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"I saw you. Wow. What an evening this has been. Have you ever known a better one?"

"No," Pete replied. "This was the hottest night I've ever known."

"Honey," she said, "You have to take the dog back, don't you?"

He nodded. "Yes, but there's no hurry about it. You might want another ream job after a while. I guess the Great Dane wouldn't mind, after he's had a certain amount of rest."

"Maybe I would, at that," Mary said. "Gee, I don't know if I could take all of that long, hard tool again or not."

"It's real big and hard all right. Wish I had one that long."

She kissed his lips quickly. "Yours is okay, honey. Don't talk that way."

He laughed and patted her on the butt as she started to get to her feet. The Great Dane got halfway to his feet, a low warning growl issuing from his throat.

Mary giggled slightly. "How about that? Man is jealous of you for patting me on the butt, honey."

Pete eyed the dog who had now resumed lying flat. "So I see and hear," he said. "I'll have to watch my step till he gets cooled off."

"Maybe I'd better get dressed-fully dressed, I mean." Mary glanced at her stockings and Pete did also, noting they were badly torn.

"Yeah," Pete said carefully, eyeing the dog as he spoke. Another low warning growl had come from the animal, though Pete had not made a move towards Mary that he knew of. He must have done something, he knew, to make the animal dislike him. "Better take a bath, too, baby," he told Mary. "A good one. Rose told me once she always took a long, hot shower afterwards."

"Oh… all right, honey. Do you suppose Man will allow me to leave the room?" Mary was quite serious about the question. Pete could see that she was from the expression on her face.

"I don't know, baby. Move slowly and if he tries to follow, tell him to go back and lie down. I heard Rose speak that way firmly but gently and he obeyed her every word."

"All right." Mary got to her feet gingerly and moved across the room. The dog followed her every step of the way with his eyes. However, when she left the room and closed the door, the Great Dane settled back down and placed his head on his paws.

Pete stared at the dog.

The Great Dane was looking back at Pete.

Suddenly, the dog got to his feet and came over to Pete, his head lowered, his tail wagging in friendly fashion. Pete gingerly patted the dog's head and was shocked when the dog lowered his muzzle to the man's prick and began to lick it furiously. Pete was alarmed that the animal might bite him, but these fears left quickly. The dog actually seemed aroused at licking his cock and Pete realized that the dog must have smelled Cindy's cunt juice on his dick. As Pete glanced at the rear underside of the dog, he saw that his tool was beginning to protrude from the covering skin and growing hard. This made Pete's prick get hard again and quickly, which, in turn, made the dog's cock grow even more.

The Great Dane was using his tongue in such a way that it seemed to slap around Pete's tool and draw on it in a suction like licking operation. It felt good, Pete had to admit. It felt damned good. What the hell was going on? Was this really sexy stuff or had he and Mary gone mad?

The dog continued to lick and lap at Pete's rock-hard cock.

Pete became hot all over again, extremely so.

He reached beneath the dog and gingerly felt his long, red tool. The dog liked this and began to jack quickly.

Pete allowed him to do this for a moment.

For a few moments.

And then he couldn't stand it any longer. Pete Braden knew now what he was going to do, come hell or high water.

He did it.

He dropped his pants to his knees, yanked down his briefs, got up on his hands and knees and waited.

The Great Dane was breathing hard now.

He licked at Pete's asshole.

Then Pete felt it.

Felt the Great Dane mount him.

Felt the pain of it.

All the way.

The dog's tool was in his ass to the hilt.

Pete Braden took it, all of it, and several times nearly passed out from the intense pain and excitement of it.

It was then that he felt something warm and wet and familiar being pushed into his face.

Mary had come back into the room. Pete kissed her furry twat as he groaned with high passion.

The Great Dane fucked faster, harder.

Pete screamed from the pain of it.

"Isn't it wonderful honey?" he heard Mary ask, sounding as if she were a mile away.

"Yes," he muttered. "Marvelous."

The dog humped.

Pete screamed again. For the life of him he could not help it. Jumping to his feet awkwardly, he felt the dog's tool being forced out of his bung.

"I can't do it!" Pete cried. "He's all yours, baby. I'm not built for it. I'll be an observer. You do it."

Mary didn't say a word. She simply dropped to her hands and knees while her husband watched.