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J. J. MacGuire

Master and "baby"


It had not been a good day for me. First, I was late serving dinner. Then, Kitten dropped a pile of plates on the way out of the kitchen, smashing the lot – and wasting four people's food. He would not be pleased – and I was later summoned to see him. Master was embarrassed by our actions. I felt my stomach knotting as I knocked on his study door and peeked in. "Master, you wanted to see me?"

"Yes, baby. Can you think why?"

I entered the room and stood in front of his desk. "Master, I'm really sorry about the dinner being late and the plates," I started. "It's just… as Kitten was coming out of the kitchen, one of your friends almost walked into her, and she had to swerve to avoid him. And…"

"Baby, excuses?"

"Yes, I know, but it was an accident. It's the first time it's ever happened."

"Well… And was there something else you needed to talk to me about?"

"Err… I know I was a bit late getting the dinner out, but the produce man got caught in traffic – I couldn't help it."

Slamming his fist on the desk, I jumped as he said, "I'm not interested in the produce man. All I know is that you were responsible for this party, and the dinner was late. How you were to achieve that was your problem – so long as you got it there on time."

"Yes, Master, I understand. But it is the first time I've been late."

Placing both hands on his desk he rose saying, "And I hope for your sake it's the last."

He moved out from behind the desk and walked toward me, "Listen to me, Baby. I pride myself on running a tight ship here." Master took me in his arms. "All I wanted was to have a simple party with good food. I wanted to show off both you and Kitten." Holding me close he whispered, "And slovenliness isn't part of the game plan. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Master." I was trembling so hard, I bit my bottom lip so my teeth wouldn't chatter.

"Right. Well, I think I've made myself understood. Now, there's work to do – my friends are still here, so get about your duties. And I hope it won't be necessary for us to have a little chat like this again."

"Yes, Master. I'm sorry. Thank you, Master."

He kissed me on the nose and shooed me out the door.

I was very upset. I wanted to satisfy Master's friends' senses. I couldn't think of worse things to happen on our first party. Of course, he was upset too. After all, the whole idea of this party was to introduce Kitten and me to his friends. He had mapped out everything including what Kitten and I were to wear: trying to make Kitten look like an upstairs French maid, her slim, blonde body in that short black dress was playing on my senses, as I know it was teasing Master's friends. Like her I was nervous – there was almost something surreal about it. She was turning out to be good company. Quite a few times tonight we brushed against each other, giving each other strength.

We both wanted Master to be proud of us. Still, seeing him like that made me feel like a naughty thirteen-year-old. I hoped I would be able to keep things running smoothly – at least until they left, so he wouldn't be disappointed in us again this evening.

Dinner, once served, went fairly smoothly. There was one difficult couple, but I felt I handled them well. We managed to get through serving desserts to them, although rather absent-mindedly. My heart wasn't in it any longer. I just wanted them to go home.

Everything seemed to be going along well until the last of his friends were there, six of them. All had known Master for fifteen years or thereabouts, were smartly dressed, and obviously a little intoxicated. Nothing seemed quite right for them. One of them had an empty glass, another didn't like the music, they wanted Kitten and me to dance for them, and they spoke to us as if we were servants.

The final straw to the evening was when Kitten brought out fresh drinks. I knew six was too much on one tray for her, but she laughed and said she could handle it. As she got to the table, she lost her balance, and the whole lot went tumbling down. If it had just fallen on the floor, it might have been okay, but the drinks went all over one of one of the guests – into his lap. He screamed out – it must have been quite cold – and chaos ensued. He started shouting at her. I ran out trying to calm them down, trying to dry off the drink, and apologizing, then they stormed out. "We'd get better service than this in a diner," they shouted. Both Kitten and I stood like statues as they stopped to talk to Master before they left. We were quite shaken and as the door closed I felt Kitten holding my hand.

Finally the last of the dishes were cleaned and put away, and I was able to leave the kitchen. I started slipping out of my dress as I moved down the hall. I heard Master behind me and he helped me pull it over my head, then I heard him say, "Baby, I want to see you again in my study, now! And I warn you – I am in a foul mood, so watch out!"

Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. I was in trouble now. What would he do to me? I reached for the door handle and waited until I was told to enter. I went in, nervously, holding the door for him.

"Shut the door. Well, baby, take position." Master waived at the chair in middle of the room.

I quickly moved to stand slightly in front of the chair, back straight, legs spread wide, arms at side, head held high, eyes lowered to the floor.

Master took his seat and ran his finger down my stomach. My stomach muscles rippled along with his touch.

"Now for our little talk, Baby."

"Sorry, Master, that the party was ruined. I've let you down bad." I dropped my chin to my chest.

"You promised it wouldn't happen again. Then I have to listen to my friends being irate about your and Kitten's incompetence. It will cost me to have those clothes cleaned."

"I'm really sorry it turned out to be a bad day."

"Well, 'I’m sorry' isn't good enough." He grasped my wrist in his hand.

"No, Sir, it's not." Half of me wanted to run and hide. I could feel the tears gathering.

Clearing your throat, he added, "There's the other matter."

My gaze shot to his face, a sad smile crossed his features.

"What's that?"

"What do you mean, 'what's that?' Why don't you think about it a moment?"

Silence. What could he mean? "I'm sorry, I really don't know."

He squeezed my wrist tighter. "Playing with Kitten in the kitchen, Baby."

I was trying to blink back tears, both from the pain in my wrist and in my heart. "Master? That's nonsense. We…"

"Are you saying my friend lied to me? How odd. They're normally so truthful."

"Oh." My butterflies were flapping a mile a minute when it hit me.

The stone face lady who had come into the kitchen when I had been drying Kitten's tears. She caught us kissing with our hands on each other’s pussy as Master had instructed. Thinking to play it off like it was nothing, I said, "That's all right, Master. I had just slipped my hand into Kitten's pussy when one of your friends walked into the kitchen. I was just trying to calm her."

"And you think I should just let it go?"

"But… but it's the truth, Master! Why would I lie about that?"

"I thought I specifically told you both to behave tonight? Maybe you wanted to test me?" I was pulled down to my knees.

"No, Master, that's not fair…"

"I think I'm the judge of what’s fair around here."

"But that's… we didn't do anything Master. It was habit, and a mistake."

"Excuses again, Baby, I've no doubt."


Master paused, and looked down at me, leaned forward, and in a low voice asked, "What do you suggest?"

"Whatever, Sir."

He looked unconvinced.

"Well, Sir, I don't know what else…" I was becoming desperate, more tearful.

"How would you punish me for embarrassing you in front of your friends, I wonder…?"