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Or was there?

He lay down flat on the bed, his cock erect again. Looking at it, he smiled tensely and wondered why it was he had seldom felt this way with his own wife.

"Knock it off," he muttered aloud. "Don't start thinking that way, you nut."

Cindy was gone so long that Pete finally got up from the crumpled bed and walked naked into the front room. The lights were on just as they had left them, but Cindy was not in view. Thinking she had gone to the bathroom, he poured himself a drink and carried it to a sofa and sat down. He had no more than done so when the front door opened and a young woman stepped into the house. When she saw that Pete was naked, she flushed and, turning about, yanked at the door and murmured something about being a neighbor who wanted to use Cindy's phone. She also mumbled she was terribly sorry that she didn't know Cindy had a guest. Before Pete could move, the woman was out of the house and the door had been closed.

Pete grinned. "Not bad," he said softly, referring to the woman's build. She had been a brown-haired, big-titted woman with nice legs and hips.

"Who's not bad, Pete?" Cindy asked from behind him.

He turned and saw she was wearing a robe. He glanced at his own nakedness. "Maybe I'd better pull on my pants," he said. "A woman barged in a moment ago, a brown-haired gal. Afraid she saw me naked and left in a hurry. Said she wanted to use the phone." He cleared his throat. "Guess I embarrassed her."

Cindy laughed. "That must have been Rose. She lives next door. She's not married… afraid of men, I guess, something like that. I'll have a hell of a time explaining what you were doing here naked." Cindy frowned thoughtfully. "The hell I will. This is my house. On second thought, I won't say a word to her about it. I mean I won't explain anything."

Pete held up his glass. "I helped myself to a drink."

"Oh, fine, Pete." Cindy frowned again a moment later. "Tell me, did Rose just barge right in without knocking?"

Pete shifted his weight on the sofa, nearly spilling his drink. "Well," he replied uncomfortably, "I didn't see her when she came in. Maybe she knocked and I didn't hear her."

"Do you know what I think she is, Pete?" Cindy said suddenly, carrying her drink across the room as she talked.

Pete stared at her. "I have no idea, Cindy." He paused. "I scarcely saw the woman. Tell you the truth, I was looking for a pillow or something to cover myself with and I didn't see her too clearly. I…"

"I don't believe you understood me, Pete. What I'm saying is this… I think we have a female Peeping Tom next door. I'll bet you anything she looked in one of the side windows, saw you sitting here naked and ran around the door and barged in on purpose."

This seemed incredible to Pete. "But," he said, "she seemed honestly embarrassed. I'm fairly certain of that. She…"

"It was an act, Pete. She was putting on an act. I can't prove this, but I've had vague suspicions about her for some time now."

"Hmm," Pete said. "Interesting."

"Maybe we should call her a Peeping Tomette. Tom sounds too masculine to me," Cindy said absently.

"Unless, of course, she is one of those females."

Cindy shook her head. "She's not the lesbian type. I wonder… just what type she really is."

Pete laughed. "You'd better get me one of Mark's robes. She might be looking at me through the window."

Cindy giggled. "If I thought she was, I swear I'd put on one hell of a show for her… like sucking your cock, for example."

Pete sucked in his breath. "I like the way you talk, doll. I really do." He paused and glanced at his wrist watch. "It's time for me to go home, Cindy. We agreed on three hours… right?"

"Has the time gone that fast?" she asked, dismay on her face.

"Yes," Pete replied. "I promised Mary I wouldn't overstay my welcome."

"Okay, Pete," she said, smiling. "I had a wonderful time. You'd… better get dressed before you go out that door, you know."

He grinned. "I suppose you're right," he told her. "I had a fine time, too." He meant it.

She grinned. "Send Mark home when you get to your place, will you?"

"Sure… unless he's got his dick buried in my wife, in which case I won't."

Cindy simply smiled and Pete went to the bedroom where he dressed rapidly. Returning to the front room, he grinned when he realized he had a hard-on from remembering the session. He kissed her, said he would see her again soon, and left the house.


As he passed the house next door, the porch light came on and he blinked, startled by the suddenness of its glare. He glanced quickly at the brown-haired woman standing in the doorway, her lips pursed. Immediately it occurred to him that her lips were formed just right for a suck job, and just as immediately he tried to put the absurd thought out of his mind. He considered saying hello to her, but instead walked on a few paces, stopped and turned around. He ran back to the in-walk and up onto her porch.

"Rose," he said, "please let me come inside."

Much to his astonishment, she pushed open the screen door and stepped aside to allow him to enter. He did so and she closed both the screen door and the main one. She did not quite meet his gaze, but he did not try to stare her down. He was too interested in the phone that stood on a stand nearby. Stepping over to it, he dialed a number that he knew heard the person answering at the other end, and without speaking, hung up and turned about to face Rose.

"Why?" he asked.

"Why?" Apparently she knew he meant why had she made believe she wanted to use the phone next door.

"I don't know," she said. "I saw you sitting there naked… and something wild came over me… I don't know what… such a thing has never happened to me before. It is true my phone's working, and I didn't want to use Cindy's. It is also true that I wanted to see your… nudity close up."

"May I ask you a question, a rather personal one, Rose?"

She nodded hesitantly.

"Do you need a man?" he asked bluntly.

She flushed and averted her eyes. "I don't know. I don't know much about such things. I'm… terribly embarrassed… would you please leave now?"

"Certainly," he said. "If you insist on it."

"I'm afraid of… myself."

He smiled kindly at her. "Sure. I understand that, I think I'll go now. My name is Pete. I live nearby. I'm married, but…"

"I know you are," she said. "I've seen you before, many times."

Now he was slightly embarrassed. "Oh… have you?" he asked. "Well, good-bye for now. Nice talking to you, Rose."

"You're a very handsome man," she said softly, but boldly, apparently, for her.

"And you're a very pretty woman. Good night."

"Good night… Pete."

He had no more than stepped outside than the porch light was turned off, leaving him in darkness. He groped his way down the two steps to the in-walk and had not gone more than five feet when he heard a sound behind him, the sound of light running steps. The next moment he felt her arms go about him from the rear while she snuggled her head against his back.

"Pete, don't go… I saw what you did to Cindy… on the bed… Come back. Do that to me… please."

He was astonished but elated, though he knew he had better play his cards carefully, or she might turn and run back into the house like a frightened creature. Only sheer desperation had caused her to rush out of the house and cry out those impassioned words after she had flung her arms about him. Without question the woman was in great need and this great need had momentarily thrown to the winds her shyness and reticence toward men, things that Pete probably would have known instinctively even if Cindy had not told him.