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She looked away; she didn’t need to see the sheen of red wine on the mobile lips she’d spent a good portion of her girlhood dreaming about. She reached for her wineglass.

Just as he added, “If nothing else for what I’m imagining doing to you.”

Her fingers missed the glass bowl, bobbled the long stem; the wineglass tipped-He caught it, his left hand reaching over hers, then curling over it as he pressed the stem into her all but nerveless fingers.

His hand rested, hard and strong, over hers, until she gripped the glass, then he withdrew his hand slowly, his fin gers stroking over her hand and knuckles.

Her lungs had seized long ago.

He shifted, using the movement to lean closer and murmur, “Breathe, Minerva.”

She did, hauling in a huge breath-refusing to notice that as he sat back, his gaze lowered to her breasts, half exposed by her evening gown.

She was ready to do murder by the time the meal ended. Rising with the other ladies, she followed Margaret to the drawing room.

Royce wasn’t going to let her be. She’d been chased by gentlemen-even noblemen-before; any man but he and she would have simply stood her ground, confident of her ability to trump whatever move he made, but she knew her limits. She needed to escape while she could. He would lead the gentlemen back to rejoin the ladies all too soon.

Reaching the drawing room, the ladies filed in; she paused just inside the door, waiting until the others settled. She’d speak with Margaret, then-

“There you are.” Susannah slipped her arm through hers and drew her toward the side of the room. “I wanted to ask”-Susannah leaned close-“whether you have any idea which lady Royce is corresponding with?”

She frowned. “Corresponding?”

“He said he’d make an announcement once the lady he’d chosen agreed.” Halting, Susannah fixed her eyes-a lighter brown than her brother’s-on Minerva’s face. “So I presume he’s asking her, and as she’s not here, I assume he must have written to her.”

“Ah, I see. I haven’t seen him write any letter, but then he uses Handley for most of his correspondence, so I wouldn’t necessarily know.” Much to her relief, especially in this matter.

“Handley?” Susannah tapped her lips with one fingertip, then slanted a glance Minerva’s way. “I haven’t met him, but perhaps he might be persuaded to divulge what he knows?”

She shook her head. “I wouldn’t bother trying. Aside from all else, he’ll tell Royce.” She hesitated, then added, “In fact, all Royce’s personal staff are utterly devoted. You won’t find any who’ll discuss his private affairs.”

Including her.

Susannah sighed. “I suppose we’ll learn the truth soon enough.”

“Indeed.” She patted Susannah’s arm as she drew hers free. “I have to speak with Margaret.”

Susannah nodded and strolled off to join some others while Minerva headed for Margaret, enthroned in state on the chaise facing the hearth.

Susannah was right; Royce must have sent some communication to the lady he’d chosen as his duchess-a point she shouldn’t have forgotten. In typical Varisey fashion, while waiting for his bride to agree to be his, he was intent on bedding his chatelaine.

If she needed any reminder of the unwisdom of letting him seduce her, recalling that she would learn any day who would be his duchess should help bolster her resolution.

She really didn’t want to know; the thought curdled her stomach.

Refocusing on her plans to stay out of his arms, and out of his bed, she paused beside Margaret. “I have a headache,” she lied. “Can you do the honors with the tea tray?”

“Yes, of course.” Looking more relaxed than when her husband had been there, Margaret waved her away. “You should tell Royce not to work you so hard, dear. You need time for some distraction.”

Minerva smiled and headed for the door; she understood perfectly what “distraction” Margaret was recommending-precisely the sort her brother had in mind. Variseys!

She didn’t dally; she didn’t trust Royce not to cut the men’s drinking short, and under some pretext return to the drawing room early. Slipping out of the room, she went into the front hall, then quickly climbed the main stairs.

There was no one about. She heard no rumble of male voices; the gentlemen must still be in the dining room. Relieved, she walked into the keep, hesitated, debating, then headed for the duchess’s morning room. It was too early for sleep, and her embroidery frame was there.

The morning room had been the late duchess’s personal domain; her daughters had only intruded when invited. Since her death, they hadn’t set foot there. Variseys had little interest in the dead; they never clung to memories.

That had suited Minerva. Over the last three years, the room had become her own.

Presumably it would remain so-until the next duchess arrived.

Opening the door, she went in. The room lay in darkness, but she knew it well. She walked toward the table that stood along the back of the nearer sofa, paused, then returned to the door and locked it. No sense taking any chances.

Smiling to herself, she strolled to the sofa table, set her hand on the tinderbox, and lit the lamp. The wick flared; she waited until it burned steadily, then set the glass in place, adjusted the flame-and suddenly felt-knew-that she wasn’t alone…raising her gaze from the lamp, she looked-

At Royce, sitting at his negligent ease on the sofa opposite. Watching her.

“What are you doing here?” The words left her lips as her panicking mind assessed her options.

“Waiting for you.”

She’d locked the door. Looking into his eyes, so dark, his gaze intent and unwavering, she knew that despite him being on the farther sofa, if she tried to reach the door, he’d be there ahead of her. “Why?”

Keeping him talking seemed her only option.

Assuming, of course, that he would oblige.

He didn’t. Instead, he slowly rose. “Helpful of you to lock the door.”

“I wasn’t trying to help you.” She watched him walk toward her, tamped down her flaring panic, reminded herself it was pointless to run. One did not turn and flee from a predator.

He rounded the sofa, and she swung to face him. He halted before her, looked into her face-as if studying it, her features, as if memorizing the details. “What you said-about me not kissing you again?”

She tensed. “What about it?”

His lips lifted fractionally. “I didn’t agree.”

She waited, beyond tense, for him to reach for her, to kiss her again, but he didn’t. He stood looking down at her, watching her, his dark gaze intent, as if this were some game and it was her move.

Trapped in his gaze, she sensed heat stirring, rising between them; desperate, she searched for some way to distract him. “What about your bride? You’re supposed to be arranging an announcement as we speak.”

“I’m negotiating. Meanwhile…” He stepped forward; instinctively she stepped back. “I’m going to kiss you again.”

That was what she was afraid of. He took another step, and she backed again.

“In fact,” he murmured, closing the distance between them, “I’m going to kiss you more than just once, or even twice. And not just now, but later-whenever I feel like it.”

Another step forward from him, another back for her.

“I intend to make a habit of kissing you.”

She quickly took another step back as he continued to advance.

His gaze lowered to her lips, then flicked up to her eyes. “I’m going to spend a great deal of time savoring your lips, your mouth. And then…”

Her back hit the wall. Startled, she raised her hands to hold him off.