All right. So Madison’s leukemia-activated Friend Hormones had begun pumping through her system, and now she was showing her friendship by sitting with us during lunch.
“Is anyone sitting here?” she asked. She has this dark honeyed kind of wise-sounding voice, which doesn’t quite fit how she looks. That is also hot. I feel like an assclown writing about how hot she is, so I’ll stop.
“I DON’T THINK SO,” said Naomi.
“Sit with us,” said Rachel.
So she sat there. Naomi was being quiet. The balance of power had shifted in ways that none of us yet understood. There was tension in the air. It was a moment of great opportunity, and greater danger. The world was about to change forever. I had beef in my mouth.
“Greg, that looks like an interesting lunch,” said Madison.
Lunch was leftover beef slices, bean sprouts, and lettuce in a plastic container. There was also teriyaki sauce and scallions and stuff. It basically looked like an alien came to earth and took a class in salad-making but didn’t do all that great on the final exam. Anyway, this was my opportunity, and I seized it.
“I already had lunch,” I said. “This is the barf of a space alien.”
Rachel and Anna snorted, and Madison actually giggled a little bit. I did not have time to truly register the boner-generating ramifications of that, because Naomi was clearly about to make a loud irritating attempt to reclaim the center of attention, and I had to prevent this at all costs.
“Yeah, for extra credit in Mr. McCarthy’s class, I’m doing a documentary on the barfing habits of space aliens. I follow them around with a camera, and I collect their barf in containers like this. You thought I was going to eat this? No way. Madison, you must think I’m perverted. I’m a barf historian, and you need to have some respect for that. That’s why I have this beautiful specimen of barf in this container here. I’m going to do some research with it.”
Naomi was periodically trying to cut in by bellowing “GROSS” and “YOU DID NOT JUST GO THERE,” but to no avail. I was getting some momentum and had some decent laughs going, especially from Rachel, who at that point was the Duchess of Snortsylvania.
“I am not going to eat this precious barf. Let me explain something to you guys. When an alien barfs, it’s a sign of trust. I have spent a ton of time with aliens, gaining their trust so that they can bestow their wondrous barf on me, and I am not about to sabotage that trust by eating the barf. Even though it looks nutritious and like it would taste awesome. Check it out. Look at these weird sperm-looking thingies. Do they make me want to just go to town on this barf? And eat it in my mouth? Obviously. But this is about trust. Next question. Rachel.”
Rachel was helplessly snorting and honking away, so I knew if I gave her the opportunity to speak, it would let me reload a little bit without letting Naomi talk. I was also trying not to focus on the fact that I was making probably Benson’s hottest girl laugh. This was easily the only time anything like this had ever happened.
“Where do you even find space aliens,” Rachel eventually managed to ask.
“Awesome question,” I said. “Space aliens generally disguise themselves as people, but if you know what to look for, you can identify them pretty easily.” I was sort of looking around the cafeteria for inspiration. For some reason I was focusing on Scott Mayhew, one of the Magic-card-playing gothy dorks from eighteen thousand words ago. He was wearing a trench coat and he was clumsily loping around with a school lunch tray.
“Aliens have an unusual fashion sense revolving around trench coats,” I continued, “and they haven’t really figured out how to use human legs to walk normally. Like, don’t look now, but Scott Mayhew over there? Yeah. He is a textbook alien.”
My heart was racing. On the one hand, I had just committed a cardinal sin of my whole way of being: Never make fun of anybody. Talking shit on people is probably the easiest way to make friends and enemies in high school, or really anywhere, and as I have noted like a billion times, that is the opposite of my goal in life.
But on the other hand, I had three girls cracking up, and one of them was Madison, and another was Rachel, and I had to keep it going.
“You’ve probably seen Scott running around all weird and stuff, and you’ve thought to yourself, what is his deal. Well, he’s from outer space. His home is on some fucked-up meteor or something. And it’s taken a really long time for us to get to the level of trust where he’ll let me carry around his barf. You don’t even want to know how much alien poetry I’ve had to sit around and listen to. It’s mostly about centaurs. And finally this morning after he read me some of his poetry, I was like, ‘I’d like to thank you for that, that was really beautiful,’ and then he was like, ‘I’d like to honor you with my barf.’ And that’s when he barfed in this thing here. It’s been a wild ride.”
And then I shut up, because Scott had sort of stopped what he was doing and was staring at us from across the cafeteria. He can’t have liked what he was seeing. Anna, Rachel, and Madison were all looking at him and laughing. And I was saying things with a big dumb grin on my face. He knew we were making fun of him. It was obvious. He gazed at me coldly and angrily.
“GREG, YOU’RE WEIRD AND GROSS,” announced Naomi, stepping eagerly into the void.
“Greg, you’re being mean,” said Madison with a sweet smile on her face.
How the hell was I going to get out of this. “No, no, no!” I yelled. “Naomi, alien barf is not gross. That’s the whole point. It’s rare and beautiful. And Madison, what I’m saying is not mean. It’s like the opposite. I’m celebrating this magical bond that Scott and I have. With his barf. That I’m holding right now in this container.”
But I was freaked out. I had temporarily lost control of myself and talked shit on Scott Mayhew and made him probably hate me. And also now I had created a reputation for myself as a guy who talks shit on people. I was so freaked out that I didn’t even really say anything else until the bell rang for next period, and of course in the weeks to follow, I did not return to the cafeteria. I couldn’t even think about eating lunch down there without my armpits getting all hot and prickly.
Later, Rachel confided to me that Scott Mayhew had a big crush on Anna.
“Ohhh. That makes sense.”
“Yeah. She’s always reading books about centaurs and stuff.”
“I think he’s too weird for her.”
“He’s not that weird.”
I was still feeling guilty and sensitive about the whole Scott thing.
“Greg, he’s pretty weird. And his hair is gross.”
“Well, he’s not as weird as me.”
“I guess you’re the one making the space alien barf documentary.”
“Are your other films documentaries?”
I think Rachel was trying to give me an opportunity to go on some open-ended riff about something here, but honestly I was too freaked out to really say anything. There was the Scott thing, and now there was Rachel bringing up my films, and I just didn’t know what to do.
So I kind of just said, “Uhhhhh. Not really. Uh.”
But fortunately Rachel understood what this meant.
“Sorry, I know they’re secret. I shouldn’t ask you about them.”
“No, I’m being stupid.”
“No you’re not. It’s important to you that they’re secret. I don’t want you to describe them to me.”