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She was now able to make out the sound of tearing cloth as her blouse flew from her limply struggling body. She sat there puzzling as the ripping continued behind her. My God, she thought, her mind beginning to clear, he's still tearing at that fucking blouse. He's gone crazy. I've got to do something, go to scream. Scream, damn you… scream.

She opened her mouth, the sound rising slowly but, unfortunately, too slowly. No sooner had her mouth opened than Murdock shaved one of the shredded pieces of cloth into it, tying another around her head to bind it in place.

It was not until she felt the cloth circling her wrists that she panicked. Her arms began fighting frantically at the bonds, tearing at her assailant with a fury that almost enabled her to match his superior, manly strength. For a second she was getting the upper hand, then wham! – another slap – Wham! Wham! Two more, and she slipped mercifully into unconsciousness.

She was not sure how long she had been out, but the first thing she saw when she awoke was Murdock's naked form next to her on the bed. His body was sweating from his labors, his cock standing out in quivering defiance from the dark forest of his crotch.

"Good morning, princess. I've been waiting for you. I almost started without you, but I decided to let you come around first. I want you to enjoy every minute of this."

Hoping to surprise him, she lunged, only to discover that she could not move. With the various pieces of torn clothing he had carefully tied both arms and legs to the four corners of the bed. She filled with anger and disgust as she realized her body was now helpless, and open to his every whim. She had only her panties to cover her nakedness, and they were quick to go.

"The first thing I want to do is get a look at your marvelous cunt," he panted, his hands easily tearing the fragile fabric from her hips. "So… this is it. The cunt the whole world wants. The cunt that made you boss, and fucked me out of a job."

His body filled with an insane, sadistic passion as he brought his head down to stare at her cunt, his thumbs coming up to part the soft labes.

"Well, it looks just like any other twat I've ever seen, just a lot more used… a lot more… recently, by the look of things. Maybe I should clean it out first, just to be safe. You never know what you might catch."

With this, he balled the silken fabric of her panties up, and with his thumbs, he viciously rammed the soft wad into her open pussy. She strained at her bonds as she felt the cloth cruelly enter and rise the long channel of her hole. But, for him, this was just the start. He now began shoving his whole hand behind it.

She fought as long as she could. Her cunt muscles tensed, trying to hold off the agonizing entry of his fingers, but to no avail. His hand shoved on, stretching the rich, pink lips of her pussy to their widest limit, racking her body in fiery, tearing torment.

Finally, preferring defeat to pain, she gave in to him, and relaxed her muscles. It was with great relief that the last row of knuckles cleared the taut opening of her twat, allowing it to contract around the firm bulk of his bony wrist.

He now clutched at the balled cloth inside her, and began running it around the soft inner walls of her gorged cunt. His breathing became frantic as the excitement of his act filled his revenge-racked mind. His hand twisted cruelly, swabbing the tender chamber of her pussy.

"Now it'll be clean. Now it'll be ready to fuck. But it's a little dry. We better get you wet, bitch, so you'll be ready for anything I decide to do. I want to see you respond to everything I'm doing to you."

He worked the cloth into his palm, burying it in his hand, and pulled his fingers into a tight fist. His face came down, his tongue shooting out to probe at the stretched-out knob of her clit as his fist jammed in and out. Its immense size – bigger than anything she had ever had – was tearing at her.

In spite of herself, the juices began to flow. They seeped out to coat the walls of her cunt, enabling his large fist to take longer and easier strokes. His hand was turning her inside out. His tongue was raking the soft, quivering bud of her clit, shocking her with jolt after jolt of thrilling passion.

Against every wish and command of her brain, her body began writhing its pleased response to his hateful acts. Her muffled protests became passionate moans as her cunt began massaging the giant fist in coaxing spasms.

But, if the idea of enjoying this odious man's deeds was repulsive to Melissa, it was even more disgusting to Murdock.

"NO!" he suddenly screamed.

He quickly lifted up, pulling his soaking fist from her cunt in one swift, hard motion that pierced the air with the sound of its suction.

"No! It's no good if you enjoy it. There's no punishment in that. Can't fuck your cunt, there's too much pleasure in that. Somewhere else. Where…? Your mouth is full… let's see… Okay… how about here?"

Suddenly he straddled her stomach, and grabbed the twin mounds of her firm standing tits. An ugly smile curled his lips as his hands crushed and kneaded the massive globes, the soft flesh bending to bulge up between his wide-spread fingers, the hardening nipples tingling with the touch of his sweating palms.

"Yes, here we go. Let's fuck these huge jugs. These lovely hard-nippled tits I've had to stare at for a whole year."

Again she strained at the tight bands at her wrists, her body bucking uselessly against the weight of his body. With one hand he reached back and into her cunt, coating his fingers with her seeping juices, and then puffing it out to run it over his passion-stretched cock.

"Got to get it good and wet," he sneered, his hand repeating the process. She watched him as he fisted the full length of his huge prick, coating it in layers of glistening cream, before finally climbing her body to rest himself below her shaking tits.

He stared hungrily at the dark nipples, his cock trembling in anticipation. He was consumed with the combination of feelings that poured through his body. The joy of degrading his year-long enemy, assaulting her, and humbling her sexually, carried his passions to heights he had never known. And now it all poured out.

Suddenly, without warning, he reached down and slapped her tits. "I want you to feel it, cunt," he growled, pounding her on the word "cunt". "I want your tits good and tender, cunt, so you'll fuck me fucking them, cunt." With each "cunt", he slapped, battering the inner walls of her wobbling tit-flesh, the presence of his fingers recorded in the rising welts.

Her screams were lost in the tight wad of her gag as her body writhed frantically. Her teeth clamped down, the tears welling in her tightly lidded eyes as the throbbing pain of his blows surged out from her tender jugs.

"You ready, cunt? I'm going to fuck your giant tits, cunt. Come an, bitch, squirm for me, show me how much you hate it."

He placed his pulsing cock on the hard ridge of her breast bone, and grabbed her beaten tits, crushing them together cruelly over the length of his bulging meat.

His hips began driving. Melissa could see his flared cock-tip appearing and disappearing into the red, welted valley of her cleavage. Her body jerked with each agonizing stroke as he rammed his cock through the raw, beaten mounds of her tits.

"Oh, Goddamnit," he moaned, "it's good. God, it's good. Your tits are so fucking hot and… FUCK!"

His hands pound the smooth globes harder and tighter against his raging cock, his thumb and forefinger tearing at her screaming nipples. His body shivered with each thrust as it plowed through, pausing only a few inches from her gagged mouth each time.

"Oh, fuck… it's too good. I'm coming! It's too short, too quick! Not enough torture! I got to hold it back! Got to stop it!"