Tchilk: Nariscene Barbarian Relational Mentor, Baeng-yon Crater
Toark: child Djan Seriy rescues from burning city
Tohonlo: one of tyl Loesp’s lieutenants (also Toho, as child)
Truffe: second cousin to Ferbin
Turminder Xuss: (Handrataler) Djan Seriy’s drone
tyl Loesp: Mertis; Hausk’s 2nd in command
Utaltifuhclass="underline" Nariscene Grand Zamerin of Sursamen
Vaime: the lady Anaplia; mother of Djan Seriy
Vollird: of Sournier, knight of Sarl
Werreber: senior general; becomes field marshal, army chief
Wudyen: duke; Hausk’s brother
Xessice: whore, Hyeng-zhar Settlement
Xide Hyrlis: C outcast, military commander for Nariscene
Xidia: young lady at court (named after Xide Hyrlis)
Yariem Girgetioni: Deputy Acting Zamerin, Sursamen
Yilim: senior officer in Hausk’s army
Zandone: Sarl actor and impresario
Zeeclass="underline" young Djan Seriy’s pet mersicor
Zourd: (Expanded Version Five) Cumuloform, 13th, Sursamen
Culture Full Names
Astle-Chulinisa Klatsli LP Quike dam Uast
Meseriphine-Sursamen/VIIIsa Djan Seriy Anaplian dam Pourl
Sholz-Iniassa Jerle Ruule Batra dam Ilyon
Stafl-Lepoortsa Xide Ozoal Hyrlis dam Pappens
Aeronathaurs: Tensile; see Xinthia
Aultridia: upstart species that evolved from parasites living under carapaces of Xinthia; mat-like/Pelliform (also “Squirmiform”, term of abuse); LLI
Avians: bird species; L5S variety methane gas-going
Birilisi: Avian species much given to excessive narcoticism; MLI
Bithians: (L0S) gilled whale-size creatures, waterborne; HLI
caude: giant winged creature, tameable and rideable; L8&9S
choup: Sarl equivalent of dog; L8&9S
chunseclass="underline" warbeast, later of burden and traction; L8S
Culture, the: mongrel humanoid civilisation; HLI
Cumuloforms: cloudlike O2 beings; L4S
Deldeyn: same species as Sarl, one level down; allied to the Aultridia, seen as antagonistic to the WorldGod and so enemies of the Sarl; L9S
hefter: beast of burden and traction; L8&9S
Hydrals: black hole smoker species; L13S
Iln: aero-spiniform HLI aeons ago; wrecked Shellworlds, destroyed Veil tombs; believed extinct/missing
Inheritors: see Oct
Involucra/Veiclass="underline" Shellworld builders, HLI aeons ago
lyge: giant winged creature, tameable and rideable; L8&9S
mersicor: large quadruped, tameable and rideable; L8&9S
Monthia: pan-species very large ocean-going creature-type
Morthanveld: Nariscene mentors; spiniform waterworlders, HLI
Nariscene: Sarl mentors; insectile, MLI
Nuersotise: humanoid; one of the contending species on Prasadal
Oct/Inheritors: claim descent from Involucra; control (most) travel within Towers of Sursamen and many other Shellworlds; octal Waterworlders; LLI
ossesyi: quadruped warbeasts; L8S
Pelagic Kite: atmospheric waterworlders; sail air over water-worlds; term also used for surface-going kited bioships; L5S
roweclass="underline" quadruped pack beast; L8&9S
ryre: quadruped, equivalent of cat; L8&9S
Sarclass="underline" humanoid people exiled/interned within Sursamen; L8&9S
Seedsails: mirror-sailed seed carriers; L1S
spore-wisp: plasma seed of a stellar field-liner
Swimmers: beings from lower levels of gas giant planets; L12S
Tendrils: elongated gas giant species, L6 & 10S
Tubers: black hole smoker species; L13S
Tueriellian: (Maieutic) investigative Seedsail
uoxantch: quadruped warbeasts; L9S
WorldGod, the: being at Core of Sursamen; a Xinthian; L15 & 16S
Veiclass="underline" see Involucra
Vesicular: surface waterworlders; having gas-filled bladder/sail; L10S
Xinthia: (Tensile Aeronathaur) an Airworlder; giant airships (smaller than dirigible behemothaurs); semi-adapted for high-pressure gaseous/liquid environments and space-capable. Now rare and generally Developmentally/Inherently/Pervasively Senile; see WorldGod, the
Xolpe: humanoid; Nariscene client species, at war
ynt: quadruped equivalent of small tame otter; L8&9S
Zeloy: humanoid, one of the contending species on Prasadal
General Glossary
34th Pendant Floret: region of space
512th Degree FifthStrand: Humanoid Guest Facility, Syaung-un
aboriginistas: those with obsessive interest in ‘primitives’
Aciculate: bush-like
afap: as fast as possible (C)
Altruist: a civilisation purposefully and consistently eschewing naked self-interest
Anjrinh: district in Hicture; home to a Scholastery
Aoud: star/system, home of Gadampth Orbital
aquaticised: (humanoids) fully converted to water-dwelling
Arithmetic: re a Shellworld, term given to one whose levels occur in simple multiples
Articles of Inhabitation: rules by which Shellworld inhabitants live
Aspirant: civilisations wanting to be Involveds
Asulious IV: Morthanveld planet, Lesser Yattlian Spray
autoscender: uncrewed transport within Shellworld Tower
backing: direction (opposite of facing)
Baeng-yon: Surface crater, Sursamen
bald-head fruit: edible by caude, common to L8&9S
Bare: places on Shellworld with no ground cover
Baron Lepessi: classic play by Prode the younger
Baskers: species type; absorb sunlight directly
bell-goblet: vibrating crystal container used when drinking Chapantlic spirit
billow bed: C bed with 99% AG, multiple soft wisps of material and smart “feathers” able to avoid being breathed in