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“Do you like the look of it?”

I kissed her and nibbled the milk white globes.

She sat down on a chair and pulled me onto her lap.

“My dearest boy, I will miss you. I have often looked for delight and when I thought I had found it, it turned out to be stale and tawdry. It has never been as satisfying and beautiful as it was with you. Do you think we could ever meet again?”

“I don't yet know what is going to happen, since I am about to leave school.”

“Would it be possible to see you before you start journeying around?”

“If it is humanly possible.”

We sat there for a long time, talking and holding each other in loving embrace. Her tender hand had not left my prick for one second.

I started to rub her body, and asked, “Do you want me to use the towel?”

“Does it give you pleasure?”

“Shouldn't I enjoy seeing your beautiful white body take on a tender blush under my hands?”

She kissed me passionately.

“But darling, the fires of passion that are fanned that way burn deeply and slowly, they eat down to the marrow and are as suffocating as sulfur fumes. But they do excite the emotions to the extreme. Besides, it was actually my turn to give you the greatest pleasure and now you want…”

I kissed the word off her lips.

Smiling, she handed me a towel but kept one for herself, too. I held her with one arm, my chest against her bosom; the other hand worked faithfully on her full behind.

It is true, an enormous fire starts cursing through one's veins and the excitement becomes almost too painful to bear.

Our knees started to buckle and we staggered toward the bed, barely able to wait a moment longer for our coupling.

We soon emptied our cups of delight, but the feeling and the passion lingered. Only our movements had become a little more restrained.

My lady fair lifted her right thigh and laid it squarely across my behind, just in the small of the back where the spinal cord ends, lending emphasis to every one of my vigorous jolts.

We started to exhale fragrance and our bodies turned moist; I had never experienced a more voluptuous feeling.

The moment of full development came close, our behinds spasmed and jerked rather than moved up and down, our breathing had become passionate hissing.

We pressed our organs close together, stopped moving and lost our breath; we were captured by the greatest delight. Our mouths slackened, our eyes glazed and our juices flowed quietly, slowly yet interminably with only an occasional sustained spasm.

One cannot imagine what it is like if he has not had at least, a similar experience.

We were completely and utterly exhausted and in the midst of our climaxing, Morpheus took his poppy juice, sprinkled us liberally and fettered our limbs.

The clock struck nine when my beautiful Glossen woke me with soft, caressing kisses.



Following my father's command, I put my affairs in order, took tender leave of Madame Reibhand (Lieschen was no longer there), and undertook my journey.

I had just become twenty-one years old.

“You have a choice, my son,” my father told me. “Three in fact: If you want to become a soldier, I can arrange for an officer's commission; I am also not opposed if you want to continue your studies, though I wonder if you have prepared yourself sufficiently for such a career; and finally, if you decide to finish your life as a country squire, the preparations I have made will allow for that choice also.”

“I select the first, sir…”

“Call me father.”

“If your wish is my choice, father, I prefer to select the sword. Yet I would also very much like to visit the University for a few years to gain the knowledge and respect which will do honor to my title. I could have selected to continue my studies because I did lay a solid foundation for it; and I also would like very much to spend a few years traveling and see something of my world.”

“Dear Karl, you do not know how happy your answer makes me, and I feel that I have to be perfectly frank by admitting that I did not expect it. That means that the good reports from your teachers were not mere beggar's letters as I thought they were.

“Select anything you want and I will tell you what else you can expect from me in the future. Two more years and I will be sixty years old. I am thought to be the richest nobleman around, and, indeed, once upon a time I was; but the way I have lived according to a carefully thought out plan-of which I do not regret a single moment-has made things no longer what they used to be.

“I have now reached the age where many events which used to give me happiness and joy no longer excite me, yet there are also experiences to which I have hitherto been insensitive and which now bring happiness to my soul.

“Most of my lands and homes are mortgaged and I would not be true to myself if I did not put my affairs in order in proper time.

“But you are my son, and it would not be fair if I did not give you my special consideration.

“Here, my dear friend, is the plan I have made and which has almost been realized. I have sold some of my best farms and with the proceeds I have been able to satisfy my creditors. A few others have been sold on lifetime interest and I will receive fifteen thousand thalers per year till I die. I have let most of my servants go with one year's pay and I will only retain my trusted hunter and, of course, my dear Lilla. I intend to settle on the small farm near the village; it is nice and quiet. When I die, it will belong to you also. But I give you Blassenheim, because I have noticed that you always seemed to prefer that home. You will also have, from now on, a yearly income of twelve thousand thalers and if you can find trustworthy and reasonable people, it will be possible to increase that amount.”

I embraced my father and cried. I begged him to take everything back; I was prepared to give up all my wishes, become a plain soldier and live off my pay, but please, he should not give up his way of life and even if, after the many years I hoped he would live, nothing would be left of the estates, I was still proud that he had deemed me good enough to be his son.

“Dear Karl,” he continued, tears staining his face, “I am glad to find that I was not mistaken in you and it strengthens my desire not to change one whit of the arrangements I have made. Yes, I will visit Blassenheim, and I will be overjoyed if I can see you often. I only ask you for one thing: be an honest and reasonable man, do not deny your assistance to anyone if you are able to render it, but see to it that he deserves it. That is all I can tell you as a father. I want you to lead your life according to your own opinions and to live it as you see fit. From now on I will no longer hold you to account Tomorrow you will depart for Blassenheim and make arrangements to entertain me and six or eight guests the day after that. I will introduce you to your subjects and deliver them to your care.”


The next morning a stable-boy came to see me and asked which horse I wanted him to saddle.

“Whichever one you want, my good man…”

I was absent-minded; the experience of the previous day had made a tremendous impression upon me.

I took leave of my father with tears in my eyes and my voice quavered. Lilla was with him, and I kissed her hand.

“Is Lilla welcome when I take her with me?” asked my father.

“Father, would you want to come without Lilla? She is your undisputed favorite from among all the other ladies.”

“That is my son,” my father said, kissing me. “Lilla, love him like a son.”

“Could you doubt it, mylord?” asked Lilla. “He could never have honored me more, even if I had been his true mother.”

“For that I want to kiss you, Lilla,” answered my father. “And you have become twice as dear to me if you truly feel what you say.”