“I’ll make out all right,” Baque said.
A narrow platform stretched across the end of the room where any other restaurant would have had its visiscope screen. Baque could see the unpatched scars in the wall where the screen had been torn out.
“Lankey ran a joint at Port Mars back when the colony didn’t have visiscope,” Rose said. “He has his own ideas about how to entertain customers. Want to see your room?”
Baque was examining the multichord. It was a battered old instrument, and it bore the marks of more than one brawl. He fingered the filter buttons and swore softly to himself. Only the flute and violin filters clicked into place properly. So he would have to spend twelve hours a day with the twanging tones of an unfiltered multichord.
“Want to see your room?” Rose asked again. “It’s only five. You might as well relax until we have to go to work.”
Rose showed him a cramped enclosure behind the bar. He stretched out on a hard cot and tried to relax, and suddenly it was six o’clock and Lankey stood in the door beckoning to him.
He took his place at the multichord and fingered the keys impatiently. He felt no nervousness. There wasn’t anything he didn’t know about Coms, and he knew he wouldn’t have trouble with the music, but the atmosphere disturbed him. The haze of smoke was thicker, and he blinked his smarting eyes and felt the whisky fumes tear at his nostrils when he took a deep breath.
There was still only a scattering of customers. The men were mechanics in grimy work suits, swaggering pilots, and a few civilians who liked their liquor strong and didn’t mind the surroundings. The women were—women; two of them, he guessed, for every man in the room.
Suddenly the men began an unrestrained stomping of feet accented with yelps of approval. Lankey was crossing the platform with Rose and the other singers. Baque’s first horrified impression was that the girls were nude, but as they came closer he made out their brief plastic costumes. Lankey was right, he thought. The spacers would much prefer that kind of scenery to animated Coms on a visiscope screen.
“You met Rose,” Lankey said. “This is Zanna and Mae. Let’s get going.”
He walked away, and the girls gathered about the multichord. “What Coms do you know?” Rose asked.
“I know them all.”
She looked at him doubtfully. “We sing together, and then we take turns. Are you sure you know them all?”
Baque flipped on the power and sounded a chord. “Sing any Com you want—I can handle it.”
“Well—we’ll start out with a Tasty-Malt Com. It goes like this.” She hummed softly. “Know that one?”
“I wrote it,” Baque said.
They sang better than he had expected. He followed them easily, and while he played he kept his eyes on the customers. Heads were jerking in time with the music, and he quickly caught the mood and began to experiment. His fingers shaped a rolling rhythm in the bass, fumbled with it tentatively, and then expanded it. He abandoned the melodic line, leaving the girls to carry on by themselves while he searched the entire keyboard to ornament the driving rhythm.
Feet began to stomp. The girls’ bodies were swaying wildly, and Baque felt himself rocking back and forth as the music swept on recklessly. The girls finished their lyrics, and when he did not stop playing they began again. Spacers were on their feet, now, clapping and swaying. Some seized their women and began dancing in the narrow spaces between the tables. Finally Baque forced a cadence and slumped forward, panting and mopping his forehead. One of the girls collapsed onto the stage. The others hauled her to her feet, and the three of them fled to a frenzy of applause.
Baque felt a hand on his shoulder. Lankey. His ugly, expressionless face eyed Baque, turned to study the wildly enthusiastic customers, turned back to Baque. He nodded and walked away.
Rose returned alone, still breathing heavily. “How about a Sally Ann Perfume Com?”
Baque searched his memory and was chagrined to find no recollection of Sally Ann’s Coms. “Tell me the words,” he said. She recited them tonelessly—a tragic little story about the shattered romance of a girl who did not use Sally Ann. “Now I remember,” Baque told her. “Shall we make them cry? Just concentrate on that. It’s a sad story, and we’re going to make them cry.”
She stood by the multichord and sang plaintively. Baque fashioned a muted, tremulous accompaniment, and when the second verse started he improvised a drooping countermelody. The spacers sat in hushed suspense. The men did not cry, but some of the women sniffed audibly, and when Rose finished there was a taut silence.
“Quick!” Baque hissed. “Let’s brighten things up. Sing another Com—anything!”
She launched into a Puffed Bread Com, and Baque brought the spacers to their feet with the driving rhythm of his accompaniment.
The other girls took their turns, and Baque watched the customers detachedly, bewildered at the power that surged in his fingers. He carried them from one emotional extreme to the other and back again, improvising, experimenting. And his mind fumbled haltingly with an idea.
“Time for a break,” Rose said finally. “Better get something to eat.”
An hour and a half of continuous playing had left Baque drained of strength and emotion, and he accepted his dinner tray indifferently and took it to the enclosure they called his room. He did not feel hungry. He sniffed doubtfully at the food, tasted it—and ate ravenously. Real food, after months of synthetics!
When he’d finished he sat for a time on his cot, wondering how long the girls took between appearances, and then he went looking for Lankey.
“I don’t like sitting around,” he said. “Any objection to my playing?”
“Without the girls?”
Lankey planted both elbows on the bar, cupped his chin in one fist, and sat looking absently at the far wall. “You going to sing yourself?” he asked finally.
“No. Just play.”
“Without any singing? Without words?”
“What’ll you play?”
“Coms. Or I might improvise something.”
A long silence. Then—“Think you could keep things moving while the girls are out?”
“Of course I could.”
Lankey continued to concentrate on the far wall. His eyebrows contracted, relaxed, contracted again. “All right,” he said. “I was just wondering why I never thought of it.”
Unnoticed, Baque took his place at the multichord. He began softly, making the music an unobtrusive background to the rollicking conversation that filled the room. As he increased the volume, faces turned in his direction.
He wondered what these people were thinking as they heard for the first time music that was not a Com, music without words. He watched intently and satisfied himself that he was holding their attention. Now—could he bring them out of their seats with nothing more than the sterile tones of a multichord? He gave the melody a rhythmic snap, and the stomping began.
As he increased the volume again, Rose came stumbling out of a doorway and hurried across the stage, perplexity written on her pert face.
“It’s all right,” Baque told her. “I’m just playing to amuse myself. Don’t come back until you’re ready.”
She nodded and walked away. A red-faced spacer near the platform looked up at the revealed outline of her young body and leered. Fascinated, Baque studied the coarse, demanding lust in his face and searched the keyboard to express it. This? Or—this? Or—
He had it. He felt himself caught up in the relentless rhythm. His foot tightened on the volume control, and he turned to watch the customers.
Every pair of eyes stared hypnotically at his corner of the room. A bartender stood at a half crouch, mouth agape. There was uneasiness, a strained shuffling of feet, a restless scraping of chairs. Baque’s foot dug harder at the volume control.