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[1. Mice — Fiction. 2. Animals — Fiction. 3. Fantasy] I. Title

PZ7.J15317Mat 1990 [Fic] — dc20 89-37005 CIP AC

Version Info


Scanned by Unknown Hero

v 1.0 HTML

Proofed 2008-10-02 against printed book

Added italics and section breaks

Added map, publication info and flaps

Changes/corrections to the printed book

section break before ‘After tea’

Jess, it’s the young uns!. / removed extraneous period

as the ten daaughters / daughters

John looked up in suprise / surprise

Ironbeak’s seige / siege

hasty decent / descent

a-testin” / a-testin’

Possible errors in text:

Picknicking / Picnicing

The silken masked fluttered / mask

cross with this piece, Orlando. Hold the axe still / piece. Orlando, hold

inconsistent spelling of Methuselah / Methusaleh

inconsistent spelling of Slagar / Slager

inconsistent spelling of Streamsleek / Streamsleak

inconsistent spelling of skilfully / skillfully

Ragwing called Ragclaw once

Grubclaw called Grubwing once

underhang / overhang

Yggah / Yaggah

sparras / Sparras (capitalization)

churchmouse inconsistently capitalized (The Churchmouse followed vs The churchmouse broke / The churchmouse

struggled / The churchmouse stroked)

Continuity problems:

their fallen friends, a young mousemother / she was a bankvole, not a mouse

There’s supposed to be a band of slavers with at least three captives / there are at least five (Tim, Tess, Mattimeo,

Cynthia, Sam)

Slagar tells his band they are selling the slaves “In the Kingdom of Malkariss!”, yet later he says “Only one creature

knows where we’re going: me” and when the remainder of Slagar’s band is captured, they have no idea where he went

“Abbot Mordalfus was having a serious try” at solving the riddle, yet when asked if he had tried to solve it, said “No, I

think it only fair that I stay as judge”

Document Outline

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