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Kitten entered on hands and knees, a thin gold chain around her waist. Her normally alabaster ass was rosy red. She stopped and turned to kneel up behind you and slightly to your left. I looked at her tearstained cheeks and red-rimmed eyes before she bowed her head.

As she spread her knees wide, the gold chastity belt covering her mound became painfully evident. I was shaking like a leaf in a heavy windstorm. I knew I had to finish this but I had a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach I knew what was to come after.

"Well, Baby, we’re waiting. I have said you could cum, what are you waiting for. Do it, now!" The jet and his voice did their work. Inhaling I blinked once, teetering on the edge, then fell into the pathos of pleasure that electrified my heat, sending wave after wave of lightning fast jolts through my body. A low primal moan cut from my lips as Master pinched and twisted both nipples while I came.

"Look at me, Baby, can you understand what I'm saying?" I was trying to focus on his words but the sensation still had me in its grip. Nodding slowly, body shaking and knees locked, I raised my gaze to his face.

"Yes, Master," I whispered as I licked my lips.

"You will dry off." He pulled my nipples out more. "You will go to the dungeon where Kitten will be waiting with further instructions. You are to do this now, with out delay."

I sagged back against the tiles of the shower stall as you released my nipples. "Yes, Master".


With glazed eyes I watched Master pull down his sleeves over bulging arms. The width of his muscled back rippled under the white shirt and I remembered how I had run my hand over it as I messaged the oil into and over his back. My fingers curled around the showerhead and I felt flush all over. His butt tightened as he shifted and pulled on his jacket and my breath caught in my throat.

I started to reach for him as my eyes rested on Kitten kneeling there on the floor, the chastity front plate cutting into her lily-white skin. Tears streamed from the corners of her eyes. She looked up at me, her bottom lip trembling and gave me a weak smile.

Master motioned to Kitten with a snap of his fingers. She rocked back on her heels, grimacing a little as she rose. He placed his hand on the small of her back and directed her out the door, saying, "Now listen carefully, Kitten. This is what I want you to do when Baby reaches the dungeon. First, I want you…"

As the door closing behind them with a click, I felt all the energy leave my body. Darn, I had done it again, from one punishment to another. Master had let me slide on the touching of Kitten in the kitchen but the pleasuring of one's self without permission he would not allow. We had been over this before; it was one of the first things he had insisted upon. Such an easy task really; why was it so hard to follow?

With growing anxiety I stepped out of the shower, pondering what he would have Kitten do to me. He was creative in my punishments. I wrapped the towel around me and began to dry off.

Recalling the last time I was sent to the dungeon, a shiver went up my spine. Master had left me tied over the horse in the middle of the room after bringing me to the edge, with instructions to Kitten she was to keep my lips throbbing but not to let me come. Kitten had used the feather, dragging it over my pulsating heat every time my legs started to relax. I immediately tensed, my lips throbbed again and I started to moan, only to have her pull the feather away and I cried out in frustration.

I felt the moisture gathering between my legs as I left the bathroom and headed for the stairs leading to the dungeon. I started down the cold block steps, my left-hand trailing over the rough rock wall. Down they spiraled, a votive hanging every so often above my head giving off just enough light to see the next step. My nipples hardened the moment I left the steamy warm bathroom and were getting harder as I descended. All I heard was the pounding of my heart in my ears as I went down the steps. My feet padded slowly down the cold flagstone. I reached the alcove at the bottom of the steps and in front of me was a thick hewed wooden door with iron hinges and a big iron ring handle.

Cooler air and soft music rush to meet me as I eased open the door. The room was ablaze in candlelight and, there, kneeling in the middle, was Kitten. She rocked back and stood with all the grace of a gazelle, her heat still covered by the gold plate, but her stance had changed from the one in the bathroom. Her eyes held a glint. No longer were they the eyes of the submissive kitten. "Kneel where you are, Baby, and take position." I dropped to the floor and placed my hands behind my neck as Kitten approached me.

She reached down and cupped my right breast in her small hand, lifting it as if to weigh. Her thumb brushed over the extended nipple sending tiny bits of sensation through my breast. I looked up into her eyes and watched as her pupils dilated and a small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "You know you've been bad, Baby. I think you do it on purpose."

"No, I…"

"Shh, Master knows better, Baby. You just can’t help yourself, can you? Master gets us started and then our sub conscience takes over. Well, he decided you need a little reminder you're not to do for yourself, and he directed me to help you in this. Hmm, where to begin?"

The whole time she had been talking her thumb circled my nipple and I had leaned into it, and when she dropped my breast I had to catch myself so I wouldn't fall over. "Hold position, Baby." I regained my balance and straightened.

She turned away from me as if to scan the room. I too looked around, nothing had changed since the last time I was here and my body shook with fear. The horse was still in the middle of the room with the cuffs on the legs. The top drawer to the chest was open. I bit my bottom lip. I knew you kept all the clips and weights in there. She headed for it and my heart skipped a beat. Kitten must have been rummaging through it earlier because she reached right in and pulled something out.

She turned and moved her hand behind her back so I couldn't see what it was. "Baby, I want you to crawl to me, bend at the waist and drag your breast on the floor. Do not release your hands from behind your neck." I started to move as she snapped at me. "Now, Baby, not later, get your ass over here." Moving as fast as I could, I crossed the floor. The cold stones bit into my knees and played havoc on my senses as my nipples bumped across it.

I reached her and was about to rise when I felt her hand on the back of my head. "Stay down, Baby." She pushed me down till my breast pressed full against the floor, raising my ass further in the air. She released my head, moved behind me and bent over my ass. Her hand rubbed over my left cheek and down in between my legs. I could feel the moisture rushing to meet her fingers as she touched me there. A low moan escaped as she removed her hand.

Then both hands were on me, pulling at my swollen lips. A cold clip was snapped on one, then the other and I cried out as the weight attached to them dropped and dangled freely. Kitten brushed her fingers over the clamped flesh as she rose. "That should keep you focused for a while." She gave me a quick slap on both cheeks.

"Now, let’s see. Yes, I think you should kneel up, Baby. Spread those knees wider as you do, but do not under any circumstances let that weight touch the ground. If you do, I'll be forced to get out the viper."

I did as I was told and watched as she returned to the drawer. Reaching in she again pulled something out and held it behind her. She moved to stand in front of me and my eyes were again drawn to the little gold plate covering her mound.

Master enjoyed hiding Kitten's pretty white mound from her. She, like me had been caught one too many times pleasuring herself. The last time Master had warned us both he would cover her for a week.