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James Evers

Melissa_s suck job


"Oh, God… God! Give me your cock! I want to feel that giant prick inside me! PLEASE!"

Melissa's voice faintly echoed off the lifeless hotel walls. The near-setting sun filled the room with a vivid orange glow that seemed to ignore the sterility of the hotel's typically tasteful furniture, and gratefully envelop the two sweat-soaked bodies.

He placed the blood-engorged tip of his erect prick at the outer lip of her anxiously awaiting cunt, and rubbed its fullness up and down her gushing cunt-lips, with an occasional teasing jab at the hard knob of her clit.

"Tell me how much you want it," he said, taunting her. "Tell me how beautiful it is, bitch."

"It's gorgeous!" she cried. "It's the most beautiful cock I've ever seen, tasted, touched anything! Please let me feel it. I need it, now. Fuck me with that iron-hard beauty!"

The words poured out in a steady stream, broken only by an occasional moan, as his poised prick would jab again and again at her starving clit, sending shocks of promised pleasure through her writhing begging body.

"I don't think you're ready yet," he sneered, his eyes glowing from the thrill of his little game. "You're going to have to want it worse than that before I'll give it to you."

This was not the same man she had met two hours ago, but this did not surprise Melissa Dansin.

At that point, he was merely a hotel clerk handing her forms to fill out. A slim, gangling man, somewhat lost in his neatly pressed suit, desperately frying to hide behind his rimless glasses. In spite of himself, his nervousness, and inability to handle even the basics of his job, he completely exposed the fantasy her sensual presence had created in his mind.

This pleased her. She liked him, and she knew that any man whose fantasy suddenly becomes a reality will fuck twice as hard. It only took seconds, from the time she called down for him to appear at her door, his arms loaded down with books and brochures he had hoped would help her find her way around ton.

Yes, Melissa liked him. She was willing to let him have every ounce of his fantasy.

"Oh, please… Please! I want it now, this second. Fuck me now, you bastard!"

"You'll get it when I'm good and ready, slut." He stopped his probing, and looked down. Her milky thighs were spread wide, exposing her dripping snatch to his hungry eyes.

The desire to continue his little game was waning almost as quickly as his ability to refuse the invitations of her tight little pussy. Even now, his cock was sniffing her gash like some sleek little animal searching out a new home.

He slowly placed the pulsing head in her cunt-mouth, applying just enough pressure for her to feel it. She pushed up with her hips, trying desperately to swallow his cock with her cunt. She tried this several times, but he would retreat with each attempt just enough to maintain the same pressure.

"Now," she snapped. "Goddamn it! Now, shove it in, you sonofabitch!"

Almost as a punctuation to her sentence, he quickly reached around and grabbed her firm buttocks as he rammed his hips forward. His motion was stopped only by the sudden collision of their pubic mounds, and the slap of his loaded balls on her ass.

Her body arched, and her chin shot skyward as she accepted the full force of his powerful thrust. A loud moan of pleasure escaped her throat, a moan that started in her belly, now completely full with his huge prick.

"Oh, God, it's tearing me apart! It's so damn big and I love it."

"You're… you're damn right, cunt. I'm going to fuck you so… so good you'll… beg… beg."

The sentence faded out, and the words were replaced with throaty sighs as the pleasure of Melissa's skillful, wanton cunt began filling his senses. Realizing the game was over, she took charge.

Quickly she pulled his body down on hers. Their chests met in a crushing embrace that forced her ample tits to bulge outward towards her sides.

Her hungry mouth sought and found his as her hot tongue crashed the pearly baffler of his teeth, searching, probing, trying desperately to fill herself with as much of him as she possibly could. She pulled his willing tongue deeply into her mouth, sucking it as though it were a slippery, headless cock.

His hips responded by ramming harder through the clinging walls of her spongy twat, and battering her cervix in an effort to drive as deeply as possible into her deliciously sinful body. His every thrust seemed guided by the burning desire to touch his own tongue, by flow sucked clear into her throat, with the tip of his hotly swollen rod.

Melissa broke the kiss and began moving downward. At the same time she shifted her hips up to take in even more of his surging cock.

"Fuck me harder. I want all of your prick," she gasped as her body swayed in fluid, snakelike motions.

Her tongue danced across his chest, coming to rest on his nipple as it stood at perfect passionate attention. Her renewed sucking awakened sleeping capillaries, which now filled with blood – turning once pale areolas into swollen purple buds.

She also took advantage of her position to begin grinding her own tits across his smooth, hairless stomach, allowing the friction on her nipples to send tingling waves of pleasure through her body.

"Christ almighty," he moaned. "I can't believe what's happening. It's so good… you fuck so damn good."

Her reply was simple. "Lover, we're just getting started."

As she spoke, her right hand deftly found its way under the craving mass of their twisting bodies, and moved up until her fingers had gently encircled his bouncing nuts. As she closed her grip, she could feel his balls churning the giant load that would soon explode itself into her steaming box.

She began to slowly and carefully massage his bloated testes, sending wave after wave of sensation coursing through his body and, at the same time, controlling his orgasm so that it was guaranteed to match hers, in time and intensity.

"You like that, lover? You like having your balls milked?"

All she could get were his grunts for an answer as his body fully responded to each new delight.

He drove his cock deeper and deeper into her sopping cunt, thrusting in perfect cadence with her expert manipulations. Her own body was rewarded with shock upon shock of pure pleasure as each thrust raked across her burning clitoris.

And still she pushed on, driving him to the threshold of sexual intensity.

Slowly she dragged the nails of her left hand down his sweating back, the drifting ringers digging into trembling flesh, but creating only enough pain to heighten the pleasure. His back rose in trails of fiery welts.

Her hand continued down, running over the taut muscles of his ass as they pumped his furiously lunging cock. Slowly they snaked down into the crack, and came to rest on the sensitive rim of his asshole.

"What are you doing?" he gasped. His pounding hips settled into a slow grind as her finger toyed with its new discovery.

"I'm going to ream you, lover. I want you to have what I'm having. I want you to feel me inside you."

His asshole tightened. Her finger, already lubricated with his sweat, began climbing the reluctant channel – slowly at first, then ramming suddenly, deep into his bowels.

"Fuck it! Shit, it's… it's…" His shit-muscle gradually accepted the probing intruder, and loosened its panicked grip. "More! Give me more!" he screamed. "I want more of you!"

His hips increased their tempo as her finger did its wanton work. Quickly the rhythm built, her reaming digit now joined by a second, and finally a third, tearing angrily at his quivering asshole.

"Shit! Oh, shit, ream me! Ram your fingers into my ass! Your whole fucking hand! ANYTHING!"

His body ran wild with passion. His downstroke would ram home, driving out her gushing juices with its force. On the upstroke he would rise, impaling his asshole on her knowing hand.