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"Tonight!" she said, shocked by the sudden lightness this idea filled her with. "No… I can't. I'm engaged."

"I'm not asking you for a date. I just want to finish the interview."

On this basis, she agreed.

The day passed quickly, and with it the afternoon's trauma and confusion. Melissa had managed to rationalize all her feelings as that of an awe-struck job seeker developing a premature crush on her first boss, and dismissed the whole thing.

The evening, however, only intensified her earlier feelings. Outside his office, Tom was an entirely different person. He displayed a charm and humor that thoroughly captivated her. But most of all, his sexuality, only innate in his office setting, now became highly overt, infusing her with its power.

In the course of the evening Melissa felt like a pinball machine as she bounced from one emotion to another. It only seemed natural that dinner should extend itself into dancing, and then into drinks. She caromed constantly between her obligations to Jeff, with its accompanying guilt, and the overpowering excitement of Tom, with its awakening of her primal instincts.

It was not until Tom invited her to his house that things reached a peak. He had made the full implications of his offer obvious, and all she could do was stare blankly, her circuits too overloaded with emotions of every kind to seize on any one. All she could do was wait for one to surface. She needed an answer. Where was the answer?

Suddenly she found it, in the very place she had spent most of the evening looking. His eyes.

He looked at her the way a starving man would look at a banquet. They were the eyes of a man seeing a woman, not some horny college kid staring at a potential wife. Suddenly everything was clear.

Her mind now filled with only one thought. What the hell are you doing, Melissa! Here's a man who's willing and eager to give you the two things you want most in life – a job, and sex. And you're confused? Slut! To hell with Jeff and the whole fucking world! I want both, and I'm going to have both.

She had made her commitment, and her whole being suddenly felt free as years of questions and frustrations slipped away. And this commitment held firm, even later, as she sat in the Balinger living room.

The house itself covered several acres of rolling hills on the outskirts of Omaha. The room was spacious and meticulously decorated, but at this point, for Melissa, all that existed was the burning fireplace, the brown velvet sofa upon which she sat, and the large fur rug in between.

As she sat, anticipating the events to come, she was surprised to notice a wave of fear rising with her thoughts. It seemed to stem from the question of her own inexperience. After all, she thought, he was expecting a woman, but was getting a virgin. Would he be upset? Could she please him?

By the time Tom had returned with their drinks, she was determined to find out. She accepted the glass, closed her eyes, took a large swallow for courage, and finally spoke.

"Tom… I think you should know that I've never done anything like this before. I mean, not just being here – I've never done anything."

"I know," he said, smiling at the difficulty she was having. "I knew that the second I read that sex page."

Tom let her wait a second or two before giving his assurance. He was too experienced a lover to allow any fears to get in their way, but he wanted her a little more than just confident. He wanted her excited. He allowed the suspense to build before playing his ace.

"Well… does it bother you?"

"Of course not. I wouldn't have tried to see you tonight if it did. Besides…" a sly smile now crept across his face, "all our employees are virgins."

It took a second, but once she realized his meaning her eyes widened to the size of silver dollars. "I got the job?"

He nodded.

"Oh, my God, I don't believe it! I just don't believe it!"

Her fears vanished. Excitement and gratitude rose in one sudden burst. Her body shook for a moment as she searched for some way to thank him. Then, with all the quickness of impulse, she leaned over and kissed him full on the mouth.

She had meant for it to be a short kiss, but with a quickness of his own, he caught her behind the head, stopping any retreat. He now returned the kiss, his own excitement – different, but just as powerful – entering her through the electric connection of their mouths.

She kissed him, haltingly at first, then more ardently as his fiery tongue filled her with the sweetness of its erotic taste. On and on it swirled, until she found herself sucking fiercely, bringing lingering groans as she tried to swallow the moist organ of flesh.

He now pulled her towards him, locking them in a strong embrace that left the hard bulge of his pants pressed firmly against her thigh. She melted at the feel of his throbbing hard-on through the material. She shivered as the flood of juices began pouring into her open cunt.

Not wasting any time, his hand now reached up, cupping the fullness of her perfect tits in its kneading grasp. A small cry jumped out as a charge of emotion blasted through her body. Its force and suddenness caught her so off guard that her hand shot open, spilling her drink on both of them.

"I'm sorry…" she gasped, trying to catch her breath as she watched the liquid disappear into the fabric of their clothing.

Tom reached over, picked up the empty glass, and placed it on the end table. "I guess we'd better get out of these wet clothes," he whispered.

He was up instantly, but she just sat, too overcome to move. She could only watch as he undressed, the firelight playing across his muscled body.

Sensing her state of mind, Tom walked over, stood before her, and began undressing her. Carefully he pulled the dress over her head. He then unsnapped the bra, and slipped it from her shoulders. He gasped as the vision of the twin mounds, now exposed to his sight, filled his mind with their perfection.

"My God. They're more beautiful than I even imagined." His passion rose as his fingers began to trace the line along the bottom of her tits, meeting to rise up the line of her cleavage, and finally running down the tops to playfully circle the dark nipples.

"Grab them," she said, her voice cracking as the sensation of his fingers pulsed through her.

In answer, he began rubbing, the excitement rising as her tits overflowed in his knowing hands. His thumbs and forefingers pinched and twirled at her nipples, pressing the tiny buds to their full limit.

In the midst of the fondling, Melissa's gaze came to rest on the massive length of his cock, bobbing invitingly in front of her face. It was much larger than Jeff's, and almost menacing in its proud strength. In an almost trance-like way she grabbed the meaty tool and began stroking it with her cheek, her nostrils filling with its musky aroma.

"You're beautiful, too," she mewed. "You're so big and hard. I don't see how it can go inside me, it's so huge."

"Kiss it," he said, his hands still working her swollen tits. "Peel it with your mouth."

She wantonly obeyed. Grabbing his prick with her one hand, she lightly flicked her tongue across the tip, lapping up the tiny trickle of lubricant that ran from it. Quickly her tongue moved over it, waking every inch of its gigantic length with her saliva, as she sucked his cock-head deep into her mouth.

Soon she was tonguing his prick like a woman possessed. She had gotten her first taste of his cock, and she loved it. Her head pumped back and forth frantically as her free hand fondled his bursting ball-sac, the sparsely haired jewels swollen with desire.

Knowing that he would cum in her mouth if she kept up much longer, Tom now popped his bulging prick from her mouth. Quickly he helped her to her feet, removed her panties, and hold her in his naked embrace.