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Quickly my trousers fell down around my knees, I laid myself down upon Lieschen, kissed her, opened up her thighs with my hand and searched for her little cleft with my prick. I knocked against the gate of her grotto, and knocked again and again and despite all my troubles I only succeeded in penetrating about one finger's width when the juices of life got away from me. She quivered and quaked in every fiber and her breath became weaker and weaker. She remained for a short while in my embrace. Then she got up and left my room quietly.

I was still pondering about what could be the reason that I had only been able to pay homage to Lieschen at the entrance of her grotto, when she came into my room again and announced that Madame would like to see me.

I became hot and cold; I kissed Lieschen hastily and quickly left to see Madame.

Madame sat there, dressed in a light cotton negligee. She blushed when I entered and I bowed stiffly and asked stutteringly how I could be service.

“Please, sit down next to me and drink a cup of chocolate with me.”

I obeyed.

Madame: “Could you keep a secret?”

Me: “Could you believe otherwise?”

Madame: “I would not like to think so! But… I want to have you all for myself and I will have to send Lieschen away; I have told her so.”

Me: “Would that be advisable? The poor girl is innocent.”

Madame: “Could you promise me, and would you keep that promise for sure, that you will not let yourself in with her again?”

Me: “Yes, for sure!”

Madame: “And so cool? Not even a little kiss to seal our pact?”

I embraced and hugged her, and kissed her upon her beautiful, full red mouth.

She pulled her chair closer and guided my hand toward her round firm globes of love. I pressed and caressed them and noticed that they gradually became warmer and started to move in wave-like motions under the influence of my hands. She kissed me often, looked straight into my eyes, played with my hair and bit me softly, now on my cheeks and then on my lips.

“You are not impetuous at all, my dear boy!”

I thought I understood her meaning; I lifted her light skirt, petted the white, round, firm thighs. She lifted them across mine and my hand landed where she intended it to be.

“That is rather unsatisfactory. Please come along.”

She was fiery. We laid ourselves down upon the bed and when she let me go, she was fully satisfied.

Whether I kept my promise as regards Lieschen, one will find out in the next chapter.


A neighboring nobleman gave a large party and I, too, had been invited as was now customary with the friends and acquaintances of my father ever since I carried his name.

There were many people and I had many an opportunity to relish the company of beautiful ladies and to win their acclaim with my cheerful disposition.

One evening, there was a ball and by lot I had a young officer's wife as dance partner. She was a vivacious, sparkling brunette with big black bold eyes. She liked me very much. “Do you waltz?” she asked me when the music stopped for a moment. “A waltz,” I called out loud and spun away with my dance partner like a top. That dance gave me quite a lot of pleasure, especially since my beautiful partner during the waltz managed to bring her face very close to mine and not infrequently she found a way to touch my lips with hers.

“You dance lightly and move well,” she said smilingly when we walked toward the window, “and when you learn those little interludes, you will become a marvelous partner.”

I believed that I had only caught half the meaning.

The next day, after the noon meal, my brunette took me aside and said:

“It is customary here to take a little afternoon nap, but we will take a small walk; meet me in the bower near the big pond.”

I was only partly aware of my great fortune.

Close to the castle was a large garden, full of hidden roads, dark passageways, grottoes and bowers and arbors. At the end of each side was a large circular pathway, bordered by latticework fences, and in its center was a fountain surrounded by roses.

I met my beauty near the bower along the pond. She was dressed in a light white gown. She took my arm and we walked toward the circular pathway on the left.

“Did you ever make love, young man?” she asked with a sly smile since she expected my embarrassment to be greater than it really was.

I could feel that I started to blush.

“Dear lady,” I retorted. “And if I had never made love, I would love to do it now.”

Thereupon I put my right arm around her slender waist and dared put a kiss upon her coral lips.

It went through me like lightning when I felt something penetrate between my lips during that kiss.

What on earth was that?

I was as yet unacquainted with the magic of a kiss and the voluptuous game of tongues.

We had come to the fountain. My beauty sat down upon the soft grass and pulled me next to her.

“You said you would love to do it now,” she told me, “and you sit there without any spirit next to a lady?”

I silently put my arm around her neck, kissed her, played around with the ribbons of her bodice and pulled one after the other and noticed a voluptuous longing when my hands sneaked toward the milk-white globes. My beauty reclined and seemed a little bored with my playing around.

I kissed her and she draped her arm around my neck, locked her mouth against mine, sucked on my lips and quivered her tongue along them. Quickly I learned to reciprocate and I liked this game very much indeed.

“My eyes are getting heavy,” she said finally. “I will sleep some and you keep watch.”

And really, she closed her eyes.

I was delighted to gaze down upon her white, rounded neck; my curiosity went further, slowly I uncovered her full bosom and gazed with voluptuous pleasure upon both milk-white hills, topped with the prettiest rosebuds; my lips were involuntarily drawn toward so much beauty; I kissed them and suddenly withdrew because I had become afraid that my goddess might wake up and scorn me.

But she slept on.

My eye wandered down and saw the most beautiful foot and the prettiest calf.

She was asleep anyway. I advanced closer, lifted the thin skirt above her knee-how well rounded! I lifted it higher-what an enchanting thigh!

Once a passionate young man sets out upon this path, he may want to stop after every step, but how could he do it? Just one more step, he says at every turn, and keeps on going.

I bent forward all the way and hoped to catch a glimpse of the temple of voluptuousness, but to no avail; she rested slightly upon one side and her thighs were crossed.

A deep sigh welled up out of her breast and she moved a little. It scared me and I hastened back to my own place.

She went on sleeping and to my utter delight her movement had given me the most beautiful view. She lay upon her back, and because she had pulled up one leg a little bit, her light skirt had drawn up high over her thighs and draped across her alabaster white body. Her thighs were nude and slightly spread apart. And there I saw, under a slight hill, the rosebush of love; even more, but I carefully opened the thighs and now I saw through the rosebush two pretty pink reddish lines and even if it had cost me my life, I could not have kept my hands in check. I fumbled around in the bush and touched these elastic pink lines which seemed to become more responsive with every one of my caresses.

A glowing passion took hold of me; my prick became unruly. I sighed deeply, and my beauty woke up.

“Oh, inexperienced cavalier,” she said smilingly, “how little you know about using a golden opportunity.”

I cast down my eyes, sat up on my knees and she quickly pulled me down upon herself.

I barely had the time to divest myself of my breeches.

She sucked and bit on my lips, her behind floated upwards and… I missed. She led the way with her own hand and I celebrated a triumphant entry.