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Alas, the balsam of passion flowed out of me too quickly and I lost life and spirit.

My beauty kept her mouth pressed against mine as if she wanted to catch my slowly draining spirits.

“My fears were not without ground. You have poured fire into me… oh, it burns and consumes me! And you, you're just lying there… powerless, oh!”

She started to move her behind forcefully.

“Beautiful woman,” I said with weakened voice, “you kept me waiting too long. Just allow me one moment; I feel new life stirring.”

The body of my beautiful one was aglow, her eyes were at the point of breaking, her lashes quivered, her lips burned, her breath was but a quick panting.

I felt my powers return; I embraced her rounded buttocks and started the battle with renewed vigor — one — two — three.

“Oooooh!” The voice of my beautiful von Glossen quivered and her seat of passion flooded. She nibbled passionately on my lips, my ears; every jolt was followed by a soft cooing; a smell of nectar rose from her body and her beautiful globes were sprinkled here and there with little dewdrops.

“Are you still complaining about me, my panting darling?”

“Forgive me, I was wrong.”

I continued my slow strokes and cheered her passionately drunken soul with fiery kisses and tonguings.

“Don't you want to rest up?”

“It would be too soon to interrupt the pleasures of my darling sweetheart.”

“I promised to leave you completely free, and I hope that you will think more of your own pleasures than of mine.”

“I will do that, oh beautiful woman, as much as it is in my power.”

I put my hands under her buttocks and let my fingers play around high up in the cleft. My beautiful lady started to laugh.

“Don't do that! Who taught you that? That feeling becomes much top strong… oh!”

It did not take long and my sweetheart became very passionate.

She gripped my buttocks, lifted herself and jolt and counterjolt were carefully measured, each one accompanied by a soft “ah.”

Soon we lost our composure completely. All our feelings flowed down into our sensitive parts, and we started to groan; now her cup of passion was foaming and I poured nectar into it till it overflowed. Slumbering in voluptuous after-pleasure we just lay there in sweet unconsciousness, enveloped by odors of ambrosia.

I cannot tell you, passionate reader, how sorry I feel for your warm temperament if you have never found anything similar, a being that melts together with your own self. You must have lost the inspiring feeling of the highest bliss.

We were recuperating; my goddess looked at my flushed face with a magical smile.

“You are a man of your word, my dear Karl, I could not have enjoyed greater pleasures than the ones in your embrace. Shall we go into the bed? It is much easier in there to fall asleep arm in arm.”

“Morpheus will have to forgive us when we obstruct him in the fulfillment of his duties.”

I sat up. My sweetheart wanted to do the same. I held her back, spread her thighs and caressed her silken body and the little mound of her love nest. She was very willing and rewarded my little games with a smile and kisses. There was still some foam in her grotto and the little love bush was very moist. I took a small napkin and carefully dried the flooded area.

I have seldom seen a love grotto more enchanting than the one of my beautiful Glossen.

We both got up and embraced in front of the large mirror. We pretended to be statues, standing in various carnal positions.

Then I got my towels and started to rub the various parts of my lover's body.

“Naughty! Did you take mine along also?”

“You have promised me complete freedom, my dearest goddess, and now it is my turn. If you want to do anything then you will have to wait till…”

“You are a lecher without peer!”

I sat down, held my beautiful one between my thighs; I started to rub her buttocks, her lower body and, not always very softly, the lips of her little love nest. All these parts started to blush slowly and soon they were aglow.

Panting with delight she rested her face upon my forehead.

“I cannot hold it much longer!”

My finger went into the grotto. Everything had become dry, the little god Hymen stood at the gate, probably to find some cooling air, trying to escape from the incredible heat.

“I am… about to… perish!”

Her legs trembled. My rod was erect; I carried her nearly unconscious body over to the sofa and guided my amour into her.

The entrance had narrowed and it held me tight. My love hardly felt its presence while she was bucking up and down fervently. Her intensity took hold of me also; I pushed as hard and as fast as I could. The room was filled with our panting and it sounded as if a zephyr blew through a pine forest.


We emptied the full cup of our desire with renewed satisfaction.

“Oh, my dear, beautiful magician.”

Now she was drying my scepter.

“Is that your punishment for your haste? To lie there, little giver of joy, worn-out and powerless.”

She caressed it, played with its nectar containers, kissed every part of my body, including my prick. This honor returned its pride and one, two, three, it stood ramrod stiff at attention.

“After it has tasted the greatest delight? That is too bold!”

“Too bold, beautiful lady? Am I not to take care of your pleasure?”

“You have done everything one could possibly expect; I have experienced delights as I have never known before.”

She kissed me as tenderly as possible.

“And now, back to bed! I promise you that I will try to give you as much satisfaction the day after tomorrow.”

“Is it possible to experience greater delights than today?”

“Today you had the freedom of giving your imagination free reign; the day after tomorrow it is my turn.”

She arose to get a bottle of champagne, handed me a full tumbler, drank one herself, and led me to the bed.

We lay down side by side under the soft down blanket. I felt my power return and, while giving her a long, lingering kiss, I laid myself on top of her.

“Oh, lover, please! Be careful.”

I pulled her thighs around my hips and started the battle all over again with renewed vigor. My goddess was soon in heat herself and increased my pleasure by playing around with my behind. With a tremendous jolt I spent as much as I had done the previous time and my sweetheart's passion pit was copiously covered with moisture.

Finally Morpheus reigned supreme.

The sun was standing high in the sky when I awoke. My face rested upon Glossen's beautiful bosom and my hand covered her temple of passion.

Carefully and slowly I lifted the blanket.

Whoever could get enough of gazing upon a beautiful female's body? Time and again, new vistas open up and the hungry eyes of the explorer find unexpected beauty.

She slept quietly, breathed regularly and every line in her face betrayed happiness and contentment.

My finger crawled slowly inside her love nest; the lining of the opening was a beautiful pink rose color. I penetrated and a trembling sigh escaped from her lips.

I could not resist my desire much longer.

I mounted her very slowly and ever so quietly let my prick sneak into her passion pit. The breathing of my beautiful sleeping princess stopped and changed into a very deep sigh. I lowered my body very carefully, then I remained still and listened, waiting for her to open her eyes so that I could greet her with kisses.

Her breathing became deep and irregular, deep sighs intermingled with rapid panting.

“Aah! aah! aaah!”

It seemed as if she wanted to lift her behind; I moved up and it followed me. Slowly I moved sideways and back and forth, finding an incredible feeling of delight at the sight of my voluptuous sleeping beauty. But my excitement grew stronger and my movements quickened.