dane to sniff his fingers and after that the rest would be easy. The scent of pussy would excite the dog and make it simple for Pete to get him out of the enclosure and into his car. He promised to be back within twenty minutes.

Leaving the house, he climbed into the car and turned on the headlights and started the motor. He drove to the street where the Alexanders lived and parked two doors away from their place. He walked slowly up the walk and, observing that there were no lights on in either the Alexanders' or Rose's place, he stepped quickly between the houses and approached the enclosure. Hearing the dog's low, rumbling growl, he spoke to the animal, hoping his voice would sound familiar, or at least that his scent would. No, his mind whispered to him – not your scent. The dog must catch the scent of Mary's cant. Pete stretched his hands out until he encountered the fence. Immediately, the dog began sniffing at his hands and whining. Pete let the dog lick his fingers and then he entered the small shed as Mark had done and felt the big dog jumping up on him frantically.