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Smoothly, he caught them, one in each of his, and took one last step. Pinning her hands to the wall on either side of her head, he lowered his and looked into her eyes. Held her gaze relentlessly from a distance of mere inches.

“After that”-his voice had lowered to a senses-caressing purr-“I’m going to spend even more time savoring the rest of you. All of you. Every inch of skin, every hollow, every curve. I’m going to know you infinitely better than you know yourself.”

She couldn’t speak, couldn’t breathe-couldn’t think.

“I’m going to know you intimately.” He savored the word. “I intend to explore you until there’s nothing left to learn-until I know what makes you gasp, what makes you moan, what makes you scream. Then I’ll make you do all three. Frequently.”

Her spine was plastered to the wall; he wasn’t leaning into her-yet-but with his arms raised, his coat had fallen open; there was barely an inch separating his chest and her breasts-and she could feel his heat. All down the front of her, she could feel his nearness, the beckoning hardness.

Everything her wanton self needed for relief.

But…She swallowed, forced herself to hold his gaze, lifted her chin. “Why are you telling me this?”

His lips quirked. His gaze lowered, fastened on her lips. “Because I thought it only fair that you know.”

She forced a laugh. A breathless one. “Variseys never play fair-I’m not sure you ‘play’ at all.”

His lips twisted. “True.” His gaze drifted back to her eyes.

She caught it. “So why did you tell me?”

One brow lifted devilishly. “Because I intend to seduce you, and I thought that might help. Is it working?”


He smiled then, slowly, his eyes locked on hers. He shifted one hand, turned it so, when she followed his sideways glance, she saw he had the tips of his long fingers clamped over the veins at her wrist.

“Your pulse says otherwise.”

His absolute unshakable arrogance set spark to her temper. Swinging her gaze back to his face, she narrowed her eyes on his. “You are the most ruthless, conceited, diabolical-”

He cut her off, his lips closing on hers, drinking in her temper-diverting it with ruthless, diabolical efficiency into something even hotter.

Something that melted her bones, that she fought, but couldn’t contain; the molten heat erupted and flooded through her, consuming intentions, inhibitions, all reservations.

Eradicating all good sense.

Leaving only hunger-blatant, explicit, ruthlessly seeking succor-in its wake.

The hard thrust of his tongue, the heavy, steely weight of him as he shifted closer and at last leaned in and pinned her body to the wall, was everything and more her witless senses wanted. Her tongue met his in a flagrant mating; her body strained, not to push him away but, every sense alive, to press against him.

To meet his hunger with hers.

To feed his desire with hers.

To meld the two, entwine them, until the power became too much for either of them to withstand.

This, now, was her only option; the rational part of her surrendered, and set her free to grasp the moment, and take from it all she could.

Wring from it every iota of pleasure.

He gave her no choice.

She left him with even less.

For long moments, mentally cursing, Royce kept both his hands locked about hers, safely pressed to the wall on either side of her head, for the simple reason that he didn’t trust himself. And with her as she was, all but drunk on passion, he trusted her even less.

Her body was a heated feminine cushion pressed the length of his, her breasts firm against his chest, her long limbs riding against his, tempting and luring, the soft tautness of her belly caressing his already engorged shaft as if to urge him on.

He hadn’t known she would respond as she had-instantly plunging them both into the fire. He recognized the flames well enough, but with her the conflagration threatened to run amok, to cinder his control.

That realization had been shocking enough to snap the hold combined lust and desire had gained-enough to allow him to reassert that essential element. Control, his control, was vital-not just for him, but even more for her.

So he held on, battled the temptation she wantonly lavished on him, until his mind rose above the fog of his wracked and wholly engaged senses.

Then, at last, he knew what he had to do.

He didn’t abate the passion, the possessiveness, in his kisses-not in the least. He angled his head and deliberately pushed her harder, further. Gave no quarter, accepted no appeasement.

Wasn’t entirely surprised when, instead of retreating to safety, she met him, took all his passion, absorbed it, and then turned it back on him.

This time he was ready. Shifting against her, he used his hips to trap her against the wall; releasing her hands, he lowered his arms, and set his fingers to the tiny jet buttons running from her scooped neckline to the raised waist of her black gown.

She was so engrossed in the kiss, in inciting and taunting him, she didn’t notice as he opened her bodice, then eased the halves apart. A flick here, there, and the ribbon ties of her chemise were undone. He set both palms to her shoulders, pressing the bodice wide, pushing the fine fabric of her chemise down as he ran his hands down, over and around, then filled them with her breasts. She gasped, literally quaked as he blatantly possessed-as he took charge of the kiss again, filled her mouth again, then let his attention shift to the warm, firm mounds in his hands.

To doing as he willed with them, tactilely savoring the fine skin, using one blunt fingertip to trace the ring of each puckered aureola, arousing her even more.

Then he closed his hands again, felt her drag in a breath and hold it as he played, possessed, kneaded. She shifted, tentative, restless; he sensed something within her-in the tautness of her slender frame-ease, change. Her hands fluttered, one on either side of his head, then closed, settled, one sliding to his nape, fingers tangling in his hair, gripping convulsively as he closed finger and thumb about her nipples and squeezed. Her other hand gently touched, traced, then cradled his cheek, his jaw.

Gently holding him.

First surrender, but he wanted much more, even though, tonight, he wouldn’t take all he wanted from her.

He broke the kiss. Before she could react, with his head he nudged hers to the side, set his lips to the sensitive spot beneath her ear, then traced down the long line of her throat, paused to lave the point at its base where her pulse thudded frantically, then swept lower, to with his lips and mouth, with tongue and teeth, claim what his hands already had.

Head back against the wall, eyes closed, Minerva gasped, shuddered, felt her mind and her senses fragment under the assault he waged upon them. The sweep of his hard lips over her skin, the wet heat of his mouth applied to her aching nipples, the rough rasp of his tongue, the hot torment when he suckled her, ripped what wits she’d retained away, scattered them far and wide, and effectively routed any will she might have summoned against him.

His teeth nipped; pain and pleasure briefly combined, flaring hotly.

She was panting, wanton and abandoned, unable to think, her senses awash in a flood of heat; need, desire and passion were a growling, gnawing hunger in her belly.

He drew back, raised his head. His hands reclaimed her breasts, his fingers replacing his lips, continuing to play, to distract her as through the heated dimness he studied her face, assessed…

She felt the weight of his gaze, sensed his command, but she didn’t want to open her eyes…she raised the heavy lids just enough to, through the fringe of her lashes, see him looking at her.

His face was harder, harsher than she’d ever seen it, lust and desire etching the edges of the already sharp angles and planes.