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And now suddenly, unexpectedly, she felt more in love with Darren than she ever had before. She watched his cock, that cock that thrilled her more than any other she had ever known, giving so much pleasure to another woman, and she did not mind at all. In fact, she was thrilled by it.

She was experiencing a kind of dual stimulation. There was the pure eroticism of watching Darren fuck Mary Ann, and Melissa could sense every joy that the woman was feeling. But there was also a sense of giving pleasure. By letting Darren fuck the woman, she was in a small way contributing to what Mary Ann was getting.

She was basking in the warm glow of this feeling when the realization hit. If she felt this way, maybe Darren did, too. Of course! That was what he had been trying to tell her. He really didn't cue about her sexual escapades. He loved her, and he had set this whole evening up to prove he didn't mind.

The tears of joy were beginning to form in her eyes when she heard a scream from the other couple, and rolled her head back in time to see Ernestine cum.

"Suck me! Oh, God, suck my cunt!" she was shouting, her ass bucking violently from the floor. Mark was sucking and licking her cunt like a wild man. Ernestine's arms flailed, and her body shook with the force of her orgasm.

Melissa's own body was going crazy. Her fleshy ass slapped the floor, and then rammed upward to drive over Jeff's cock.

"Oh, shit, honey! I'm coming!" he yelled, "I can't stop it!"

She came with him, shivering as the warm sticky jizz flowed in great spurts against the very back of her cunt. She continued pounding her hips, her clit rubbing across his cock, until the last drop had spilled, and his prick retreated from her hot, satisfied twat.

And now, everyone was still, their bodies lying spent and exhausted in various positions around the room.

For a while they all lay there talking and stroking, the room taking on a more playful atmosphere. Soon, however, they dressed, and the guests departed, expressing their love for each other in warm, expressive gestures.

And now Melissa and Darren were alone, still lying naked, not having moved to say good-bye to a single guest. For the longest time they just stared at one another, sensing each other.

"Come here, you," she growled, her body sending out its invitation. "Think you're pretty clever, don't you? You set this whole evening up."

"Yeah… I guess I did," he grinned as he crawled towards her. "You mad?"

"Yep. What really pisses me off is… it worked."

"I can assume then that I have a roommate?"

"You betcha," she sighed. "For as long as you can stand it."

Darren lowered himself between her legs, the huge length of his cock slowly filling the warm channel of her cunt.

"Melissa honey, I got a feeling that might be a pretty long time."

"Forever," she whispered. "Forever is fine with me."