‘I hope you like these. I made them myself.’ He guessed Nemurus was helpless in a kitchen. The man looked horrified. ‘I don’t expect Lucilla to do everything at home. She works so hard on her own account. She deserves spoiling.’
After a frozen silence, Nemurus caught on. ‘Are you two…?’
‘Oh! Sorry. Yes, we are.’
Nemurus became desperate to leave but was too gauche to extract himself.
Flavia Lucilla arrived shortly. Vinius left the balcony, deliberately pulling a door closed. Nemurus heard him greet Lucilla in a low voice, ‘Your ex is here.’ A silence followed. Nemurus imagined them canoodling. A petrifying dog then pushed open the folding door and growled at him.
Vinius came back, bringing a third chair which he placed close to his own. ‘Put him down, Terror!.. She’s coming.’
Nemurus was now trapped on this small balcony, in the kind of evening the couple must enjoy regularly, either alone or with friends or family. Muted sunshine. Wine and titbits. Pleasant conversation. Laughter. Things that made him nervous.
The awful dog clambered on top of the Praetorian when he resumed his seat. He played with the beast, airily showing off how easy and commanding he was with it.
Lucilla appeared. At once she dived into the stuffed dates, eating with one hand while with the other she removed her sandals and rubbed her feet. Always a wearer of silly shoes, the straps had dug into her, not badly but enough. With her mouth full, she said nothing to Nemurus, just raised an eyebrow questioning his visit. The dog left the Praetorian and lay down by her chair. Using the creature as a footstool, Lucilla buried her bare feet in its horrid fur, wriggling her toes. There could be no doubt, this dreadful pet was beloved of both of them.
‘Oh — would you two like to be left alone?’ Vinius asked suddenly, as if he had only just thought of it. Polite. Considerate. Sickening.
Of course he made it impossible. Nemurus had to say no, no; nothing he wanted to discuss was confidential… This cut across the first principle of the great stoic philosopher Epictetus, who said that people should not lie.
‘So what do you want to talk about?’ demanded Lucilla bluntly.
Nemurus had to come clean. He harboured a suspicion Lucilla and Vinius were laughing at him. He felt constantly uncomfortable.
One of the charges against Domitian was that in the aftermath of the Saturninus Revolt he had forced confessions by ordering men’s genitals to be set on fire. Vinius Clodianus had reduced Nemurus to a wreck by simply handing round canapes. Lucilla was still enjoying the sweetmeats, unaware that her ex-husband was imagining her lover ramming snacks down a suspect’s throat…
Nemurus said he wanted to ask about the implications of recent opposition trials. Lucilla professed she was confused. Nemurus carefully offered to explain. (The Praetorian, he noticed, said nothing; presumably he kept details of previously condemned subversives all on file.)
‘It began about thirty years ago with a senator called Thrasea Paetus, who stood up to Nero. For example, he walked out of the Senate without voting when asked to approve the letter Nero sent to justify murdering his own mother, Agrippina.’
‘A terrible woman?’
‘Agreed, but it was matricide. Paetus offended Nero, then retired to private life. But his role model was the upright Cato, who had drawn attention to the ambitions of Julius Caesar; Paetus wrote Cato’s panegyric. The simple style of living that Paetus adopted seemed an affront to Nero’s crazy court. He was charged before the Senate, who caved in and convicted him, it is said, due to the presence of large numbers of intimidating troops.’
‘Hmm,’ commented Vinius: some uninterpretable professional remark.
Nemurus swallowed. ‘Paetus went home and opened his veins. His daughter Fannia, who was charged in this latest trial, was married to Helvidius Priscus, another ardent stoic. He survived from Nero to Vespasian, though he was banished by Nero at one point for demonstrating approval of Caesar’s murderers.’
‘That is illegal?’ Lucilla asked Vinius.
‘No wise man displays busts of Brutus and Cassius, nor celebrates their birthdays.’ His tone was neutral, suspiciously so, Nemurus thought. Vinius now joined the discussion: ‘Wouldn’t you say Helvidius Priscus embodies how these stoics deliberately confront emperors?’
‘You mean his quarrels with Vespasian?’
‘Yes; he was lucky that Vespasian was a tolerant old fellow, who let him continue his abominable behaviour for so long. Helvidius refused to acknowledge Vespasian as emperor in his judicial edicts as praetor. That was bloody rude. He resolutely called Vespasian by his private name, instead of his title. For the Emperor it must have been galling.’
Nemurus explained, ‘Helvidius was disgusted that Vespasian wanted to found a hereditary dynasty. He always refused to compromise, until Vespasian felt obliged to execute him. Vespasian is said to have tried to rescind the order.’
‘An old trick, but looks good!’ answered Vinius, smiling.
Nemurus was a little shocked. It had never struck him that Vespasian could have been devious about it.
‘Now,’ said Vinius, ‘Senecio’s treason must have been deliberate: he wrote a sympathetic biography of Helvidius Priscus.’
‘But it was a funeral eulogy… Have you read it?’ A teacher’s question. Nemurus noticed that Vinius avoided answering. He found it extremely hard to gauge this one-eyed man’s expression. Presumably if a Praetorian Guard did read republican literature, it was for obnoxious state reasons.
‘Gaius went to the trial.’ Lucilla leaned forwards and spoke earnestly across her lover’s lap, ‘You do realise the position Gaius Vinius holds now? He is the cornicularius — the Guards’ chief-of-staff.’
‘Just a bean-counter,’ Vinius put in, this time definitely smiling.
‘Congratulations,’ said Nemurus in a hollow voice.
Vinius stood up. ‘I’ll fetch more bites.’
An interlude followed, during which both Vinius and Lucilla came and went, bringing items for an informal supper. They clearly assumed that Nemurus would stay. New wine appeared. Perhaps by an oversight, Vinius only poured it for Lucilla and himself, but Lucilla seamlessly reached over and filled Nemurus’ beaker. It was a very palatable red from Spain. Clearly, they lived well.
‘Tell him about the trial, Gaius.’
‘Seems a shame to spoil a pleasant evening.’
‘Well he already knows it stank.’
‘These are good; where did you get them?’ Vinius was asking about seafood rissoles. It was not a distraction; intrigued, Nemurus watched their relaxed interplay between political and domestic subjects. Lucilla answered, then Vinius smoothly summarised the controversial treason trial as if the interruption never happened.
The seven accused included Arria, the fanatical widow of Thrasea Paetus and Fannia, his equally determined daughter, widow of Helvidius Priscus. Arulenus Rusticus, a friend of Thrasea, was convicted for writing a panegyric on him, a work which Domitian had had burned. Rusticus’ brother and sister-in-law were also on trial.
Senecio’s oration for Helvidius Priscus had been written at Fannia’s request and in court Mettius Carus forced her, using brutal interrogation, to admit she lent Senecio her husband’s notebooks. Senecio had further damned himself by refusing to stand for public office.
Helvidius Priscus junior, the late stoic’s son, was on a different charge: he had written a play. Based on the story of the Trojan prince Paris abandoning his first wife Oenone for Helen of Troy, it looked like a jibe at Domitian for divorcing Domitia over the actor, also aptly named Paris, supposedly to enable his passion for Julia.