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"Would you lay her, Pete? Oh… that would be wonderful! It would be most kind of you."

Pete tried to figure out if Cindy was putting him on. She could have been, he felt, but probably she was not. "Hey," he cried. "Is she that good a friend of yours that you're willing to let me fuck her and gratify her?"

"Oh, would you, Pete?" As Cindy asked the question, she kissed his prick wetly again. A bead of sap appeared quickly on the end and she lapped it off quickly, smacking her lips with apparent relish. Cindy stood up.

"I'll go to the window and call Rose into the house. The poor thing, standing out there having to be content with merely watching us."

"Wait," Pete said, but Cindy already had the window raised and was calling to Rose. Pete couldn't hear what Rose said, but a moment later Cindy put the window down, straightened up, turned about and frowned.

"I'll be darned," she said softly. "Rose turned us down flat. I wonder why? How extremely odd."

Pete started to move away from the spot he had been standing, but Cindy dropped to her knees quickly and wrapped her arms about his legs and took his cock between her full, red lips again. This time she didn't just play with him, but began to bob her head back and forth frantically while clutching to his butt fiercely, her nails once again digging deeply into his flesh. Pete couldn't stand much of this and, stretching high on his tiptoes, holding her head to support himself, he shot a long, hot stream of male goop into her mouth. She sucked his dick harder than ever and, when his jism had finally ceased to flow into her, she licked his cock off carefully until it was clean. Then she kissed the prickhead again lovingly, got to her feet and walked hurriedly to the window.

"Did you like what you saw, Rose?" she called out.

Pete could scarcely believe what he was hearing. He had thought Rose had run off, had gone back into her own house, but apparently she had not. He saw Cindy nodding her head as though Rose were calling through the glass to her and she could hear but he could not. He squinted his eyes and tried to see Rose through the window but could not.

Cindy returned to him. "Poor Rose. She gets so embarrassed about watching. She's so afraid you will catch her doing it. She's a very strange girl. Do you know what she does every time she gets all worked up, baby?"

Pete pulled up his briefs and slipped on his pants before answering. "No," he said carefully. "Naturally, I know little or nothing about your neighbor, Rose. What does she do when she gets all worked up?"

Cindy giggled. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you, Pete."

He tucked his shirt in his pants and stared at her expressionlessly. "Maybe I would believe you. Try me and see. What does Rose do when she gets worked up, as you put it."

Again Cindy giggled. "She goes out back of our house and feeds my big Great Dane. I never get to feed him, myself."


He was home now. Mary was sleeping soundly beside him, but sleep would not come to Pete Braden. He lay flat on his back, his hands locked together behind his head, and stared at the semi-darkness around him. His thoughts were not on the first swap affair between the Bradens and the Alexanders, as they would have been ordinarily, but on the strange woman named Rose. There was no question about it – she was the strangest woman Pete had ever encountered. He recalled her sex scenes with the big dog, and while a part of him was somewhat turned off by it, another part was definitely intrigued; so much so that, even as he recalled it, his cock became immediately erect.

"Good grief," he murmured ruefully. "I need another hard-on like I need another leg."

"What did you say, honey?" Mary muttered in her sleep, turning and facing him at the same time. She pulled the sheet over her shoulders as if she were cold, though it was by no means chilly in the room.

Pete felt wild for a moment. This feeling passed and he calmed down and tried to get his thoughts off sex. He couldn't do it. The next thing he knew he was feeling his wife's tits, running his fingers over them, becoming excited by the act, which in itself was rather wild, having done this to her hundreds of times before, of course. Mary's lips parted.

"Stick your cock in my mouth, honey," she muttered thickly. "I don't mind."

Pete recalled having seen her going down on Mark earlier and he grinned, wondering if, in her dream now, he or Mark was the object of her affection. It didn't matter, really. He and Mary were not the kind of people who got uptight about sex, at least this one aspect of it – infantile jealousy. Mary, still asleep, reached down for his cock, found it and began to jack him. Pete drew in his breath and wondered if he should waken her or not. He decided not to. He was enjoying what she was doing. However, the act of jerking his dick must have awakened her, for the next thing Pete knew, she was chuckling and leaning over to kiss his cheek almost at the same time.

"Honey, I was dreaming," she murmured.

"Nice dream, darling. Do you want to drift off to sleep and keep on with it?"

Mary laughed softly. "Oh, you nut." She fell silent briefly. Then, "Hey. Tell me again about Cindy. You didn't say much about her when we went to bed, but I gathered that you were kind of upset by her. Were you?"

This surprised Pete. He had no idea Mary might have formed such an impression. "On the contrary," he told her. "I was anything but upset. I had a ball with Cindy. She is, if I may say so to my own wife, an awfully good lay." He glanced at Mary quickly to see what her reaction might be.

She poked him playfully in the ribs. "You think you're going to get a rise out of me by saying that, don't you, big shot? But you aren't." She kissed his cheek again.

He grinned. "Wasn't trying to get a rise out of you, darling. Can I tell you something?"

"Of course, silly. What do you want to tell me?"

"We got through earlier than you and Mark did. I came home, peered through the window and saw you sucking off Mark. I must say it made me so hot I went all the way back to… Cindy's." He had almost goofed and said Rose's place; he wondered if Mary knew Rose, decided not to ask her at the moment. Later he would. Maybe.

Mary was silent for just a brief moment. "Honey," she asked softly, "did it make you just a little bit angry to see me with another man's cock in my mouth?"

He knew what she wanted to hear, so he said it, though it was not quite true. "Just a little, baby. I got over it, though. You know why I got over it? Because I know I have the greatest wife any guy could ever want."

Mary still had his hard-on in her hand. She pumped it a few times and giggled, much as Cindy had done, and kissed his mouth wetly. "Oh, I love to hear you talk that way, honey. You're such a sweet guy. I didn't really want to suck Mark off, but he told me that Cindy would insist on doing the same thing to you, would in fact do it more than once, so I…"

Now it was Pete's turn to kiss her, which he did. "It's okay, darling. We went into this swap thing knowing what we were doing. Let's don't feel we have to explain things to each other. Okay?"

She laughed and lowered her head to his prick, running her tongue over the head of it. Then she straightened up. "Want me to suck you, honey, to sort of even up the score, or something?"

Pete grinned excitedly. "Be my guest, darling."

She kissed his cock lovingly. "Have you anything left in it for poor little me, honey?"

He grinned again. "Yes. At least, I think so. Would you care to suck and find out for yourself?"

She lifted his balls lovingly. "You're an awfully nice guy, Pete Braden. Did anyone ever tell you that?"

"Yes. My mother did when I was six weeks old."

Mary giggled. "I mean lately."

"Yes, of course. Don't you ever read the editorial pages of the local bugle? Every now and then they run an editorial on what a nice guy Pete Braden is."

Mary kissed his stomach and straightened up briefly. "You crazy nut," she said. "I just love you to pieces."