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Bilpier: Nariscene planet, Heisp system

black-backed borm: C animal

Botrey’s: gambling/whore house in Pourl’s Schtip district

Bowlsea: body of water filling Prime depression in Shellworld

brattle: bush, L8&9S, Sursamen

bravard: lusty, drinking, up-for-a-fight kind of man

Bulthmaas: planet in Chyme system where Xide Hyrlis found

camoufield: (C) projected field camouflaging objects

Chapantlic spirit: type of booze (see bell-goblet)

Charvin: a county of Sarl

Cherien: ridge, near Sarl city, L8S

Chone: a star in the Lesser Yattlian Spray

Chyme: stellar system, home of Bulthmaas

CleaveHulclass="underline" type of Morthanveld ship

Clissens: a Rollstar of the Ninth, Sursamen

cloud trees: flora, L8&9S, Sursamen

Conducer: (species) those which make habit of taking over and (usually) exploiting structures, artefacts and habitats built by earlier civilisations — from ancients to the recently Sublimed

Core: solid centre of a Shellworld

crackbalclass="underline" C game played with solid wooden ball

Crater: re a Shellworld, a high-walled habitable area on Surface

crile leaf: cocoa-like drug, chewed; L8&9S

Curbed Lands: type of (originally Deldeyn) province

cut-rot: gangrene (Sarl term)

Dengroaclass="underline" town, L8S, beneath the D’neng-oal Tower

deSept: Nariscene clanlet without a Sept or major clan/family

Despairationals: extremist group, Syaung-un

Dillser: ducal house by Boiling Sea of Yakid, L9S

director generaclass="underline" high rank of the Morthanveld

Disputed: re a Shellworld, one whose Towers are not all controlled by the same species

D’neng-oal Tower: Oct transport Tower, Sursamen

Domity: a Rollstar of L8S

Enabler: (machine) device used to find ways to communicate with alien species and artifacts

Evingreath: a town on the Xilisk road from Pourl

Exaltinates: elite troops under Chasque

Exaltine: top Sarlian religious rank; chief priest

Exponentiaclass="underline" see logarithmic

facing: direction; from facing direction of world’s rotation (opposite of backing)

Facing Approach Street: near royal palace in Pourl

Falls Merchant Explorer: guild of merchants exploiting Falls

Falls, the: cataract on the Sulpitine river, L9S (aka the Hyeng-zhar)

Far Landing: peripatetic port on far side of Sulpitine from the Settlement

farpole: direction to pole of world furthest from Sarl heartlands (opposite of nearpole)

Feyrla: river, Xilisk, L8S

Fifth deSept: minor, unaligned clanlet, Nariscene/Sursamen

Filigree: complexes of Shellworld Tower ceiling supporting inverted buttresses

Fixstars: Shellworld interior stars, unmoving

floater: slightly derogatory term used for aquatic peoples by landgoing peoples

Foerlinteuclass="underline" C Orbital

FOIADSFBF: First Original Indigent Alien Deep Space Farers’ Benevolent Fund (Morthanveld)

Forelight: pre-dawn light cast by Rollstar

Gadampth: C Orbital

Gavantille Prime: waterworld planet, Morthanveld space

Gazan-g’ya: a Crater of Sursamen

Gilder’s Lament, the: tavern, Pourl

Godded: a Shellworld with a Xinthian at its core

Grahy: Morthanveld planet, Lesser Yattlian Spray

Grand Zamerin: exalted rank of the Nariscene (see also Zamerin)

Greater Army: combined armies gathered by Hausk to resist Deldeyn and invade their level

Great Palace: Rasselle, L9S

Great Park: Rasselle, L9S

Great Ship: type of very large Morthanveld ship

Great Tower: one of six fortifications within Rasselle

Guime: a Rollstar of L8S

habiform: technically correct term for what is usually called terraforming; altering any already existing environment to suit it to the needs of one or more species

Heavenly Host: Deldeyn religious sect tyl Loesp empowers

Heisp: Nariscene colony system

Hemerje: ducal palace near the Great Park, Rasselle

Heurimo: a fallstar of L9S

Hicture: a region of L8S

Hicturean: Tower (L8S, not far from Pourl)

Hollow World: see Shellworld

House of Many Roofs, The: play by Sinnel

Hyeng-zhar: cataract on the Sulpitine river, L9S, aka the Falls

Hyeng-zharia Mission: religious order; controlled the Falls’ excavation

Hyeng-zhar Settlement: ever-temporary city, the Falls, Sursamen

Ichteuen: (Godwarriors) fight for Sarl; L8S

Illsipine Tower: Sursamen

Imperial Procreational College: on Nariscene homeworld; regulates Spawnings

Incrementaclass="underline" re a Shellworld, term given to one whose levels occur in exponential increments (hence aka Exponential)

injectiles: any organisms or mechanisms capable of being injected (usually into metre-scale entities, in context especially humans)

In Loco’d: placed under care (Morthanveld term)

Inner Caferlitician Tendriclass="underline" region of space

interior star: artificial suns emplaced by secondary Shellworld species within these worlds; anti-gravitational, pressing against ceiling of given level; most mobile (Rollstars); some not (Fixstars)

Ischuer: city, Bilpier

Jhouheyre: city-cluster, Oct planet of Zaranche

Jiluence: a Monthian (megawhales) ancestral homeworld

Keande-yi: region near Pourl, L8S

Keande-yiine: Tower in region near Pourl, L8S

Khatach Solus: Nariscene homeworld

Kheretesuhr: archipelagic province, Vilamian Ocean, L8S

Kiesestraaclass="underline" a fading Rollstar of L9S

Klusse: city, Lesuus Plate

krisk nuts: caude stimulant, L8&9S

Kuertile Pinch: region of space

Lalance: continent, Prasadal

lampstone: carbide

Lemitte: general, Sarl army

Lepoort: plate, Stafl Orbital