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She opened her eyes; I pressed a passionate kiss upon her quivering lips.

“Really! A dream, I thought… pleasure …ooooh! Oh!”

The words died upon her lips. Amour and Hymen were bathed in the nectar of our life juices.


I am sorry that I have to apologize for this, but I am afraid that I do not qualify for writing well, or maybe it is true that our language simply does not have a vocabulary rich enough to do justice to the passionate and voluptuous scene which I wanted to write for my dear readers. I beg your indulgence because I may have to restate several things which I have already described before.

I stayed eight days at Frau von Glossen's estate, and every other day we sacrificed copiously at the temple of passion.

My fair lady said to me, “Tomorrow it is my turn,” and…

The other days were spent riding, driving, and telling each other joyful tales. The important thing was to maintain strictest chastity. Playful tonguing and moist kisses were strictly forbidden; I was not even allowed a single peek at her carefully covered breasts. We slept separately, each in our own room, and our doors remained carefully locked after one quick good-night kiss.

My beautiful Glossen entered at eight o'clock on the morning of the third day, dressed in a beautiful rose-colored silk gown. Smiling happiness and joy twinkled around her lips, her long black hair cascaded down to her shoulders and back and a small nosegay of forget-me-nots was stuck in her beautiful coiffure. Her breasts gleamed like foaming white milk and proudly jutted out of the rose-colored frame of her dress.

I was enchanted by this beautiful apparition and did not move.

“Today it is my turn, right, my dear Baron? So it is I who must wish you a good morning first.”

“Enchantress! What fantastic delights may the day hold in store after I have seen such a beautiful sight?”

I kissed her hand and she planted a kiss upon my lips so delightful that even Venus could not possibly have improved upon it.

Amidst a thousand little pleasantries she succeeded in dressing me almost completely; then we drank our chocolate and drove away for a ride through the woods. It was almost noon before we returned.

After we had taken a nap, we went to the bath. We then sacrificed to the God of Love, drank more chocolate and rode our horses. We enjoyed our dinner and then…

Excuse me, dear reader, if you are dissatisfied with the picture.

The rose-colored gown and the black hair of my Glossen made her face more beautiful than ever, and the light that played across it made her look like a goddess worthy of veneration.

She managed to make the time pass quickly with quips and necking and before I knew it, it was nine o'clock already.

We went to her bedroom; she helped me take off my clothes, and her rose-colored gown had done its duty, too.

Our last garments fell to the floor. She embraced me vivaciously, rubbed my buttocks and caressed my prick. It jumped with joy in her beautiful hand.

She laid herself down upon the sofa and pulled me down upon her down-soft body, covering me passionately with kisses.

“Darling! Please, lie still till I ask you to help me. Promise?”

“Your wish is my command, venerable goddess.”

She guided joy stick amour into her passion pit. I had to push with my feet against the arm rest of the sofa and throw my arms around her wide hips, thus causing my body to arch slightly, giving her a little bit more room for free movement. Then she pulled up her legs, threw her arms around my neck and playfully darted her tongue between my lips. She started to lift her body very slowly till it was quite high, causing my rod to penetrate her deeply. Then she pulled back again and my pole was almost left standing at the doorstep.

“Be still, lover!”

I had forgotten that I was not supposed to move. She repeated the act, but this time with more speed. Then she rested again. She had become very hot, her tongue had stopped its play and her breathing turned into panting. Her motions became quicker and stronger, her eyes narrowed.

It was infinitely difficult for me to remain calm and it was next to impossible not to reciprocate once in a while her violent movements.

“Beautiful young man, is your pleasure as great as mine?”

“I am sure of it!”

And verily, I experienced a delight for which I had no name. A soft, voluptuous tingling, accompanied by little spasms in all parts of my body. It seemed as if the nerve-endings snaked out of my skin only to jerk back suddenly.

“Help me… but… very… slowly!”

The one jolt I gave her chased the last word across her lips. The double movement increased her vigor and desire. A deep red blush stole across her face and tears welled out of her half-close eyes, and the more her bosom heaved, the quicker did her breath become.

“Help… me… now…! Aaaaah!”

I embraced her tightly, doubled my vigor and quickened my jolts… her passion pit flooded.

And now my dam burst also; the nectar squirted with incredible strength, every muscle in my sweetheart's body spasmed, her tongue quivered between chattering teeth and her rapid breath seemed to be on fire.

I grunted. The hollow tone came deep out of my chest and was accompanied by the cooing of my loved one.

I kept on pumping with mechanical vigor and it seemed to me that I had turned into a machine rather than being a thinking creature. Finally I collapsed in sweet unconsciousness.

My sweetheart made me lie down upon the sofa and sat next to me, causing me to tremble under the sweetest sensations brought on by her beautiful small hands.

She was delighted with the vigor of my phallus and heaped a lot of praise on its head, teaching me in the process many a valuable lesson.

Then she lay down upon me; my breath came haltingly, voluptuous sighs escaped my throat when I carried this sweet and charming burden.

“I enjoy listening to your exclamations of pleasure.”


I was incapable of more speech.

She explored the inside of my mouth, kissed my eyes, my forehead, and, in general, relied entirely upon her voluptuous imagination.

She embraced me again.

“Please, lift yourself up a little bit and guide yourself into my hole.”

The lips of her passion pit enclosed it, and I could feel the burning sensation.

She moved very slowly.

“Easy, my darling. Just lift your behind a little bit.”

A voluptuous vertigo took hold of me, and it felt as if I were falling. I closed my eyes with a sigh, shuddering with passion.

She kissed them open again.

“Look at me, dear boy, it makes me enjoy my ultimate delight twice as much when I can see yours.”

“Oh, dar-”

“Do it now… quick, quick!”

She increased her movements and, as if rushing out of a hidden fountain, my life juices squirted high up with indescribable delight.

Fire ran through my sweetheart's body; she groaned and labored and finally collapsed on top of me. The grinding motion of her behind had become a mere spasming and with every jolt a spurt of passion juice left her grotto and flooded me completely.

She swooned. “Oh, how sweet.”

Her body seemed to melt and dissolve into mine; every muscle that had been taut just a moment before was now utterly relaxed; her soul enjoyed the flight of sheer delight.

She opened her eyes again and a happy smile played around her lips.

“You could not possibly have experienced my delight and I would have wanted so much for you to have the greater part of it.”

“Dear flatterer, it is impossible for my imagination to think of anything more delightful.”

“Thank you, and I am grateful, whether you are telling the truth or whether you said it to make me feel good.”

She got up, took a towel and dried me carefully. We walked over to the large mirror.